How to Gain Followers With Fun Holiday Posts

Are Your Social Platforms Holiday-Ready?

The holidays are upon us, and, in the world of social media, that means one thing: seasonal posts. While it’s easy to look at seasonal content creation as a chore, it can be an excellent opportunity to win new followers and solidify your relationship with existing followers. 

Here are our top tips for doing just that:

  1. Host a Giveaway

The holidays are a time for generosity, and social media giveaways are particularly well-received during this season. Retail stores, for example, offer BOGOs and gifts with purchases. Take a page out of their book by hosting a giveaway on your social media platforms. Invite followers to like, share, comment on, or tag a friend in one of your posts. At the end of the giveaway period, randomly select a winner. It’s a great way to get people involved and boost your brand’s visibility. 

  1. Support a Charity

Today’s consumers want to do business with brands that share their values and ideals. With this in mind, consider supporting a local charity (or charities) this holiday season. Donate time, money, or supplies to the cause and highlight it in your social posts. Bonus points for inviting your followers to get involved, too. 

  1. Get in the Spirit 

While the holidays are a great time to make sales, they’re also a great time to make connections. Instead of focusing solely on branded contests and giveaways, get into the spirit of the season by sharing user-generated holiday content on social media. Kids’ art is a great option, as are special holiday photos submitted by your followers. What you share doesn’t matter as much as the spirit in which you share it. 

  1. Be yourself

No matter what, stay true to yourself in your social content this holiday season. Existing followers will appreciate it, and you’ll gain a more authentic base of new followers in the process. 

Take your social media to the next level this year in your practice! Give us a call or text if you have any questions (630) 491-1444 and we can chat about how we can help you and your office.

6 Ways to Keep Your Stories Interesting in Business

Harness the Power of Stories This Year

In the world of social media, stories are everything. They’re the method by which you connect with your audiences, showcase your products, goods, and services, and define your brand. While this is all well and good, many brands struggle with how to keep their stories compelling. Fortunately, it’s far from impossible.

If you want to create more impactful stories in the coming year, follow these top tips:

6 Tips for More Powerful Stories

Deliver special offers. Your social media stories are a great place to deliver special offers and coupons. In addition to the fact that stories can elicit a better response, they’re also an excellent way to create a sense of urgency among your target audience and generate lots of interest.

Redirect followers. Use your stories to provide another avenue for customers. Redirect them to your website, send them to a landing page, or present them with an offer.

Showcase new products and services. Stories are an excellent place to share your products, goods, and services. Demonstrate how to use your products, or what they look like in real life in your stories.

Offer behind-the-scenes glimpses. Remember that the people watching your stories are real people, and they care about your company. Help them bond with you and your team via behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company and products.

Do a takeover. Keep your stories fresh by inviting an employee, consultant, or influencer to do an Instagram takeover for your business. This is a great way to keep your stories fresh and exciting.

Share sneak peeks. For your website or blog to be effective, you’ve got to mix and match types of content. Use your Instagram and other stories to share sneak peeks of new content and more.

Make your stories as impactful as possible this year. Give us a call at (630) 230-1802 and we will help you understand our social media services and more.