How to Win in Practice…. Consistently

How To Win In Practice Consistently (YT)

In today’s video, we are going to talk about how you can win more consistently in practice – day after day.

There is the truth about being consistent and how it can help you win in life (and practice).

However, in order to win consistently you must do the right habits and actions consistently.

We spoke about this last week ( but I want to hit on it just a bit more and then we will cover each of these topics over the next 4 weeks which will help you accelerate your success this year:

1. Weekly Staff Meetings

2. Picking a Niche

3. Asking for Reviews and Getting More Referrals (Written and Video)

4. Shoot More Videos – Get More Patients

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for ways to be more consistent with your habits and actions or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you! You can do one of two things: (1) Drop a comment below with the word: WIN and we will get back in touch with you (2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here:

Social Media Marketing 101 for Healthcare Practices

Social media is a great marketing tool, and with the right approach, your practice can gain a lot of great exposure. But it will be hard to get all of the advantages when you first start off because you probably won’t have the following that those bigger practices already do. That’s why social media marketing (SMM) is so important for practices because there are still ways to get more market share. 


This article will teach you social media marketing 101 and explain how healthcare business owners can succeed with social media marketing in 2022 and beyond.


What Is Social Media Marketing?

SMM is the process of using social media platforms to promote and offer your services, and brand as a whole. It’s a form of digital marketing that uses social media channels for advertising your practice in order to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, generate leads for your sales team, and build patient loyalty.

In the simplest terms, it’s all about connecting with people by sharing valuable content that helps them feel like they know you better. With so many dynamic ways to reach out and engage with patients on social media today, it’s essential for practices, both new and old, to have an active presence on these platforms if they want to stay competitive and grow their following with each passing year.


Start with a Plan

A clear SMM plan will help you achieve your practice goals and act as a guide on how to execute your strategy. Having a documented strategy is essential because you can refer to it at all times to ensure that everything is going smoothly.

To start with your social media marketing plan, think about why you are doing it and what your goals are. You should think about the real reason why you are using social media and how these platforms can help you achieve your practice goals. 

The next step would be defining your target audience, researching your competitors, defining your USP (unique selling point), setting objectives, thinking about which platforms will be best for your practice, creating a content calendar, and creating a budget.


Take Advantage of Social Media Insights

So, you’ve started a social media account for your practice, and now it’s time to get the word out. But what if you don’t know who to target? Not to worry! Social media insights are there to help. This is data generated by social media sites that provides information on how users interact with content posted on their sites. You can use this data to optimize your content and make sure it’s reaching the right audience.

To get started analyzing your social media insights, first take a look at where most of your followers are located and find out which age group they fall under. Next, look at what kind of content they respond best to, if they like videos or photos more, and if they prefer long-form content over short posts. 

Once you have an idea of the kind of audience you’re targeting, figure out when the best time for you to post new content is (is it during work hours? On weekends?) so that you have maximum engagement with your audience when you post something new.


Build a Community Around Your Brand

Your social media accounts are powerful tools for building a community around your brand. As you start out, it’s important to be strategic in how you approach this community. Remember that the goal is not just to secure followers. Those followers will quickly “unfollow” your brand if they feel like they are being treated as a means of generating profit instead of being valued as individuals with unique needs and desires. 

It’s important to build up trust, so think about how you can create a connection between your brand and the people who follow you. Ideally, your audience should feel like they’re engaging with a person rather than an impersonal entity that only cares about making money.


Communicate with your audience

Be sure to make yourself available through direct messages or other means of contacting you privately (like an email address or phone number). Encourage patients to interact with each other by holding discussions on Facebook or Twitter, where different members of the community can easily contribute their thoughts and opinions or ask questions about the services provided by your practice. 

If a member has a problem, respond promptly, and let them know that their voice matters; offer them solutions if necessary. You can also use polls or surveys to directly ask what followers would be interested in seeing from your company moving forward: New services? Special offers? Perhaps some sort of subscription service?


Build Relationships with Brand Influencers

As a healthcare business owner, you should be building relationships with brand influencers. Influencers have immense power to make or break a practice’s reputation on social media. For example, if you are running a clinic and an influencer who is known to avail your service, your potential patients will see it as an endorsement of your service.

The first step is to find influencers that are relevant to your brand and follow them on social media. Then engage with them, comment on their posts, and share their content. Next, create branded content that will appeal to the influencer and include them in your social media strategies by tagging or mentioning them in posts. Lastly, reach out directly and develop relationships with relevant influencers so they will want to work with you in the future.


Create Unique Content for Each Platform

As the saying goes, content is king. To create content that engages your audience, you’ll need to make sure it’s relevant, shareable, and consistent. You’ll also want to ensure that your content is optimized for each platform. 

This means that each post should be tailored to the audience and voice of each platform individually. For instance, a tweet with a link to one of your blog posts will not perform as well as a Facebook post with a link because Twitter users are more likely to skim through posts than Facebook users.


Publish Regularly and Consistently

When it comes to social media marketing, there’s one thing that everyone should know: post regularly and consistently. The best social media marketers are the ones who follow this mantra. Posting regularly simply means that you post a certain number of times per week or per day. In addition to posting regularly, you also want to make sure that you’re publishing your posts at a consistent time every day or every week. 

