The Patient Challenge Program

Are you as excited as we are for the launch of The Patient Challenge Program?

Watch our video overview to see how it can help you overcome these 3 Practice Challenges:
1. Poor Online Presence and Reputation
2. Poor Quality and Consistency of New Patients
3. Poor Social Media Presence

You may be telling yourself – I’m good on 1 or 2 or even all 3 of these challenges but we’d still suggest you watch this video overview – we think you will like this approach.

The best part is that over the next 9 weeks we will work directly with you to help you grow and scale your practice while becoming the Go To Practice in your community.

We’d love for you to be part of our Founders’ Group!

Why be part of the Founders group….. How about a 50% savings?

We want to work with you over the next 9 weeks to see you:

  1. Become the Go To Practice in your community
  2. Have THE BEST online reputation in your community
  3. Fill your practice with your Ideal Patients
  4. Learn how going LIVE each week will double your new patients
  5. And much much more

You can learn more about it here too and sign up: Patient Challenge Program

Do you have 1 or more of these issues:

  • Your practice is not found in Google on Page 1
  • You have a poor online Reputation (or even NO reviews)
  • You don’t have any video testimonials
  • You are attracting poor quality new patients
  • You don’t have a Perfect Patient Avatar crafted
  • You wish you had a Perfect Patient Message
  • You’ve always wanted to have a Method named after you
  • Your social media game is….
    • Not consistent
    • Missing the Live Game Process
    • Lacking a Wellness Wednesday Show

If you answer YES to any of these – you need the Patient Challenge Program!

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