Leadership in Healthcare Practices – it’s time to step up!

Uncertain Times Need Great Leaders: Are You Ready? How confident are you in the future of our economy? How confident are you in the future of your practice? This is what I know to be 100% certain – during uncertain times LEADERS are the ones who RISE UP! From a marketing perspective – leaders do […]
How to use Google Business Profile Chat to get more new patients

Is your Google Business Chat set up for your practice? It is a very simple yet powerful way for prospective patients to start a conversation with you. Do you know how many new patients you are missing out on by not having your Google Business Profile chat turned on? The honest answer is…. not sure, […]
5 Ways To Drive More New Patients Into Your Practice

Are you consistently doing these 5 things to drive in more new patients into the practice? What are those 5 things… I guess you’ll have to watch to find out! Is that too pushy or sales-like? Maybe or…. what would happen IF you move on to the next video and the 5 things that could […]
Speed To Lead and How It Brings In More New Patients To Your Practice

Regardless of any marketing, you may be doing it is important to get a good (if you can GREAT) ROI. The fastest way to a good (great) ROI is improving your Speed To Lead. In other words, how fast can you get a reply from a prospective patient that has a question or calls […]
How and Why Weekly Staff Meetings Will Grow Your Practice

In today’s video, we are going to talk about the importance of weekly staff meetings, and yes it should even be daily meetings if you want to keep yourself and staff more accountable. This is a quote that hits home from Luis Alberto Urrea: “Numbers never lie, after all: they simply tell …” This is […]
How to Win in Practice…. Consistently

In today’s video, we are going to talk about how you can win more consistently in practice – day after day. There is the truth about being consistent and how it can help you win in life (and practice). However, in order to win consistently you must do the right habits and actions consistently. We […]
Habits vs Goals For A Successful Practice in 2023

Well, we are still in week one of 2023 and most people (practice owners) have set their goals for the year as most people do but….. are you setting yourself up correctly to achieve those goals with success habits? That is where most will fail as their goals are typically outside of their comfort zone […]
Why Your Healthcare Practice Should Be Asking For Reviews

Patient feedback is really important, and that’s putting it mildly. Often, just a few well-written phrases in a review can do more to sway consumers’ opinions than a whole website. If your services are rated higher than a similar one by a competitor, but only by a single star (or even a half star), […]
Why Text Message Marketing is Effective and 5 Strategies for Success

To expand your practice, you need to identify ways to increase exposure while maintaining quality of service. Reach is improved through social media and search engines, but personalization is difficult. Even though email is fantastic for customization, inboxes are often overflowing with messages. With SMS marketing, not only can you contact a large number […]
5 Tips to Maintain Practice-to-Practice Sales Flow During the Holidays

Good news: the holiday season is almost here! However, this may be the most challenging time of year to attract new patients and maintain existing ones’ attention. As a result, many practices will cease their lead-generating activities until the first quarter of the following year. However, that’s no reason to really do it. Your prospective […]
25 Free Ways You Can Promote Your Blog and Website

As healthcare practice owners we all want more traffic and attention coming to our websites and blogs. Maybe you’ve got a few great strategies to get more of that traffic to come to your website or maybe you’re stuck. We’ve put together a quick reference list of 25 Free Ways You Can Promote Your Blog […]
25 FREE Website Traffic Ideas for Your Healthcare Practices

Every healthcare practice is likely to be interested in getting more traffic and eyeballs on their websites. If you’re a local practice owner or own a website, chances are this information may be of interest to you as well. Below are just a few ideas that can deliver real results that drive traffic to your […]