For example, if you have a company blog that you post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon, then readers will be able to count on seeing new content from you on those days and at that time. On the other hand, if some weeks your blog posts go live at 11 a.m., other weeks it’s 1 p.m., and other weeks it’s 3 p.m., then your readers won’t know what to expect from you and they might start looking elsewhere for their information needs!

Regularity is important in part because it helps establish yourself as an authority within your industry; people will come to trust that they can rely on you as a source of information because they can count on seeing new content from you when they expect to see it. However, regularity is not the only thing that matters when it comes to posting frequency, quality matters just as much (if not more). 

Sure, posting 10 fluff pieces in one week might seem like a good idea in the short term, but chances are those articles won’t be very helpful or informative; they probably won’t help increase traffic either! 

Your goal should always be quality over quantity when creating content for your practice blog or social media pages since quality pieces are much more likely than fluff pieces to attract patients who will bring value for years down the road rather than just bringing traffic once. 


Create Shareable Content

One of the best ways to get people to share your content is to make it shareable. This might seem obvious, but many brands forget that people have very little interest in sharing content that is uninteresting or irrelevant.

By creating content your audience will want to share, you increase the likelihood that they’ll spread your message for you. Your audience might not always be in the mood for a blatant advertisement, but if you create something interesting or entertaining, they may still be inclined to share it with their friends and followers.

Remember: your company page isn’t the only place where people can find and interact with your marketing messages. You can also capture fans and patients by publishing content on Facebook and Twitter that users want to share with their networks.


Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to boost your SMM. UGC is content created by your fans and followers. It can showcase the features of your service in a relatable, authentic way that elicits trust from potential patients. 


Make Your Posts Interactive

Social media is a great way to interact with your audience and get new followers, but it’s important to make sure you engage people. Some ways you can increase engagement on social media are:

  • Share polls, ask questions, and create call-to-action buttons. 
  • Host contests and giveaways.
  • Use Instagram Stories and the Live feature on Facebook and Instagram. 
  • Use hashtags, titles, emojis, gifs, videos, images, quotes, etc.


Analyze and Review Your Results

The final step of your social media marketing strategy is to analyze and review your results. Now that you’ve launched your campaign on social media, it’s important to measure its results and understand how the campaign performed. 

This will help you know if you need to adjust anything or whether your SMM strategy is working successfully. If so, you can use the data from this campaign to inform future strategies as well. It’s also a great way for you to show others in your organization just how effective social media can be for your practice!

Stay current with your social media presence, embrace analytics, and continue to improve 


The work is never really done.

Just remember, once you get into it, social media marketing for practices is an ongoing process. You’re never finished; the most successful practices continue to set goals for themselves and keep growing. So don’t think of this as some project where you finally reach a finish line; think of it as part of your overall practice plan that will take time and effort but will also have countless benefits.

So, now that you understand it takes time to gain traction on social media, how do you know what’s worth your time? How do you know if something isn’t working or if something needs improvement? And when do you know when to stop working on a failing channel?

Fortunately, all these platforms come with analytics. Embrace them! 

Social media marketing is a must for practices that want to grow online. By creating an SMM plan, working with influencers, and taking advantage of the analytics tools available, practices can build an engaged community and reach new heights. 

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

10 Tips to Write Compelling Marketing Emails

Are you dissatisfied with the outcomes of your most recent email marketing campaign? 

Perhaps your offer and price didn’t resonate with your audience? Or maybe the wording in your message failed to entice your subscribers to part with their money.


Here are 10 Tips to make your next marketing email more compelling:


  1. Keep it Simple!

It’s essential to keep marketing communications simple.

Long words, phrases, and paragraphs should be avoided. Also, avoid using jargon that people might not comprehend. Instead, write the email as if it were a conversation with a buddy. You’ll want to utilize language that’s both forceful and convincing. Your marketing emails, on the other hand, will need to appeal to a wide range of people with different vocabularies.


  1. Match the Content with the Subject Line

The body of the email must fulfill the promise made in the subject line. Consider the following scenario: your subject promised a substantial discount on a service. In that instance, instructions on how to get the discount must be included in the email’s body. Of course, the transaction has to be legitimate. You will lose your subscribers’ faith if the body text does not match the subject line.


  1. Personalize Marketing Emails

Subscribers are aware that they are not alone on your mailing list. People will be more receptive to your marketing messaging if your emails address an individual rather than a group. Segmenting your mailing list is the first step in personalizing communications. Then you can personalize your marketing message to the individual’s preferences. It’ll also assist if you call the person by their first name. Finally, pronouns like “you,” “yours,” and “you’re” make it sound like you’re speaking directly to the recipient.


  1. Have One Objective Per Email

Your marketing emails will be confusing and less effective if you try to push too many calls to action (CTAs). It is advisable to have only one desired action per email. For example, if you were to ask recipients to “buy now,” “subscribe to our newsletter,” and “register for our podcast” in one email, which CTA should people be following? At best, each recipient will probably only follow one of the CTAs. At worst, people won’t understand what is required of them and consequently follow none at all.


  1. Make Marketing Emails Scannable

Marketing emails should be written for people who only skim the text. It will only take this group of people a few seconds to decide if the email has anything interesting in it. So, the best way to make sure marketing emails can be skim-read is to highlight the most important parts. For example, using bold paragraph headers and bullet points to list the most important parts of a service will help. You can also make important points stand out by using a bold, italic font in the body of the text.


