7 Hacks to Help Your Practice Grow

Wouldn’t it be great to find some simple tricks that would help you leap ahead of your competitors and see your practice soar to new heights? Well, I’ve got good news for you. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about growth hacks – little tricks you can use to fast-track your growth and increase your […]

10 Actionable Local Marketing Ideas You Can Deploy Right Now for Measurable Results

You already know that local marketing is the name of the game if you want to grow your practice. The challenge is choosing practical local marketing tactics that can help you without breaking the bank. I hear you. So, without further ado, here are 10 actionable and affordable local marketing ideas worth considering. #1: Fine-Tune […]

What Will Digital Marketing Look Like in 2021?

2021 and beyond is unpredictable and over the next couple months there are still a lot of questions that we can’t answer. When will the pandemic end? When will we return to practice as usual? Because there are so many unanswered questions, the marketing trends for 2021 have a slightly different focus than might be […]

How to Increase Patient Retention with Email

New patients are great. There’s something undeniably exciting about attracting someone to your practice who might not have found it otherwise. That’s the reason that new patient marketing gets all the attention. It’s the glitziest way to grow a practice. But guess what? It’s not a very cost effective way to grow a practice, which […]

Getting Back to Basics: Facebook Marketing 101

You’re probably already marketing your practice on Facebook. If you’re not, you should be – but it’s not just a question of having a Facebook page and using it. You’ve got to use it wisely if you want to get great results. It’s not uncommon for practitioners to dive into Facebook marketing without really knowing […]

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