4 Pillars To A Successful Healthcare Practice

Do you have a successful practice? I think the term “success” is too broad because what success means to me may not mean the same to you. Most will say it’s how profitable the practice is which I think that’s a pretty good KPI. Others will say it’s how many patients you have in the […]
Gratitude and How To Use It To Grow Your Practice

Many will look at this title and not even consider giving it a look and that is unfortunate as I’m sure that person is the first to complain about how practice is going versus being grateful for what you have. If you could look into the books of many other practice owners in your community […]
Big Word – Simple Meaning Take a Look 👀

METACOGNITION…big word, simple meaning! Here is the definition via online dictionary: awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes. Thinking about what you’re thinking about. A simple concept right? Last week we spoke about The Power Of Your Future. Well, the truth is your future is dependent upon how you think about yourself and how […]
The Power Of Your Future

The Power Of Your Future On another morning walk I was listening to a Podcast that had Bishop TD Jakes and he said something VERY INTERESTING….. Most people want a table – but you have to understand it comes from the tree! I think this is really about two things: 1. Delayed Gratification – we […]