  1. Focus on Benefits

Every recipient of a marketing email will wonder, “What’s in it for me?” In the subject line and body of the email, you must answer that question. As a result, it’s better to concentrate on advantages rather than features.


  1. Create a Sense of Urgency

Increase open rates and conversions by instilling a sense of urgency. Make it obvious that if you’re offering a special price on a service, it’s only for a short time. Even if there is no deadline, statements like “subscribe immediately,” “don’t miss out,” and “start saving today” can create a sense of urgency. The most important thing is to give people a cause to act sooner rather than later. Otherwise, the recipient may choose to revisit the email at a later time. The email then falls to the bottom of their inbox’s priority list and gets forgotten.


  1. Don’t Be Too Pushy

People dislike being told what to do aggressively. Persuasion is preferable to command. “We know you won’t want to miss out on this month’s unique offer,” for example, is persuasion-based, time-limited, and courteous. “Buy now or miss out,” on the other hand, is a directive that, if put in capital letters, would be aggressive. Exclamation marks and emojis should also be used sparingly.

However, providing direction can also be perceived as being helpful and informative and people do like that. An example of assistive direction might include something like this; “Here’s what to do next…” or “To get the best deal for this promotion, here’s what to do next…”


  1. Use Relevant Images

Images draw attention and can sometimes communicate messages more effectively than words. Any photographs in a marketing email, on the other hand, must serve a function, otherwise, they are pointless. Use high-quality but relatively sized images if an image adds something to the message. Large images or a large number of photos may detract from the written words and cause the email to load slowly.


  1. Proofread Emails!

Before sending an email, it goes without saying that emails should be proofread. Nonetheless, everyone has most likely encountered marketing emails with typos and grammatical errors, occasionally from major corporations. When proofreading, it’s better to leave the content away for a bit once it’s finished and come back to it later. Consider how the email sounds when read aloud when proofreading and make any necessary changes. If proofreading isn’t your thing, use a grammar checker tool like Grammarly instead. The Microsoft Editor, on the other hand, can also assist you in finding errors.


It’s difficult to get the tone of a marketing email just right. Of course, the sales pitch must be worded in such a way that it resonates with the intended audience. The aforementioned pointers will assist you in writing emails that convert. Even so, A/B testing is unbeatable. So divide your mailing list into test groups and experiment with different ways to guarantee that your marketing emails produce the best results possible.


Whatever your industry, these 10 Tips to Write Compelling Marketing Emails should almost immediately help improve your email campaigns!


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

Here’s How To Confidently Show Up For Your Practice on Video and Attract New Patients

If you’re considering incorporating video in your marketing, here’s how you can feel more confident showing up on camera and delivering value to your audience.

The human element in video is part of what sets it apart as such a strong marketing tool.


Fear of the Equipment or Tech Stack

Uncertainty leads to fear and one of the biggest culprits to prevent anyone from getting started with video relates to equipment and tech.

There is an overwhelming number of choices with cameras ranging in price from $50 to thousands of dollars, lighting choices, microphones, audio, and video mixers, etc.

As you dig deeper into the world of video, one thing you begin to realize is that you don’t need to aim for perfection.

You can absolutely get incredible results with the equipment you likely already have! Like your iPhone or Android devices.


Fear of Public Speaking

I think the second culprit is the Fear of Public Speaking.

The same fears people have heading up onto a stage to talk seem to apply to people getting ready to sit in front of the camera.

There is a high expectation we set for ourselves for delivery and quality. You can become concerned about the weight of these expectations, worrying if you look and sound alright and if you’ll be assessed adversely for something.


Fear of Not Knowing What to Say

Not knowing what to say can be a limiting fear that prevents anyone from showing up for themselves on video.

The fear of not knowing what to say can be resolved by having a plan!

As a result of having a plan, you’ll come across better and deliver a compelling message to your audience which results in you appearing to be more confident on camera!

Speaking of audiences, it’s worth mentioning that if you understand who your audience is and what their needs or problems are, you can prepare the video content that much more easily. 


Get Into the Right Mindset Before Hitting Record

It can be a challenge to hit the record button for sure. Getting into the right mindset will help set the tone!

Nervous energy can be noticed by your audience. Sometimes simply stating that you are nervous and excited translates well once you are on the video. Often that converts into an air of confidence because you got the ‘nervousness’ off of your mind by addressing it. You will get better with each video you create!

Nervous energy will come through in your video so you can either make it a piece of the content or work to resolve the nervous energy through the video itself.

A great way to overcome that nervousness and put yourself into a better mindset is to rehearse what you were going to talk about and present.

Something else you can do is breathe deeply and focus on the topic of conversation. One trick I like is to imagine talking to one single person that can use the help, guidance, or more information about the content I’m sharing.

One way to get grounded is to physically put your hand on your chest as if you are ‘speaking from the heart’ as if you want to impact the viewer profoundly! That usually does the trick for me!


Focusing on the One Thing… 

For many, it’s easy tempting to jump right in and hot record because we have so much we want to say.

I love that enthusiasm.

If you want to get really good with video, I recommend practicing first. Simply record yourself and then watch the video with a kind but critical eye.

Record a few videos and take note about one aspect you may want to improve like your mannerisms, lighting, background, or your slide deck.

