Facebook Ad Objectives…Which Is Right For Your Practice?

Most practices should advertise on Facebook, if you do it right, it can help your healthcare business to grow month after month. The issue is that while Facebook ads are effective, a lot of private practice owners don’t know which objectives to choose for their ads. With that in mind, here’s a rundown of Facebook […]
Why Messenger Ads are AWESOME for your Practice

Advertising on Facebook has been around for a while. It’s practically a granddaddy in the world of online marketing. Facebook Messenger Ads are ads that appear either on the newsfeed or directly in people’s Messenger inboxes and practices to connect directly with potential leads. And they’re great options for practice. They allow you to personalize […]
Facebook Ad Objectives…Explained

Most practices should advertise on Facebook. That’s what I believe, and the evidence backs me up. It’s cost-effective and, if you do it right, it can help your practice to grow. But that is easier said than done. While Facebook ads are effective, many health care business owners don’t know which objectives to choose for […]
8 Social Media Myths and Misconceptions to Forget in 2021

There’s no question that social media marketing is, and will continue to be, important for practices. If we hold this to be true, we should also acknowledge there to be some myths around social media that could contribute to being harmful to your practice. Ready to bust some myths? Here are 8 of the most […]
3 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes Using Facebook Ads To Market Your Practice

Did you know that the average Facebook user clicks on 12 ads per month? It’s true – and it illustrates why Facebook ads are still one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your target audience and promote your practice. If only you weren’t messing them up… Look, we can’t say whether your Facebook […]