It may surprise you that Facebook Messenger has become the most popular way to connect with existing and potential patients on social media.

Using Facebook Messenger you can improve patient service, promote your practice, and so much more.

Not convinced?

Open rates for Messenger marketing are 70% higher than email marketing…

There are more than 300 Million active bots on Facebook…

Facebook Messenger has over 2 Million monthly downloads in the United States alone…

Facebook users exchange more than 20 Billion messages with practices every month!


So here are 3 smart ways to use Facebook Messenger for marketing:

  1. Remind Patients About Appointments:

If you allow patients to book appointments with you on Facebook using the ‘Book Now’ button, then you should be using Messenger to follow up and remind them about their appointments.

Messenger will send an automated reminder 24 hours before the scheduled appointment!


  1. Answer Frequently Asked Questions:

Most health care businesses have Frequently Asked Questions on their websites, but you can use Facebook Messenger to provide responses to your followers as well.

Setting up automated FAQs is a good way to make sure that questions are answered quickly. It will also help turn on the badge that lets patients know that you respond quickly to messages.


  1. Keep Patients Informed About Changes To Your Practice

Facebook Messenger can be a useful tool to keep your followers informed of changes related to the pandemic. You’ll need to set up a chatbot and then ask your audience to opt in to receive content via Messenger. Once they do, you can send them your latest blog posts or newsletter right in the Messenger app, keeping them up-to-date on any news related to your practice.


Facebook Messenger is more than a fun way to connect with friends, prospects and patients. If you use it properly, it can be a powerful marketing tool that allows you to connect with your patients on a personal level, boost your conversions, and increase your profits to grow your health care business.

If you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

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