Then focus on just one thing you want to immediately improve so that your next video is that much better!


That’s a Wrap

Here’s the thing. If you’re looking to get started using video for your practice, there is no better time to do that than right now!

Your audience loves videos! You might as well show up for them…on video!

Our recommendation is to start with the equipment you already have in your pocket, like your iPhone or Android.

Prepare what you’re going to say in advance. You don’t need an elaborate slide deck to do this. You can simply use an index card for reference to keep yourself on point.

If you are focused on delivering your message for the benefit of your audience, you’ll come off genuinely confident and valued! Having that mindset will likely help you overcome any other fear that might be holding you and your business back from using video!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

How to Use Facebook to Connect with Your Local Followers

You probably already know that Facebook has more than two billion active monthly users. Obviously, not all of them are in your target audience – but many of them are. For that reason, it’s important to understand how to use Facebook to encourage your existing patients to talk about your practice and recommend it to their friends.

Facebook offers a variety of tools – some old, some new – that enable health care business owners to connect with their patients. It’s time for all practices to make full use of it to increase their visibility on social media and attract new patients. Here’s what you need to know.


Pinpoint Your Location on Facebook 

Your patients can’t buy from you if they don’t know where you are. When you log in to Facebook, you’ve probably noticed that you have options when you post a status update. They include tools to tag your friends, post photos or videos, or express emotions. One of them is the Check-In, which allows you to say where you are.  

When Facebook users click the “Check-In” pin, they get a list of nearby places. They can choose where they are or even add a new location if they don’t see their precise location on the list. People even add their homes to Facebook for fun.

When this option was first introduced back in 2010, Facebook called it Places. You’ll still see a Places tab when you do a search on Facebook. It’s a geolocational tool that pinpoints a user’s location and broadcasts it to their Facebook friends and followers.


Updates to Facebook for Health Care Practices

In the early days of Facebook advertising, it was easy for practices to grab their share of organic reach on Facebook. The algorithm was simple and posts that got a lot of engagement got pushed to the top of the feed. 

That’s no longer the case. Facebook’s algorithm now prioritizes contact from people, not health care businesses. It’s become increasingly difficult to get any kind of organic reach – which is, of course, part of the reason Facebook earned $16.6 billion from advertising in the fourth quarter of 2021.


In August of 2021, Facebook announced several key updates specifically designed to help practices increase their visibility and connect with patients. They included:

  • Redesigning mobile Pages so users can view Facebook Stories, make appointments, view recent content, and more.
  • Changing “Reviews” to “Recommendations” and making them more prominent on health care business pages.
  • Expanding their ‘Job Finder” tool to make it easier for Facebook users to find jobs with practices.
  • Expanding the “Events” feature to make it easy for practices to plan and sell tickets to events on Facebook.

Facebook has recognized that their algorithm changes, which have made it increasingly difficult for practices to get their share of organic traffic, had made Facebook a less attractive marketing option for health care businesses. These updates alleviate those concerns by making it easy for your patients to find you on Facebook.


How to Add a Place for Your Practice on Facebook

If you want patients to be able to check in at your location on Facebook, you must add an official Place for your practice. You will not automatically get one because you have a health care business page. Most practices already have a Place, but if you don’t, here are the steps to follow to add your health care business to Facebook Places:

  1. When you are in your place of a health care business, log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click the “Check-In” link where you would create a Facebook status.
  3. Click the Add button to the left of the Check Inbox.
  4. Enter the name of your practice and a brief description.
  5. Click the Add button at the bottom of the form.

That covers creating a Place, but you’ll also need to verify that you’re the owner. To do that:

  1. Search for your practice in the Facebook search bar and click the result in the Places tab.
  2. Click the “Is this your health care business?” link on the left side of the page.
  3. Follow the instructions to verify your practice via phone.

If you try to add your health care business and discover that there is already a Places page for it – users can create them if they want to check in someplace – then you can simply click the “Is this your health care business?” link and follow the instructions to claim your practice.


How to Make Your Health Care Business More Visible on Facebook

Once you’ve set up Facebook Places for your practice, there are some cool features you can take advantage of.

Let’s start with the obvious. It’s great to encourage people to check-in at your practice when they visit. You can accomplish that with a sign in your store or by having employees ask people if they’ve checked in on Facebook.

You can also update your Places page with relevant information about your practice. The main things to add are your address, phone number, clinic hours, profile picture, and cover image. 

You can also share photographs and general information about your practice.

Facebook will create a map with your health care business pinpointed on it. It will show up on your “About” tab along with the “Get Directions” button. 


Patient Recommendations on Facebook

Recommendations show up at the top of your page. Facebook displays patient recommendations, including brief written reviews. Your patients can also:

  • Upload photographs 
  • Choose which things they recommend (for example, specific service)
  • Write reviews within a set character limit

Facebook also displays a question underneath the Recommendations:

Would you recommend ENTER YOUR PRACTICE NAME?

 There are Yes and No buttons right there, making it easy for your patients to recommend your practice to their friends.

To turn on Recommendations, you’ll need to go to Settings, Edit Page, and then go to the section called Tabs. From there, you’ll simply choose the option to “Choose Default Tabs” and then add the Reviews tab to your page.

