5 Core Business Functions For Your Practice | Practice Insiders Edge | Dr. Derek Baron | Terri Baron, PT, ATC

There are many facets to having a strong practice and making sure it grows and eventually scale for more future growth. A great way to assess your practices current and potential growth is to use the framework to assess the 5 Care Business Functions For Your Practice.

Watch this video to do an assessment on your practice and the 5 Core Business Functions you MUST be keeping track of for the practice. WHY…

1. Are you inconsistent with your new patient generation?
2. Do you have a process to nurture prospects to patients?
3. How good are you at converting your prospects to patients?
4. Are you a RockStar provider?
5. Do you add upsells in your practice?

We go over how important it is to review and update the systems in your practice, are you?

Have a great week and always if you have questions, hit the REPLY button and ask or if you want to set up a Triage Call and chat with us CLICK HERE.

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