Going forward you can increase your visibility on Facebook by:

  • Asking patients to check in when they arrive at your clinic
  • Encouraging them to leave recommendations and upload photos
  • Include a Review button in your marketing emails and on your website

People are often willing to leave recommendations but may not think to do so until you ask. Recommendations increase your visibility and make it more likely that patients who are on the fence about visiting your practice will take the plunge.

The bottom line? 

Facebook Places and Facebook Recommendations make it possible for health care businesses to work around the algorithm limitations on organic traffic and grow their practices.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

3 Ways You Can Use YouTube To Promote Your Practice

Have you been sleeping on YouTube marketing? 

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. But the truth is that YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine. Only Google sees more traffic.

This creates a huge opportunity for health care businesses like yours to find a whole new audience with video marketing.



Do your patients know how helpful your services are?

More importantly, do they know the best ways to use your services? If they don’t and you can help them get the most out of what they buy from you, then YouTube is the perfect place to do it.



Patient reviews and testimonials provide powerful social proof when a potential patient comes looking for the services you provide.

Because YouTube gets so much traffic, it makes sense to film your patient testimonials and share them on the platform.

A video testimonial is more direct and appealing than a written testimonial. Your target audience will get to see your patient’s face and hear their voice – and they can see the work you did and why the patient is happy with your company. In short, video testimonials bring a sense of authenticity.



Building authority is essential if you want your customers to trust you

Deliver on your promises. Testimonials play a role in that, but it’s also important to find ways to visually demonstrate your expertise. 

One way to do that is to show people what you do.

The benefit of videos that demonstrate your expertise is that they may inspire people to consider your services and the results they deliver.

The bottom line – and the thing we hope you’ll take away from this post is that YouTube marketing is one of the best ways to connect with your audience, share your expertise, and build your brand.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

3 Fresh Social Media Marketing Ideas for 2022

Social media marketing isn’t the new kid on the block anymore. Things that felt fresh and exciting just a few years ago are now old hat and that means we’ve all got to find ways to take our Facebook and Instagram marketing to the next level.

Fortunately, there are still lots of things you can do to “level up” your social media marketing. Here are some suggestions to help you stay ahead of the pack in 2022.


Use Custom Retargeting to Increase Conversions

When you are marketing your products or services to a “cold” audience, it can be nearly impossible to make any money from your Facebook ads. That said, there’s a way you can increase your ROI without spending a lot more money: retargeting.

You may also want to check out lInk retargeting, which allows you to add a Facebook pixel to any content you share, even if it’s curated from a third-party site.


Find Micro-Influencers to Share Your Content

The correct response to the rise of influencer marketing is to focus on micro-influencers: people who have authority with a (relatively) small audience of people who are in the market for services like yours.

Micro-influencers may be industry superstars or popular local figures. Focusing on them means spending far less money than you would on a celebrity influencer for a higher rate of return. You can find influencers by searching for relevant hashtags and looking for people who are sharing content with your target audience.


Optimize for Mobile

Our final tip cuts across all formats and social media sites. At this point in our digital history, you should assume that everyone trying to access your content is doing so via a mobile device. There’s no excuse for not optimizing your social media content for mobile users. 

Social media marketing has come a long way and it’s time to get caught up and try some new things. As we head into the second quarter of 2021, take advantage of the updates to increase your ROI and profits

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

How To Promote a Local Event So Lots of People Show Up

So you want to run an event for your practice!

One of the best and most effective ways to do that right now is leveraging Facebook to do it!

Your audience is likely to be on Facebook. Facebook affords almost anyone to get amazing results using just a few of their features and products in tandem.

If you want to bring awareness to your local event and get more people to attend, read on!

You don’t necessarily have to have a large following to take advantage of this strategy but you might need a little courage!

Tip #1 – Leverage Facebook Live!

The first thing that you want to do is to host a Facebook Live on your Facebook page.

Yes! That means you might need to get on Video! If you’re creative you can avoid having to be on camera, but you’ll need to leverage the Facebook Live feature to essentially create a video that can be leveraged in a way to get in front of your local audience! (If you screen share, you can effectively create the video without ever having to be on camera. But we recommend getting on Camera! Your audience will love you and you’ll build a stronger sense of Know, Like and Trust!)

During your Facebook Live, you’re going to explain the details of your local event.

You’ll share when and where the event will be and you’re going to be very descriptive on what benefits people are going to get if they come.

You would also want to tell them to bring a friend or to share this event or the details with anybody that they know.

Facebook Live doesn’t have to be super long. 5 to 10 minutes is plenty long.

And here’s a little tip, if you can…it might be a very good idea to bribe them with some food (cookies, donuts, or coffee).

Tip #2 – Pin Your Facebook Live Post as the Top Post On Your Page (and Share It)

Once you’re done with your Facebook Live, pin that post to the top of your page until the event is over. Next, if you are an Admin of a Facebook Group or know other Admins of Local Facebook groups, consider asking if you can share your Post and Announcement in those Facebook Groups.

Bonus if you can get other Admins to Pin that Post to the Top of the Groups Announcements.

It’s a good idea to start promoting your event about a week before and have it pinned before and during your event.

Another point worth mentioning about Facebook Groups is you can create an Event within the group that acts almost like an announcement that you are holding an event in the first place.

Why that is so important is that there is a feature within creating an Event that allows you to Invite members of the group to your Event. This gets Your Event on Their Radar!

Tip #3 – Leverage The Description Box

When you do the Facebook Live and then pin it to the top of your page, make sure to also write a description with your post with the event time, place & date, and any other details to help entice prospective attendees to come to your Event!

Now, this is optional but it will dramatically increase the attendance at your local event.

After your Facebook Live is done and it’s a post on your Facebook page, you want to boost the post with a Facebook Ad and you want to specifically target the people in your local area where that event is being held.

Boosting your post so it is shown locally and specifically locally will bring awareness about your Event, thereby increasing the likelihood of increasing attendance.

Plan to do this for about 4-5 days before the event happens.

Boosting your post too far out might make people forget about the event unless  building your email list through registration is part of your process (not a bad idea) by which you can remind prospective attendees with follow-up emails or SMS Text Messaging.

But if you’re not… you don’t want people to forget the event when they see it in a Facebook Ad.

Then the way to do it is to run a Facebook Ad or Boost your post. You can get great results and awareness by setting a budget as low as $5-10 per day and dramatically increasing the attendance of your event!

And target people only in that local area where the event is being held. We love just using Zip Codes to do this!

You’ll start to see some incredibly dramatic change in attendance to your local event just by adding that one little boost feature to the Facebook Live that you’re already doing.

You’ll spend about $20 to maybe $40 doing this throughout that time

This is probably a lot better and results-driven than going through the hassle and expense of creating flyers, passing them out, or doing local advertising.

Our opinion is that this is a super powerful, inexpensive, timely, and targeted strategy but also more effective than any other avenue or advertising stream that exists at this moment for the intended purpose of promoting a local event!

Now, for those of you that don’t know how to run Facebook Ads may be yet, or who need help with leveraging Facebook Ads to help promote your event, we would be delighted to help you.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

5 SEO Tips For Your Practice

5 SEO Tips For Your Practice

You could have a massive search engine optimization strategy but if you’re not targeting your local audience, you’re missing out. 

We have 5 SEO Tips that can help your healthcare business.

Locking down a killer search engine optimization strategy can be the key to reaching patients. More than 90% of online experiences start with a search engine.

Ignoring local SEO can be a big mistake. It can cause a practice to lose patients to competitors and miss out on an essential group.

If you want to have an advantage when prospects are looking for your services in the search engines, read on.

How Local SEO Tips Can Make a Difference

By leveraging Local SEO strategies, you can make sure your practice ranks well in local searches. And this can have a big impact on your appointments.

Studies have indicated as much as 50% of patients who use a local search on a phone will visit a clinic on the same day. That is enough for any practice to consider improving their local SEO.

That means a health care practice with strong local SEO can connect with patients who already have intent.

How can practicees take advantage of local SEO?

Here are some top local SEO tips to boost local searches.

  1. Use Google My Business (now called: Google Business Profile)

Local searches tend to be after a location and address. Google My Business (now called Google Business Profile) is a prime spot to connect searchers with company information.

Getting listed on Google My Business / Google Business Profile usually means the healthcare business needs to get verified. The process uses traditional mail to verify practitioners are who they say they are and their clinic location.

Keep in mind, Google wants to provide a good user experience for their patients too and this is the reason they use this verification process.

  1. Boost Online Reviews

Positive online reviews help patients get a feel for the practice. These reviews can create a digital profile that connects people to specific needs or priorities.

A good way to build an online reputation is to ask patients to rate or review your services when they have a good experience. This can have a compounding effect and help build a sense of trust from others’ experiences with your healthcare business.

  1. Get Local Coverage

A good way to jump to the top of local search results is to get local coverage. This means connecting with practice journalists. (Tip: A phenomenal way to get more exposure is to reach out to local FB Pages and Groups! There is a lot of attention on these social platforms, and we would submit that these sources are more accessible!)

Make sure they understand what the practice is all about and the company mission. It’s also smart to outline the things that make the services unique or story-worthy.

  1. Add Backlinks from Other Practices

Health care businesses can boost search local SEO by getting backlinks from other sites. And most companies work with other non-competitors on a regular basis.

It’s a great idea to connect with other practices and ask them to add backlinks to a site. In short, make friends! This could work nicely as a mutual offer where both practices agree to work together and feature one another.

Savvy healthcare business owners will also boost exposure in local searches by getting listed on practice directories.

  1. Use a Solid Title and Description

It’s all about the headlines!

Searches give practices a very small window to get a message across. You might agree, attention spans are super short. 

That means smart healthcare business owners will pick a title and description that promotes the brand.

Make sure to take advantage of the ‘real estate’ you have to give the searches exactly what they need to know. It’s a better idea to skip generic page titles like ‘HOME’ or ‘ABOUT’ that don’t give prospective patients a glimpse at what your practice is about!

In short, make your titles and descriptions count!

What’s next?

Take massive action and put these tips into motion. Just knowing about these tips isn’t enough.

If you need help with this stuff, please reach out to us, we would be elated to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

70 Killer Content Ideas to Post on Social Media

70 Killer Content Ideas to Post on Social Media

What Do I Post On Social Media?

…This is the number one question people ask when it comes to social media marketing.

The interesting thing here is that there’s really an endless amount of ideas for you to use when it comes to posting on social media.

Before you skip this and jump down to the list, here are a few tips to get the most impact out of these ideas:

  1. Make it RELEVANT for your audience.

For Example:

If you choose to share something from your bucket list…

Can you relate it back to your practice?

Can you add an open-ended question so it sparks people to engage?

  1. Talk TO your audience, dont talk AT them. This is social media. People are looking for stories and posts that they connect with. If you’re not wording posts socially, you close the door for engagement.

For Example:

DONT DO THIS: I read a quote this morning, liked it, and wanted to share it with you.

DO THIS: Have you ever read a quote and thought, “Wow, I really needed to hear that?” Well, I found one this morning that was so perfect, I had to pass it on to you. It’s a difference in the way you talk with people. I promise you’ll see a difference in how people respond when you word things just a little differently.

  1. EVERYTHING you post should ALWAYS support your weekly, monthly, annual marketing, and practice goals.

Post to connect.

– Post to learn more about your audience.

– Post to start a conversation.

– Post to get leads.

– Post to drive traffic.

– Post to build your practice.

The more you do this, the faster you reach your goals.

Ok…so you’re ready for this list! 

  1. Remind People Who You Are, How You Got Started
  2. Go Behind The Scenes
  3. Share a Personal Story
  4. Tell People What You Sell
  5. Share a Joke (Graphics or Text)
  6. Share a Quote (Graphics or Text)
  7. Host an #AMA (Ask Me Anything)
  8. Â Post a How-To or Tutorial
  9. Ask a Question
  10. Host a Poll
  11. Share Your Favorite Book
  12. Ask for Recommendations (Book, TV, Apps, Music, Something related to your biz)
  13. Host a Giveaway
  14. Tell People to Sign Up On Your Email List
  15. Give away a coupon
  16. Host a Sale
  17. Remind Potential Audience To Book for An Appointment
  18. Share a Quick Tip
  19. Share Industry News (Add Your Thoughts To It)
  20. Go LIVE (Live Videos Perform AMAZINGLY WELL)
  21. Post a Sneak Peek of something coming soon
  22. Share a Blog Post You Wrote
  23. Share Any Press or PR Features You Have
  24. Post a Testimonial From a Patient
  25. Give Your Audience A Gift
  26. Re-Share Some Older Content (Graphics, Quotes, Blog Posts)
  27. Host a 1 Day Only Flash Sale
  28. Share Content From Someone Else
  29. Let Someone Guest Post or Takeover Your Profile
  30. Post a Case Study
  31. Answer FAQ’s
  32. Share Some Personal Wins or Results
  33. Host an Interview with a Guest
  34. Post Something Seasonal or Highlight a Holiday
  35. Thank Your Audience!
  36. Post Motivational Monday
  37. Post a Tuesday Tip
  38. Post a Wednesday Wisdom
  39. Post a Throwback Thursday
  40. Post a Flashback Friday
  41. Share a Short Video Clip (Yours or one you like)
  42. Share a podcast episode you love
  43. Share a YouTube video you love
  44. Post some interesting stats or data about your industry
  45. Share your favorite resources (Apps, Websites, Blogs)
  46. Share a WIN or SUCCESS
  47. Share a LOSS or a FAILURE
  48. Share Your Morning Routine
  49. Post about events you’re hosting or going to
  50. Post where you’ll be speaking or where you’re making appearances
  51. Share an Unknown Feature About Your Practice
  52. Let Your Employee Take Over For a Day
  53. Show someone using your service
  54. Post a discount or a special offer
  55. Tell People How You Got Started
  56. Share What Inspired You To Create Your Service
  57. Shoutout or Mention Other Brands
  58. Shoutout or Mention Your Patients
  59. Share a Success Story
  60. Share a Few Of Your Favorite Things
  61. Post a Fill In The Blank
  62. Talk about Mistakes Patients Are Making
  63. Share a Tweet You Like
  64. Share a Pinterest Pin You Like
  65. Share Your Other Social Profiles to Connect On
  66. Share Your Contact Info
  67. Post About A Trip You’ve Taken
  68. Share a Charity You’ve Partnered With
  69. Post About Something On Your Bucket List
  70. Ask Your Audience How They Found You

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

9 Local Marketing Ideas for Your Practice

9 Local Marketing Ideas for Your Practice

If you own a practice, whether it’s a bricks-and-mortar or an online company, you rely on the local market for their support. In fact, the majority of your practice comes from the community in which you live and work. That means your audience is somewhat limited so you have to make the most of your marketing efforts or local marketing ideas in order to maximize the chance of attracting new patients. Some practices often don’t have the financial and technical resources to embark on a high-tech, far-reaching marketing campaign, but that’s not really necessary.

  1. Create a Website for Your Practice

Even if you don’t intend to sell anything online, a website is a great way to attract local patients. Ideally, you’ll purchase your own domain name, generally the name of your practice, or something that explains what you do. You don’t have to have a huge site with all the bells and whistles, in fact, it can be very simple. A home page that explains what you do and how your services benefit them, a contact page, and a page about your company is all you really need.

  1. Get Your Practice Listed on Google

The majority of people do a quick Google search whenever they need information or recommendations for practices. In fact, about half of 18 to 35-year-old people search for practices on a daily basis, and more than 80% search weekly. A Google Profile Account listing is a fast, easy way to get the word out online about your practice. You don’t just get a practice listing though, it also allows patients to find your company location and hours through a Google search and your company shows up on Google maps as well.

  1. Verify and Update Your Yelp Information

Online review sites are an incredibly popular and useful tool for patients. According to a Nielson study commissioned by Yelp, 74% of people searching for practice online turn to online reviews before making a purchase. The study also showed that 92% of patients chose to make a purchase after they read reviews of a company’s services. Make sure that your practice address, telephone number, and hours are accurate so that patients can find you without hassle.

  1. Work On Your Local SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the primary way that practice websites achieve a high ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). This allows people to find the practice’s listing when they’re actively searching. Crafting blogs and other content that use the locality, services offered, photos, and other pertinent information are key activities. Links from local newspapers and other authority sites along with patient reviews also improve the local SEO for a practice.

  1. Use Social Media to Reach Patients

It’s no secret that social media networks are popular, in fact, more than 2.7 billion people worldwide use social media. What many health care business owners don’t realize is that social media is also a great place to market themselves. Relevant, topical, timely posts, photos, and videos to networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are effective ways to do this. Patients and fans of your practice will happily share your posts and spread the word for you. You can also pay for advertisements that target specific groups of people on social media, often for an extremely low cost.

  1. Join and Participate in Practice Groups

The Chamber of Commerce and other local professional groups and organizations are a great way to get attention for your practice. Participating in events and networking with other health care business owners will help you gain credibility and patients. In many cases, member practices are more inclined to do practice with fellow members than non-members. Keep in mind that you may have to pay a membership to join, but the cost is easily recovered by the new practice that it creates.

  1. Offer Rewards and Incentives to Patients

Everyone loves to get something for free or to get a discount for the things that they buy. Loyalty programs help increase the amount patients spend and encourage them to come back time and again. Rewards like discounts on your services, either through an online discount code or coupon are also great ways to encourage repeat practice, especially for price-sensitive patients. Also, consider offering a reward to current patients who refer others to your practice such as a free gift or big discount on their next availability.

  1. Traditional Marketing Techniques Still Work

Even though there’s a huge emphasis on digital marketing these days, it’s not the only way to reach your local target market. Cards, flyers, postcards, coupons, and other printed materials are a very effective way to let people know about your company. Get the highest quality materials you can and make sure you include information about your services, hours, and your contact information. Hand out your paper materials to anyone who’s interested and update them whenever you make changes or additions.

  1. Become a Sponsor for Local Events

Sponsoring and supporting local festivals, sporting events, and other community activities is an excellent way to show your community spirit. You may choose to contribute money to help facilitate the event, provide some service for the event, or help a local school fundraiser by donating your profits for a specific day. When people see your company’s name associated with a positive event, they’ll be more likely to visit your practice and support you in return. No events in your area? Create one and become the main sponsor and driving force behind it.


Even if your practice is located in a very small community, you can’t expect people to just know that you’re there. You have to put effort into marketing activities that promote your services or you’ll miss out. The nine suggestions mentioned in this article are powerful individually but when combined, they’re hard to beat. Remember, you don’t need a huge marketing budget or a lot of experience to make a major impact on current and potential patients.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

Why Messenger Ads are AWESOME for your Practice

Why Messenger Ads are AWESOME for your Practice

Advertising on Facebook has been around for a while. It’s practically a granddaddy in the world of online marketing. Facebook Messenger Ads are ads that appear either on the newsfeed or directly in people’s Messenger inboxes and practices to connect directly with potential leads.

And they’re great options for practice. They allow you to personalize ads and connect directly with the people who are most likely to buy from you.

Here are a few ways that you can use Messenger ads to boost your profits:

  1. Increase Local Awareness Of Your Practice

Too much personalization can seem downright creepy, but Facebook Messenger ads allow companies to straddle the line without crossing it. Because you can only send direct messages to people who’ve already connected with you on Messenger, it doesn’t feel as intrusive and it lets you tailor your offers in a way that’s highly likely to result in a sale.

  1. Give patients the response time they want

With Messenger Ads, you can automate your replies to ensure that potential patients aren’t stuck waiting for a response from you. An, in case you don’t know, people prefer messaging to any other form of patient service.

Research shows that 73% of consumers prefer live chat to email…and 56% prefer messenger to a phone call.

  1. Start a conversation

Lead nurturing is something that you can do 1 on 1 with Facebook Messenger Ads. You can even customize your newsfeed ads to encourage people to chat with you about your product and service. This option allows for 1 on 1 contact – even if it’s largely automated – that makes potential patients feel valued.

  1. Increase local awareness of your practice

One of the best things about Facebook Messenger ads is that you can select “increase local awareness” as your ad objective. This is a particularly effective option for practices that want to reconnect with existing patients. You can use Messenger to send them an offer that is tailored to them.

Another way of looking at Facebook Messenger ads is that they’re the modern-day equivalent of going door to door. They don’t require any more effort than traditional Facebook ads, but they offer a degree of personalization and one-on-one contact that will allow your practice to connect with potential leads in a meaningful way.

Getting a great ROI on Facebook advertising can be tough!

There’s a ton of competition and as a private practice healthcare business owner, your marketing budget is limited. Facebook Messenger ads can help you leapfrog over the competition and connect directly with the most valuable people on social media – your patients!

If you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: