11 Benefits Worth Considering Investing More in Content Marketing

Whatever the size of your practice, you’re certainly curious to learn how to boost appointments. In fact, in order to stay relevant, even locally focused enterprises must expand. Additionally, those marketing initiatives are becoming more digital. You should meet people where they are, as the expression goes. This was unavoidable given the popular nature of social media and web usage.

This transition to “digital first” has made content marketing crucial. We simply cannot live digitally without content since it is the money of digital marketing. In fact, content has grown to be so important in marketing that a new generation of content entrepreneurs has emerged, whose companies are entirely based on content. This phenomenon, which spans a range of practices from affiliate marketing to subscription services, is comparable to the media entrepreneurs of the past.

What does this entail for owners of local practices like yourself? Simply put, it’s imperative that we develop the skills necessary to utilize content marketing. You can better grasp why content marketing is so crucial by understanding its advantages. Additionally, you’ll gain a sense of the advantages your practice should be pursuing.


11 Benefits of Content Marketing

While content marketing is critical to digital success, these perks stand out as being particularly important and helpful for any firm. Although a couple of these may not be essential to your practice’s digital strategy, the majority of these are applicable to all industries. A sound digital strategy will also prioritize some of these advantages over others.


The Benefits of Visibility

Brand awareness is where the sales funnel starts at the top. Even the smallest practice may aid in brand discovery with a well-executed content strategy. A bigger involvement in industry debates will also be possible thanks to your brand’s enhanced visibility. This is true even for practices that primarily cater to the local community, especially given that there is typically competition in this niche as well.


  1. Improves recognition and brand awareness

By distributing material into venues where people are seeking for and consuming content, content marketing increases your practice’s visibility. Without a question, more people will come to know you over time. Let’s take the example of a boutique retailer. The majority of people in your market are aware of the major players. But they’ll be more likely to check out your choice if they see your content, for instance, on Facebook.


  1. Enables you to decide what your prospect searches for in their narrative.

It’s crucial to have control over the story that surrounds your brand. Digital marketing can help by getting your material found above that of your rivals. They’ll then understand that you are an authority in the field you work in. When lack of experience isn’t a big deal, you have a unique chance to convince others that you are the person they should be listening to.


  1. Helps you make more and deeper connections with other people.

Your content gives Internet users more ways to connect with you online and helps them get to know you better. It also makes them want to read more of your work. This can look different depending on the type of content you choose, the forum, and your industry. A hobby shop would be a good example of this. Most people who have a hobby will need help at some point with materials or methods. If the shop shows how good they are at what they do, it could become a destination.


  1. It makes people trust you more and helps you get more fans who are loyal to you.

Another good thing about content marketing is that it helps build trust. People will find ways to trust you and become your fans the more content you have. After all, who is going to trust a practice whose website has nothing on it? Patients can’t tell how much you know about your subject without coming to your clinic. And if they can go somewhere else, they probably will. Also, wouldn’t you rather have people who like what you write? Their ideas are very important.


  1. Make your brand seem more trustworthy and authoritative

The more consistently you write about your practice’s area of expertise over time, the more people will think of you as an expert. This will help you build your credibility with both people and search engines. People are more likely to look for your content to find answers to questions that matter to them. And as more people visit your site, Google and other search engines will raise your rank.


  1. Generates referrals.

If a patient, visitor, or fan likes a piece of content, they can just share the link and tell other people about it. The same goes for people who link to your content if they think it’s useful. If you have content, you may be able to get these kinds of content referrals. When people share the content you’ve made, there’s a chance that people will buy your services.

This sharing is one of the most important benefits of content marketing for B2C brands, but for B2B companies, it’s even more important. One reason for this is that most B2B decision makers do a lot of research before getting in touch with sales staff. Most of the time, these buyers want to know right away if a service is right for their practice.


The Advantages of Tactical Marketing

Overall, there are many more benefits to content marketing than just being seen. It’s one thing to get your name out there, but it’s something else to make your brand known for something important. To do this, your content and other efforts need to be shared in the right way, which requires strategic marketing. In general, though, the research shows that good marketing = content marketing.


  1. Improves SEO.

SEO is one of the best reasons to use content marketing, especially on your own website. Studies have shown that practice websites with blogs have 434 percent more pages indexed by search engines than practice websites without blogs.

This is the case for a few different reasons. One thing is that these sites have more chances to use keywords. You can only get so far with service or service descriptions. Even if you put keywords in them, there won’t be much room. This could cause people to use too many keywords, which doesn’t work. Also, Google and most other search engines tend to like long-form content.


  1. More traffic to a website.

Content marketing can also bring more people to your website. You should never make bad content because it hurts your reputation, but you also shouldn’t ignore how important content is. Here, I’m mostly talking about longer pieces of writing that bring people to your site. Even though ads are important, people need a reason to stay on your site or come there on their own to find information.

There is no doubt that this method works. If a practice publishes 16 or more blog posts every month, it could get almost three and a half times as much traffic as competitors who only publish four or fewer blog posts. How come it works? Simply put, your website becomes more than just a place to find basic information. It becomes a place to go. This gives you the best chance to leave a good impression on patients.


  1. More prospects.

So, here’s the deal. People love to learn about a service or practice before they buy it. Samples and other methods can help, but they aren’t perfect. On the other hand, content marketing gives people something useful that they can access anywhere, at any time. Even if it’s just a good laugh (like the jokes about the pandemic last year), these impressions matter.

Some content can be a lead magnet. B2B brands often give whitepapers or seminar access. Get a free chapter of my latest book on my website. Your patients can try something for the price of a lead. Content marketing generates three times more leads than other strategies.


  1. Helps educate your patients to improve conversions and generate more appointments.

Would you rather buy a dud or a (near) sure thing? Most individuals value the ability to investigate options and choose the one that best meets their needs. This is true for B2C marketing, especially in high-priced or difficult-to-choose categories like electronics, personal care, and autos. Some folks can’t find the correct skincare services.

B2B brands use content marketing extensively. Practices have even larger stakes than certain consumer goods. Therefore, high-quality content marketing is most effective. The average B2B spends 29% of their expenditure on content marketing.

Doubtful? Content marketing attracts leads. These have a 14% conversion rate against 1.7% for outbound leads. Content marketing’s high conversion rate is one of its biggest features, especially when compared to outbound lead generation.


  1. Supports social media.

Content provides you with something to talk about on social media, increasing engagement and following. Commenting, sharing, or criticizing your material increases its online visibility. As your follower count rises, influencers and other essential connections are more likely to notice your brand.


The Financial Benefits

Content is like any other practice investment. Content marketing gives financial benefits that improve the bottom line. 

So… if you are a private practice healthcare owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

Social Media Marketing 101 for Healthcare Practices

Social media is a great marketing tool, and with the right approach, your practice can gain a lot of great exposure. But it will be hard to get all of the advantages when you first start off because you probably won’t have the following that those bigger practices already do. That’s why social media marketing (SMM) is so important for practices because there are still ways to get more market share. 


This article will teach you social media marketing 101 and explain how healthcare business owners can succeed with social media marketing in 2022 and beyond.


What Is Social Media Marketing?

SMM is the process of using social media platforms to promote and offer your services, and brand as a whole. It’s a form of digital marketing that uses social media channels for advertising your practice in order to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, generate leads for your sales team, and build patient loyalty.

In the simplest terms, it’s all about connecting with people by sharing valuable content that helps them feel like they know you better. With so many dynamic ways to reach out and engage with patients on social media today, it’s essential for practices, both new and old, to have an active presence on these platforms if they want to stay competitive and grow their following with each passing year.


Start with a Plan

A clear SMM plan will help you achieve your practice goals and act as a guide on how to execute your strategy. Having a documented strategy is essential because you can refer to it at all times to ensure that everything is going smoothly.

To start with your social media marketing plan, think about why you are doing it and what your goals are. You should think about the real reason why you are using social media and how these platforms can help you achieve your practice goals. 

The next step would be defining your target audience, researching your competitors, defining your USP (unique selling point), setting objectives, thinking about which platforms will be best for your practice, creating a content calendar, and creating a budget.


Take Advantage of Social Media Insights

So, you’ve started a social media account for your practice, and now it’s time to get the word out. But what if you don’t know who to target? Not to worry! Social media insights are there to help. This is data generated by social media sites that provides information on how users interact with content posted on their sites. You can use this data to optimize your content and make sure it’s reaching the right audience.

To get started analyzing your social media insights, first take a look at where most of your followers are located and find out which age group they fall under. Next, look at what kind of content they respond best to, if they like videos or photos more, and if they prefer long-form content over short posts. 

Once you have an idea of the kind of audience you’re targeting, figure out when the best time for you to post new content is (is it during work hours? On weekends?) so that you have maximum engagement with your audience when you post something new.


Build a Community Around Your Brand

Your social media accounts are powerful tools for building a community around your brand. As you start out, it’s important to be strategic in how you approach this community. Remember that the goal is not just to secure followers. Those followers will quickly “unfollow” your brand if they feel like they are being treated as a means of generating profit instead of being valued as individuals with unique needs and desires. 

It’s important to build up trust, so think about how you can create a connection between your brand and the people who follow you. Ideally, your audience should feel like they’re engaging with a person rather than an impersonal entity that only cares about making money.


Communicate with your audience

Be sure to make yourself available through direct messages or other means of contacting you privately (like an email address or phone number). Encourage patients to interact with each other by holding discussions on Facebook or Twitter, where different members of the community can easily contribute their thoughts and opinions or ask questions about the services provided by your practice. 

If a member has a problem, respond promptly, and let them know that their voice matters; offer them solutions if necessary. You can also use polls or surveys to directly ask what followers would be interested in seeing from your company moving forward: New services? Special offers? Perhaps some sort of subscription service?


Build Relationships with Brand Influencers

As a healthcare business owner, you should be building relationships with brand influencers. Influencers have immense power to make or break a practice’s reputation on social media. For example, if you are running a clinic and an influencer who is known to avail your service, your potential patients will see it as an endorsement of your service.

The first step is to find influencers that are relevant to your brand and follow them on social media. Then engage with them, comment on their posts, and share their content. Next, create branded content that will appeal to the influencer and include them in your social media strategies by tagging or mentioning them in posts. Lastly, reach out directly and develop relationships with relevant influencers so they will want to work with you in the future.


Create Unique Content for Each Platform

As the saying goes, content is king. To create content that engages your audience, you’ll need to make sure it’s relevant, shareable, and consistent. You’ll also want to ensure that your content is optimized for each platform. 

This means that each post should be tailored to the audience and voice of each platform individually. For instance, a tweet with a link to one of your blog posts will not perform as well as a Facebook post with a link because Twitter users are more likely to skim through posts than Facebook users.


Publish Regularly and Consistently

When it comes to social media marketing, there’s one thing that everyone should know: post regularly and consistently. The best social media marketers are the ones who follow this mantra. Posting regularly simply means that you post a certain number of times per week or per day. In addition to posting regularly, you also want to make sure that you’re publishing your posts at a consistent time every day or every week. 

For example, if you have a company blog that you post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon, then readers will be able to count on seeing new content from you on those days and at that time. On the other hand, if some weeks your blog posts go live at 11 a.m., other weeks it’s 1 p.m., and other weeks it’s 3 p.m., then your readers won’t know what to expect from you and they might start looking elsewhere for their information needs!

Regularity is important in part because it helps establish yourself as an authority within your industry; people will come to trust that they can rely on you as a source of information because they can count on seeing new content from you when they expect to see it. However, regularity is not the only thing that matters when it comes to posting frequency, quality matters just as much (if not more). 

Sure, posting 10 fluff pieces in one week might seem like a good idea in the short term, but chances are those articles won’t be very helpful or informative; they probably won’t help increase traffic either! 

Your goal should always be quality over quantity when creating content for your practice blog or social media pages since quality pieces are much more likely than fluff pieces to attract patients who will bring value for years down the road rather than just bringing traffic once. 


Create Shareable Content

One of the best ways to get people to share your content is to make it shareable. This might seem obvious, but many brands forget that people have very little interest in sharing content that is uninteresting or irrelevant.

By creating content your audience will want to share, you increase the likelihood that they’ll spread your message for you. Your audience might not always be in the mood for a blatant advertisement, but if you create something interesting or entertaining, they may still be inclined to share it with their friends and followers.

Remember: your company page isn’t the only place where people can find and interact with your marketing messages. You can also capture fans and patients by publishing content on Facebook and Twitter that users want to share with their networks.


Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to boost your SMM. UGC is content created by your fans and followers. It can showcase the features of your service in a relatable, authentic way that elicits trust from potential patients. 


Make Your Posts Interactive

Social media is a great way to interact with your audience and get new followers, but it’s important to make sure you engage people. Some ways you can increase engagement on social media are:

  • Share polls, ask questions, and create call-to-action buttons. 
  • Host contests and giveaways.
  • Use Instagram Stories and the Live feature on Facebook and Instagram. 
  • Use hashtags, titles, emojis, gifs, videos, images, quotes, etc.


Analyze and Review Your Results

The final step of your social media marketing strategy is to analyze and review your results. Now that you’ve launched your campaign on social media, it’s important to measure its results and understand how the campaign performed. 

This will help you know if you need to adjust anything or whether your SMM strategy is working successfully. If so, you can use the data from this campaign to inform future strategies as well. It’s also a great way for you to show others in your organization just how effective social media can be for your practice!

Stay current with your social media presence, embrace analytics, and continue to improve 


The work is never really done.

Just remember, once you get into it, social media marketing for practices is an ongoing process. You’re never finished; the most successful practices continue to set goals for themselves and keep growing. So don’t think of this as some project where you finally reach a finish line; think of it as part of your overall practice plan that will take time and effort but will also have countless benefits.

So, now that you understand it takes time to gain traction on social media, how do you know what’s worth your time? How do you know if something isn’t working or if something needs improvement? And when do you know when to stop working on a failing channel?

Fortunately, all these platforms come with analytics. Embrace them! 

Social media marketing is a must for practices that want to grow online. By creating an SMM plan, working with influencers, and taking advantage of the analytics tools available, practices can build an engaged community and reach new heights. 

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

7 Ways to Prepare Your Practice for Inflation

Inflation is a significant issue and it’s only getting worse. It’s a hidden tax that eats into your profits and savings, and can even drive patients away. Inflation is the gradual increase in the price of services. To put it another way, the same doctor consultation that cost $50 last year will cost you more this year.  And, that goes for you and your patients, and the same way you are looking at this – they are too.


The CPI, or Consumer Price Index, measures inflation. You calculate it by subtracting the price of consultation from one year to the next and measuring the change in cost percentage-wise. For example, if your $50 consultation costs $55 this year, there’s been a 10% increase in inflation (5/50=0.10;0.10+1=1.10).


Inflation rates can range widely among locations and industries because markets are not homogeneous entities consisting of similar patients and practices with equivalent information about price changes.


Inflation is usually generated by an increase in the money supply without equivalent expansion in economic activity, as well as government intervention through fiscal policy (lower taxes) or monetary policy (lower interest rates) (lowering interest rates).


Inflation occurs when prices increase, requiring you to pay more for the same services. You cannot simply sit back and wait for inflation to occur. Take steps now to prepare your practice for whatever the coming year may bring. Let’s take a look at some strategies for preparing your company for inflation.


  1. Know how much your practice will be affected

Consider your practice’s needs. Inflation can be frightening, but it doesn’t have to keep you awake at night. Inflation will have a very small influence on some practices. If you make things domestically, the costs are likely to rise as you purchase more equipment and machines, and pay greater labor. Inflation will have less of an impact on your practice strategy and growth if you import most of your services.


  1. Don’t make any major purchases right now (unless it will bring in cash to the practice)

Because people do not have as much money as they did previously, inflation makes it more difficult for practices to offer their services. However, because practices don’t have as much money as individuals, it makes it more difficult for them to purchase inventory. Having enough inventory on hand to avoid being caught short by sudden increases in demand or supply disruptions is one strategy to avoid having to raise prices. The more inventory you have, the less likely it is that price hikes would hurt bookings, especially if they are minor.


  1. Make sure you have enough inventory

Practices have a harder time offering services when people don’t have as much money as they used to. But it makes it harder for practices to buy additional equipment because they don’t have as much money. One way to avoid having to raise prices is to keep a lot of inventory on hand, so that sudden increases in demand or problems with the supply chain don’t leave you short. Price increases are less likely to hurt bookings if you have a lot of inventory, especially if the price increases are small.


  1. Make sure your patients are protected

You and your practice need protection, but don’t forget about the people who help you run your clinic. People will keep availing from you even if they have to pay more for the things or services they need to live and make a living. If they don’t have enough money, they might borrow it.

You can help protect them by giving them financing options through your practice. This way, you can keep track of how much they spend and make sure they aren’t taking on too much debt from other sources. One more way to keep them safe is to lower prices or give discounts. This might hurt profits for a short time, but it will help build relationships with patients who will pay you back when inflation slows down or stops.

Also, these practices make patients more loyal, even if they could find cheaper options elsewhere. This is because cheaper options don’t offer benefits like financing options and discounts (or at least not as many).


  1. Cut your expenses

Even though inflation is hard to predict, it’s still important for your practice to be ready for the possibility that costs will go up in the future. The best way to do this on a limited budget is to cut as many of your regular expenses as you can. This can be done by negotiating lower prices with vendors or suppliers, making sure all staff are working as efficiently as possible (or, in some cases, cutting staff), or renting office space with less overhead.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to prepare for inflation, but you should have a plan.


  1. Negotiate with suppliers

The first thing you need to do to get your practice ready for inflation is to talk with your suppliers and vendors. If your vendor has a contract with a fixed price, it may not be possible to change the terms of the contract without giving up other benefits or services. But you should still try to negotiate a better deal than what’s in their contract. Try negotiating with all of your suppliers at once if you are buying from more than one. This will give them a chance to compete for your practice and keep costs down for everyone.


  1. Set up an emergency fund

Set up an emergency fund. Inflation can be hard to predict; it could happen not just tomorrow but also in a few years. If you have an emergency fund, you can handle sudden price hikes without going into debt or lowering the quality of the service you offer.

An emergency fund is a savings account set up for expenses that come up out of the blue and can’t be paid for with other money. It’s best to keep this money in cash or in a high-yield savings account so that you can get to it quickly without having to pay a lot in fees or interest.

How big should your fund for emergencies be? Well, that depends on your practice, but experts say that as part of your overall financial plan, you should save up at least six months’ worth of operating costs. So, if something unexpected happens, like a natural disaster or a piece of equipment breaking down, you’ll have enough money to cover costs until patients pay you.


The Bottom Line

By preparing your practice for inflation, you’ll protect yourself from losses and costs you didn’t expect. As your practice grows, keep these things in mind: make sure you’re using the right budgeting methods, planning for unexpected costs, and don’t be afraid to talk to a financial expert if you don’t like how things are going. There’s no guarantee that every practice can prepare for inflation successfully, but if you’re smart, take action, and learn from your mistakes, you’ll be more than ready to deal with inflation.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

5 Post-COVID Ways to Attract New Patients for Your Practice

There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed most practices. Since most people are cutting back on spending, it’s important to improve your clinic’s marketing strategies as soon as possible. Here are five things you can do to get more patients and adapt to the new normal.


Establish Your Practice as an Essential Service 

Since the implementation of COVID-19 legislation, the majority of households around the world have grown financially conservative. Even after the limits were eased, many patients still exercise caution when it comes to their booking appointment. This is why it’s critical to position your company as necessary.

A service that is considered vital is one that people cannot live without. The term “essential” does not always imply that people are physically reliant on your services. Your service could offer emotional or mental support, valuable knowledge, or simply make routine tasks easier.

If your practice offers health services (hand planted over face – OF COURSE), for example, you can customize your offerings to staff who now work from home and want greater organization. You may offer an online consultancy service for everyone.

You can also position your service as a necessity in your patient’s daily routine. Some websites gain greater traffic just by being the first to publish lottery winning numbers or the weather forecast for the week. You can drive daily visitors to your site by pairing your services with an app that assists with tasks such as cooking or exercising.


Bottom line: Examine your service and come up with a fresh, useful, and relevant application for it. Adapting to change is critical for any practice’s survival, and now is the time to figure out how to make your services distinct in the post-COVID world.


Create a Cheaper Option

During a recession, practices frequently create smaller, more discountable versions of their service. Some practices provide limited versions of their complete service. Creating a less expensive choice for patients should both attract new and maintain existing patients.

Do you have any service to offer? They should be available online. Consider offering your services singly if you normally offer them in packages. If you’re a professional service, break down your packages, price each service separately, and let the patient pick and pay for the one they want.


Bottom line: Do whatever you can to assist your patient in affording your services.


Improve Your Relevance on Social Media 

People will dismiss your social media ad no matter how shiny and well-spaced the graphics are if it isn’t relevant. Posting a neutral ad for your services on a popular subject page won’t cut it either.

This new climate necessitates the attentive management of social media accounts. To put it another way, you’ll need a committed staff to scour digital places, find out what others are saying about your company, and communicate with potential patients in a meaningful way.


Responding to Patients 

Your social media manager’s work entails not only responding to patients but also interacting with angry patients, “trolls,” and your clinic’s competitors. This entails communicating with individuals across the board, from Twitter to Reddit.

As a result, your social media manager must have a thorough understanding of internet tracking technologies. He/she/they must also be selective in their responses to persons and posts with huge audiences, interacting in a way that is not insulting to others or detrimental to the firm.


Creating Content Based on Popular or Trending Topics

This strategy necessitates both patience and speed. Be patient because you may need to wait for the proper issue to become popular. And once it works, you should be able to easily develop relevant content.

A topic can be used as a marketing opportunity in a variety of ways. It could be an opportunity to provide individuals with clarity on a difficult topic. You may start a conversation, respond with solid facts to correct a misunderstanding, or make lighter material like a Tik Tok video or a brief infographic.

If you do, don’t include any external links. Unless the material is highly significant, users prefer to stay within the social networking platform they are logged into.

If a competitor’s practice is in danger, you can gain recognition and profit. With a joke or a furious commercial, add your two cents to the debate. Your clinic can also take a stand on a contentious issue, but this should be done with caution and taste because it has the potential to backfire.


Ordinary Heroes Need Your Help

Yes, leveraging influencers to promote your services can be beneficial, but investing in regular individuals who accomplish exceptional things can also be profitable. When it’s appropriate, you can use stories about local heroes and events to make a financial or other significant contribution.

Airbnb, for example, frequently donates lodging to people in need, such as Ukrainian refugees. Similarly, you can make a public donation by following a famous hashtag (ideally one that is still active). It’s even more powerful if you have the evidence in the form of photographs.


Bottom line: It’s best to think of your organization as a person when traversing digital areas like social media platforms. Using relevant material to engage users can help your company stand out. But, as they say, “the internet never forgets,” so be careful with the stuff you generate.


Referral Programs Should Be Restructured

If you don’t already have one, you should think about starting one. Although referral schemes are not new, their importance is frequently neglected. Launch a referral program regardless of the size or type of service your clinic offers.

A referral program provides you with an army of sales staff that are prepared to promote your clinic in exchange for a monetary reward. How much should you pay for referrals, though? Are people eager to promote your practice for something other than a monetary reward?

It’s a bit of a paradox to offer big prizes or compensation for referrals. You will generate less money if you pay people more for bringing in practice… unless you raise the price of your item… which may be less appealing to budget-conscious patients.

Limiting your referral programs to your staff or creating one exclusively for your personnel could be a viable option. Employee recommendations might allow you more flexibility in terms of the benefits they earn. Some staff may be ready to forego monetary compensation in exchange for days off, a brief vacation, or a free service from your clinic.


Bottom line: Consider creating special referral programs specifically for your staff members. That way, you will have more control over the rewards, and your employees will be motivated to bring in new patients. Ask around to find out what they would be willing to receive as payment other than cash.


Keep Your (Old) Habits

While the world has changed, some traditional marketing principles should still be followed. Make sure that all of your company’s communication channels, such as websites, social media pages, and blogs, are up to date. Continue to write keyword-rich content and follow other tried-and-true SEO methods.

For positive ratings, brand your service, keep your promotion offline, and provide excellent patient service. If you still have a clinic, make it look professional and easy to find.


Bottom line: While the world has changed dramatically, keeping established practice standards remains critical for trust.


For your clinic to thrive, you must relearn why it is necessary, and provide less expensive solutions that are more suited to your patients’ budgets. Take use of digital spaces and referral programs, as modest modifications in your practices to help you keep up with the pandemic’s huge developments.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

10 Tips to Write Compelling Marketing Emails

Are you dissatisfied with the outcomes of your most recent email marketing campaign? 

Perhaps your offer and price didn’t resonate with your audience? Or maybe the wording in your message failed to entice your subscribers to part with their money.


Here are 10 Tips to make your next marketing email more compelling:


  1. Keep it Simple!

It’s essential to keep marketing communications simple.

Long words, phrases, and paragraphs should be avoided. Also, avoid using jargon that people might not comprehend. Instead, write the email as if it were a conversation with a buddy. You’ll want to utilize language that’s both forceful and convincing. Your marketing emails, on the other hand, will need to appeal to a wide range of people with different vocabularies.


  1. Match the Content with the Subject Line

The body of the email must fulfill the promise made in the subject line. Consider the following scenario: your subject promised a substantial discount on a service. In that instance, instructions on how to get the discount must be included in the email’s body. Of course, the transaction has to be legitimate. You will lose your subscribers’ faith if the body text does not match the subject line.


  1. Personalize Marketing Emails

Subscribers are aware that they are not alone on your mailing list. People will be more receptive to your marketing messaging if your emails address an individual rather than a group. Segmenting your mailing list is the first step in personalizing communications. Then you can personalize your marketing message to the individual’s preferences. It’ll also assist if you call the person by their first name. Finally, pronouns like “you,” “yours,” and “you’re” make it sound like you’re speaking directly to the recipient.


  1. Have One Objective Per Email

Your marketing emails will be confusing and less effective if you try to push too many calls to action (CTAs). It is advisable to have only one desired action per email. For example, if you were to ask recipients to “buy now,” “subscribe to our newsletter,” and “register for our podcast” in one email, which CTA should people be following? At best, each recipient will probably only follow one of the CTAs. At worst, people won’t understand what is required of them and consequently follow none at all.


  1. Make Marketing Emails Scannable

Marketing emails should be written for people who only skim the text. It will only take this group of people a few seconds to decide if the email has anything interesting in it. So, the best way to make sure marketing emails can be skim-read is to highlight the most important parts. For example, using bold paragraph headers and bullet points to list the most important parts of a service will help. You can also make important points stand out by using a bold, italic font in the body of the text.


  1. Focus on Benefits

Every recipient of a marketing email will wonder, “What’s in it for me?” In the subject line and body of the email, you must answer that question. As a result, it’s better to concentrate on advantages rather than features.


  1. Create a Sense of Urgency

Increase open rates and conversions by instilling a sense of urgency. Make it obvious that if you’re offering a special price on a service, it’s only for a short time. Even if there is no deadline, statements like “subscribe immediately,” “don’t miss out,” and “start saving today” can create a sense of urgency. The most important thing is to give people a cause to act sooner rather than later. Otherwise, the recipient may choose to revisit the email at a later time. The email then falls to the bottom of their inbox’s priority list and gets forgotten.


  1. Don’t Be Too Pushy

People dislike being told what to do aggressively. Persuasion is preferable to command. “We know you won’t want to miss out on this month’s unique offer,” for example, is persuasion-based, time-limited, and courteous. “Buy now or miss out,” on the other hand, is a directive that, if put in capital letters, would be aggressive. Exclamation marks and emojis should also be used sparingly.

However, providing direction can also be perceived as being helpful and informative and people do like that. An example of assistive direction might include something like this; “Here’s what to do next…” or “To get the best deal for this promotion, here’s what to do next…”


  1. Use Relevant Images

Images draw attention and can sometimes communicate messages more effectively than words. Any photographs in a marketing email, on the other hand, must serve a function, otherwise, they are pointless. Use high-quality but relatively sized images if an image adds something to the message. Large images or a large number of photos may detract from the written words and cause the email to load slowly.


  1. Proofread Emails!

Before sending an email, it goes without saying that emails should be proofread. Nonetheless, everyone has most likely encountered marketing emails with typos and grammatical errors, occasionally from major corporations. When proofreading, it’s better to leave the content away for a bit once it’s finished and come back to it later. Consider how the email sounds when read aloud when proofreading and make any necessary changes. If proofreading isn’t your thing, use a grammar checker tool like Grammarly instead. The Microsoft Editor, on the other hand, can also assist you in finding errors.


It’s difficult to get the tone of a marketing email just right. Of course, the sales pitch must be worded in such a way that it resonates with the intended audience. The aforementioned pointers will assist you in writing emails that convert. Even so, A/B testing is unbeatable. So divide your mailing list into test groups and experiment with different ways to guarantee that your marketing emails produce the best results possible.


Whatever your industry, these 10 Tips to Write Compelling Marketing Emails should almost immediately help improve your email campaigns!


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

How To Promote Your Practice Locally to Attract More New Patients

Whether you are a new or established practice, marketing can help you move from obscurity to well-known, liked, and trusted in your community!

Not sure where to start and want to improve your top-line revenue with marketing? We’ve got you! 

Whether you have a clinic or offer services, you have to let people know you exist!

Word of mouth is important but how do you know it will continue?


Tools to promote your practice locally


A Practice Website

This may be obvious but a great way to promote your practice is to make sure you can be found online. That starts with a website.

Your practice’s website should be filled with local information that clearly defines where your practice is located and your hours of operation.

It’s a really good idea to list the services you offer.

One way to help increase the likelihood your practice shows up in search is to link to and build links from other practices. 

The way to do that is to create and publish blog posts. You can even reach out to and mention other clinics that might lend their influence to you within your blog posts. 

One of the best utilities you should consider is building an email list with the aid of your website. More on the importance of building an email list later in this article.


Google Business Profile (Google My Business)

Speaking of search, local patients often use Google to search for services and practices. Having a Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business is probably the single best account you should create.

Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows you to promote your practice website and show up in Google Search and Maps.

Your Google Business Profile also allows you to see and connect with patients, post updates and see how your patients are interacting with your clinic on Google.

Here’s the thing, anyone can leave a review using the reviews facility. And as such, this will help keep you involved and engaged with your patient base.

Google Business Profile will also allow you to leverage the opportunity to let your audience know about your other social accounts as well as the opportunity to link about upcoming events, blog posts, and press you may have received.


Your Email List

We would submit that the most important asset you can create, build and leverage to promote your practice is your email list!

Don’t have one or not sure how an email list can help you promote your practice?

No problem.

An email list is a big-time asset that can be responsible for real top-line revenue!

Being able to communicate with your audience is a big deal.

The opportunity to let your audience know you have specials or deals and new services can lead to transactional relationships.

Take for instance the uncomfortable very real lockdowns the world experienced. So many practices were negatively impacted because they failed to build a real email list of current or existing patients. The inability to communicate whether their practice was open or closed resulted in obscurity and confusion.

If those same practices were able to communicate with their patients via email, they could simply inform their audience of their modified hours of operation, and how they were going to serve their patients should they need services their clinic offered (online, etc).

Once a practice develops an email list, they are also not as reliant on some of the other big tech platforms for traffic.

Instead, the plan and strategy to leverage some of these social and search platforms would be to build an email list by which practice could then communicate and market to an interested local audience.


Need Help?


These are just a few ways to get immediate and consistent results for your practice. Of course, there are a multitude of other methods and technical processes a clinic could incorporate into a promotion like SEO, Video, Content Marketing, or paid advertising on Facebook or Google.

They all work! But if it were me and I was just getting started or wanted to create consistent results, I would focus on getting a website up and running, optimizing it to generate leads, and then email those leads with offers!

Hey, if you need help with any of this stuff and want to get results from promoting your practice, reach out to us, we would be elated to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

Here’s How To Confidently Show Up For Your Practice on Video and Attract New Patients

If you’re considering incorporating video in your marketing, here’s how you can feel more confident showing up on camera and delivering value to your audience.

The human element in video is part of what sets it apart as such a strong marketing tool.


Fear of the Equipment or Tech Stack

Uncertainty leads to fear and one of the biggest culprits to prevent anyone from getting started with video relates to equipment and tech.

There is an overwhelming number of choices with cameras ranging in price from $50 to thousands of dollars, lighting choices, microphones, audio, and video mixers, etc.

As you dig deeper into the world of video, one thing you begin to realize is that you don’t need to aim for perfection.

You can absolutely get incredible results with the equipment you likely already have! Like your iPhone or Android devices.


Fear of Public Speaking

I think the second culprit is the Fear of Public Speaking.

The same fears people have heading up onto a stage to talk seem to apply to people getting ready to sit in front of the camera.

There is a high expectation we set for ourselves for delivery and quality. You can become concerned about the weight of these expectations, worrying if you look and sound alright and if you’ll be assessed adversely for something.


Fear of Not Knowing What to Say

Not knowing what to say can be a limiting fear that prevents anyone from showing up for themselves on video.

The fear of not knowing what to say can be resolved by having a plan!

As a result of having a plan, you’ll come across better and deliver a compelling message to your audience which results in you appearing to be more confident on camera!

Speaking of audiences, it’s worth mentioning that if you understand who your audience is and what their needs or problems are, you can prepare the video content that much more easily. 


Get Into the Right Mindset Before Hitting Record

It can be a challenge to hit the record button for sure. Getting into the right mindset will help set the tone!

Nervous energy can be noticed by your audience. Sometimes simply stating that you are nervous and excited translates well once you are on the video. Often that converts into an air of confidence because you got the ‘nervousness’ off of your mind by addressing it. You will get better with each video you create!

Nervous energy will come through in your video so you can either make it a piece of the content or work to resolve the nervous energy through the video itself.

A great way to overcome that nervousness and put yourself into a better mindset is to rehearse what you were going to talk about and present.

Something else you can do is breathe deeply and focus on the topic of conversation. One trick I like is to imagine talking to one single person that can use the help, guidance, or more information about the content I’m sharing.

One way to get grounded is to physically put your hand on your chest as if you are ‘speaking from the heart’ as if you want to impact the viewer profoundly! That usually does the trick for me!


Focusing on the One Thing… 

For many, it’s easy tempting to jump right in and hot record because we have so much we want to say.

I love that enthusiasm.

If you want to get really good with video, I recommend practicing first. Simply record yourself and then watch the video with a kind but critical eye.

Record a few videos and take note about one aspect you may want to improve like your mannerisms, lighting, background, or your slide deck.

Then focus on just one thing you want to immediately improve so that your next video is that much better!


That’s a Wrap

Here’s the thing. If you’re looking to get started using video for your practice, there is no better time to do that than right now!

Your audience loves videos! You might as well show up for them…on video!

Our recommendation is to start with the equipment you already have in your pocket, like your iPhone or Android.

Prepare what you’re going to say in advance. You don’t need an elaborate slide deck to do this. You can simply use an index card for reference to keep yourself on point.

If you are focused on delivering your message for the benefit of your audience, you’ll come off genuinely confident and valued! Having that mindset will likely help you overcome any other fear that might be holding you and your business back from using video!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

60 Social Media Questions to Increase Engagement

Social Media Engagement can be a big deal as it relates to growth! But it can be tough to increase engagement. Not sure what your engagements entail? 

Engagements are the likes, comments, and shares that we enjoy seeing.

One question that many practitioners have is if all social media posts should be about their clinic.

That is the furthest from the truth. You may discover that your most engaging articles are those that have nothing to do with your healthcare business.

Questions get the most comments and likes out of all the other types of posts I create.

Not only can asking questions help you increase engagement through more likes and comments, but it will also create a conversation with your audience, allowing you to get to know each other better.

So… what are some approaches to getting your audience to respond?

I’ve created some social media post ideas and questions to help start the debate.

Try some out and let us know what you think!


  1. What would you do with a million dollars?!
  2. What are your must-read books? Like, right now!
  3. What is your favorite time of the year?
  4. What’s your favorite holiday?
  5. Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
  6. What is your favorite TV show?
  7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  8. What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
  9. What is your biggest fear?
  10. What was the last thing you got really excited about?
  11. What is your superpower?
  12. What famous person in history would you love to meet?
  13. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
  14. What’s the one movie you could watch over and over again?
  15. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  16. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
  17. What was your first job?
  18. What was your first car?
  19. You just bought a lifetime supply of whatever you just bought, what was it?
  20. What 3 things are always within reach of your bed?
  21. Who inspires you to be better?
  22. Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?
  23. What is one thing you strive to teach/show your kids?
  24. What one thing do you look forward to each day?
  25. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
  26. You just sell a lifetime supply of whatever you just see, what was it?
  27. What is one thing on your bucket list you want to get ticked off this year?
  28. What is a product that you CAN NOT live without?!
  29. What product are you currently obsessing about?
  30. What playlist are you listening to right now?
  31. What one item in your wardrobe can you not live without?
  32. Would you rather have 5 close friends or 10,000 Facebook friends?
  33. Would you rather have $100,000 in real money or $1,000,000 in Amazon gift cards?
  34. Would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone famous?
  35. Would you rather have free Starbucks for a year or free iTunes music forever?
  36. Would you rather have 100K Facebook followers or 100K Twitter followers?
  37. Would you rather hike a mountain or lay on the beach?
  38. What five things could you not live without?
  39. What three things about the future excite you?
  40. If you had 1 day by yourself what would you do?
  41. What three words best describe you?
  42. Quiet night at home with a book or out on the town with friends?
  43. Snapchat or Instagram stories?
  44. City or country?
  45. Mountains or the beach?
  46. Are you a saver or a spender?
  47. Margaritas frozen or on the rocks?
  48. Wine or beer?
  49. Pepsi or Coke?
  50. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
  51. If you could travel anywhere for free, where would it be and why?
  52. If you could interview one person in your field, who would it be?
  53. If you won the Powerball lottery, how would you spend your winnings?
  54. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  55. What one thing do you hope to accomplish this week?
  56. Work-life balance…is it an entrepreneur’s unicorn or not?
  57. How did you create your “work-life balance”?
  58. Are you an introvert or an extrovert, & how do you use it to your advantage?
  59. Who is an entrepreneur that you look up to?
  60. Who do you admire the most, and why?


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

120 Amazing Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love

If you’re a healthcare business owner, you know just how crucial it is to build a strong presence online.

And the most vital part is to find unique Social Media content ideas that will attract your ideal audience.

So the smartest thing you can do is focus on creating posts that your patients and prospects will love.

But, what actually holds you back?

The time it takes to find great content ideas that you can share on Social Media.

That’s why I want to provide you with 120 amazing social media content ideas that will direct attention to your posts and engage your audience with your brand.


Ask Questions: 

  1. Ask for recommendations (books, courses, or something related to healthcare)
  2. Ask questions related to your practice or industry
  3. Ask which topic should you cover in a live video
  4. Ask your audience what should you post next
  5. Ask your audience what their biggest struggle in their health is


Days of the Week Post Ideas

  1. Motivational Monday (motivate your audience) – #MotivationMonday
  2. Tip Tuesday (related to your niche or your practice) – #TipTuesday
  3. Create a Wisdom Wednesday post – #WisdomWednesday
  4. Throwback Thursday (photos of a trip or your previous results) – #ThrowbackThursday 
  5. Freebie Friday (give a Freebie) – #FreebieFriday
  6. Saturday Special (talk about something special) –      #SaturdaySpecial
  7. Sunday Funday (share what you did that day) – #SundayFunday


Healthcare Business Content for Social Media

  1. Give away Coupon Codes
  2. Talk about a service that’s available
  3. Offer your services
  4. Promote a new service
  5. Talk about the benefits of the service and how it helped you
  6. Promote ‘One Day ONLY’ Flash Discount


Share Quotes

  1. Share a funny quote about your niche or practice
  2. Share an Inspirational Quote and tell your audience what you think about that specific quote or how it helped you think about that specific quote or how it helped you through a situation
  3. Share a quote (graphics) – ask your audience what they think about it
  4. Share your favorite quote (graphics or text) and ask your audience to share their favorite quote


Social Media Content Ideas for Stories

  1. Share testimonials from your patients
  2. Share someone else’s inspiring stories
  3. Talk about your services and how they help people
  4. Highlight a local business
  5. Make videos about practice events
  6. Share a behind-the-scenes photos or videos
  7. Tell a funny story about something connected to your practice
  8. Tell about your struggles in your practice and how you overcame them (your failures and wins)
  9. Share your story (who you are and what your mission is / passions are)



  1. Challenge your audience to post every day for 30 days and give them a FREE Social Media Calendar 
  2. Create a challenge about your niche (example: weight loss challenge)
  3. Challenge your audience to write down 3 goals and they have to achieve at least one in a week
  4. If you don’t have any ideas, ask your audience what challenges they want to do next…


‘How-To’ Content Ideas

  1. Share a step-by-step how-to tutorial (Example: how to count macros or do bird dogs)
  2. Share a how-to create something specific in your niche
  3. Share a how-to create & write down your health and wellness goals


Video Ideas for Social Media

  1. Host an ‘ask-me-anything’ live video
  2. Upload a short video showing behind the scenes & your lifestyle
  3. Interview one of your staff members
  4. Create a video with a couple of tips (from your blog or your Facebook Page), then tell your audience where they can find more tips (share the link)
  5. Host a Giveaway (on Live Video)
  6. Make a Live Video (on your profile, page, group, or stories)
  7. Host a webinar (teach something to help your audience get a win or result)


Create Give-Aways and Freebies

  1. Giveaway services to your super-fans
  2. Create Freebies related to a specific topic that your audience struggles with…
  3. Host a BIG Giveaway (create rules: they have to like, comment, and share your post or video)
  4. Giveaway a 15 Minute Nutrition Coaching Call
  5. Make and Give Away. FREE E-Book (lead magnet) in exchange for their email address


Mini-Course Ideas for Social Media

  1. Create a 5-Day Mini-Course about a specific topic in your niche or practice
  2. Make an email 7-day mini-course (send one lesson per day over 7 days)
  3. Create a 7-Day Mini-Course in your Facebook Group
  4. Collaborate with another practice who has an ideal audience you could share (this will help grow both of your lists/audiences)
  5. Create a Mini-Course with an ideal patient that shows your audience getting a result (case study)


Share Top Tools & Resources

  1. Talk about tools that help you save time and improve your health
  2. Share the best resources that helped you get in better physical condition
  3. Share your favorite apps that you use to get specific results
  4. Talk about the tools that help you create content


Life Tips

  1. Talk about your morning routine
  2. Share your top three personal development books
  3. Talk about leaders you look up to
  4. Share a quick time-saving group
  5. Explain how to prepare for the day of the week
  6. Share all the things you do daily
  7. Share your top apps to help keep you organized



  1. Create a Facebook Poll in your Live Video (ask a specific question)
  2. Create a Facebook Poll on your Profile or Page
  3. Create a Poll in your Facebook Stories (Group, Page, Profile)
  4. Create a Poll in Instagram Stories


Cross Promotions

  1. Share your Social Media Content to your email list (some will engage on your posts)
  2. Share your Instagram Post on your Facebook Page
  3. Create a similar post and share it on all of the Social Media platforms you’re on (spread them throughout the week)
  4. Use the same photos/graphics on other Social Platforms
  5. Share a Link to your Instagram on your Facebook Page, ask people to follow you, and then follow them back!


Mention Your Followers and Fans

  1. Welcome New Followers and Thank them for joining your Group or Page
  2. Shoutout to your Top fan (or top 5 Fans)
  3. Celebrate 1,000 Followers and Thank Them!!
  4. Share a Testimonial from a patient who always comments on your posts and Thank Them
  5. Give Your Followers a Special Gift!
  6. Create a VIP list and each week choose 1 winner and send them a link to your VIP list where they can get at least 1 Freebie 


Blog Posts

  1. Share one of your Blog Posts on Social Media
  2. Re-share your older blog posts
  3. Share someone else’s blog post and explain what you learned
  4. Share a guest blog post and explain what you learned


Service Posts

  1. Create a video on service demonstration
  2. Answer the most asked questions about your services
  3. Share a sneak peek of your upcoming services


Brag A Little…

  1. Create an ‘Ask Me Anything’ post and answer questions…
  2. Share what’s on your bucket list…
  3. Share your vision board…
  4. Share which trip you’re planning next
  5. Talk about what you stand for, your morals
  6. Talk about your favorite destinations
  7. Share why you started working in healthcare business or practice, what attracted you the most, and what you don’t like about it
  8. Talk about who your favorite motivational speaker is and why
  9. Create your ‘Letter to my younger self’ (include a picture of you when you were a baby)


Grow Your Email List

  1. Tell people to sign up for your email list
  2. Create a special email list and promote it
  3. The easiest way to grow your email list is to create Freebies and promote the opt-in on Social


Engagement Style Posts

  1. Re-Share your old content (Photos, Quotes, and Graphics)
  2. Share some interesting news about your niche or practice
  3. Talk about your favorite things to do(alone or with your family)
  4. Share 5 things about yourself that most people don’t know
  5. Create Fill-In-The-Blanks Posts
  6. Create a ‘Guess The Right Answer’ (something about your practice-create a poll or give them multiple choice answers)
  7. Talk about the events you’ll be hosting
  8. Shoutout to your top patients or followers and thank them!
  9. Share your Favorite Podcasts
  10. Talk about healthcare mistakes and how to fix them…
  11. Share some stats in your industry or niche…
  12. Create Case Studies…
  13. Ask your followers how they found or discovered you…
  14. Share Infographics…
  15. Share fun facts about you! / Talk about your WHY!
  16. Recommend someone else or others your audience should follow
  17. Wish Everyone Happy Holidays
  18. Create a day in the life posts
  19. Post a photo and ask your followers to caption it!
  20. Share a Pet Post (Post Pictures or Videos)


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

Reduce Your Unsubscribe Rate With These 6 Steps

Wouldn’t it be great if nobody ever unsubscribed from your list? It’s easy to fantasize about a world where every subscriber is a paying patient and everybody loves you and your practice forever.

Unsubscribes are a part of life in the world of email marketing but if you want to change that here are some methods to reduce your rate and show you how to keep your subscribers on the hook.


Step 1: Stop spending so many or so few emails

How often are you emailing your subscribers? There’s a sweet spot that allows you to stay on their minds without irritating them.

So, where is the sweet spot? That depends on a lot of factors – what industry you’re in, who your patients are, big events coming up, etc. Some practices email once per week and other practices as much as 3–5 times.

 I think the key here is consistency. Send your emails on the same day at the same time and subscribers will know what to expect and when to expect it.


Step 2: Make Your Subject Lines Irresistible

The subject line of your email is the recipients’ first impression of your email. If you have a dull subject line, they might not even open your email. If they do open it, they might not bother reading it – and opt to scroll down to the unsubscribe button instead.

The key, then, is to craft a snappy and irresistible subject line that will spark the recipient’s interest and make them want to open and read the email.


Step 3: Keep your Content Interesting and Entertaining

Even with a compelling subject line, the content of your email can still fall short and prompt people to unsubscribe. You need to think about creating relevant and actionable content that people will want to read immediately.

Don’t be afraid to inject some personality into your emails. The more entertaining your emails are the more likely people are to read and enjoy them – and stay away from that unsubscribe button.


Step 4: Make Your Emails Easy To Read

Readability is a huge factor with email. People want to be able to skim content where it makes sense. They don’t want to have to decipher impenetrable jargon or scroll horizontally to read the end of a sentence.

Here are some pointers to keep your emails readable.

  1. Use lots of white space. Short paragraphs give a reader’s eyes a break.
  2. Break up text with images that are compelling and relevant to your content
  3. Optimize your emails for mobile users. Any CTA buttons you include should be big enough for mobile users to access without having to zoom in

It should never feel like a chore to read your emails!


Step 5: Use Double Opt-Ins

When people subscribe to your list, you want to make sure they are genuinely interested in what you have to say. Using a double opt-in can help to weed out who aren’t interested and thus, reduce your unsubscribe rate.

A double opt-in requires people to confirm their subscription by clicking on a link in an email. It’s an easy change to make. Since people who are subscribing to get your lead magnet may not confirm, it’s a quick way to ensure that the people who subscribe will stay subscribed.


Step 6: Test Your Emails

Finally, should be testing your emails even experienced email marketers sometimes fall short in creating compelling contact. Sometimes there’s just no way to predict what’s going to resonate with readers and what isn’t.

The answer is to A/B test your marketing emails. Sure, it’s an extra step and you’ll need to spend a little money to do it. But when you do, you’ll be able to fine-tune your email campaigns and minimize unsubscribe rates by ensuring that your emails are hitting the mark.

Having people unsubscribe from your list isn’t the end of the world. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to keep them interested. Using the tips that I’ve outlined here will help you keep subscribers and turn them into paying patients.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

Facebook Ad Objectives…Which Is Right For Your Practice?

Most practices should advertise on Facebook, if you do it right, it can help your healthcare business to grow month after month.

The issue is that while Facebook ads are effective, a lot of private practice owners don’t know which objectives to choose for their ads. With that in mind, here’s a rundown of Facebook ad objectives to help you understand which objective makes the most sense for your practices.

What are the available ad objectives on Facebook?

When you create an ad for your practice on Facebook, you can choose from 11 objectives divided into three categories: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion

Let’s get started!

  1. Brand Awareness

These ads generally do not get a high click–through rate because their objective is to make people aware of your brand. They are best used as the first step in a campaign to attract new patients.

  1. Reach

If you want to get your ad in front of as many people in your target audience as possible, this is the objective to choose. Here again, you may not get a ton of engagement but you will be sure that your ad appears in your target audience’s feed.

  1. Traffic

Traffic ads are designed to direct more traffic to the URL you choose, usually a link on your website. Facebook tracks only the number of people who click on your links, meaning that you’ll need to track conversions separately.

  1. Engagement

On Facebook, engagement means likes, comments, and shares. If you want to get more people to engage with your content, this is the ad objective you should choose.

  1. App Installs

This one’s self-explanatory. If you’ve got an app to sell or promote, choose App Installs as your objective.

  1. Video Views

Have a video to promote? Choose the Video Views objective to get more people to watch your video. This objective is ideal for service demos and explainer videos.

  1. Lead Generation

If you’ve got a great lead magnet to promote, the lead generation objective is ideal because it allows the people who see your ad to opt in and get your lead magnet without leaving Facebook.

  1. Messages

Message ads are designed to get more people in your target audience to message your practice on Facebook. They can be useful if you want to initiate conversations, answer questions, and nurture leads.

  1. Conversions

If your goal is to get more people to take a specific action, such as adding an item to the cart, availing a service, or RSVPing to an event, this is the ad objective to choose on Facebook. It works best when targeted to people who are already familiar with your brand.

  1. Catalog Objectives

Another ad objective that may be effective when targeted to people who already know your brand is the Catalog Objective. You can use it to connect to Facebook with your brand catalog and display individual services to your audience.

  1. Clinic Visits

If you have a brick-and-mortar store, this ad objective can help you entice more patients to visit your store. To use it you’ll need to make sure that your clinic location(s) are accurate in Clinic Staff Manager.


Which Facebook ad objective is right for your practice?

Now, let’s talk about which Facebook ad objectives make the most sense for your practices. Some simply are not good choices if you’ve got a small audience to target.

Here are a few pro tips:

Brand awareness is a good objective particularly if you feel like your competitors have more brand recognition than you do or if you haven’t been in service for a long time.

Unless you have a large audience, the reach objective is probably not ideal. The goal of that objective is to reach as many people as possible. Most small practices should steer clear of this objective.

Traffic can be a good objective for practices that want to get more people to visit their websites. However, you should make sure that you have a well-designed landing page before you spend any money on traffic. You need to give people a reason to stay on your website once they click the link.

I also really like the store visits at the objective for practices. It’s arguably the most highly focused objective available. The key if you decide to use it to make sure your location information is up to date. You’ll also need to target the ad to people who live within a small radius of your store.

Visiting your Facebook ads manager page will give you additional information and guidance as you create your ad. Remember, the ad objective you choose should be carefully selected to align with your growth objectives for the best results.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

7 Ways to Use Content Marketing to Grow Your Practice

Content will continue to reign supreme in 2022. What does this mean for you and your practice, though? It suggests you haven’t yet included content marketing in your marketing mix; to stay competitive, you’ll need to start applying effective content marketing methods.

One of the most successful ways to reach new prospects and patients and develop your practice is through content marketing. In this post, we’ll go over seven strategies to use content marketing to grow your practice in the coming year, as well as practical advice on how to get started right away!


  1. Start putting your website’s content to the test.

You should start A/B testing your website content to ensure that it converts as well as possible. This method will assist you in determining which content is effective and which needs to be tweaked.

A/B testing compares two different versions of the same piece of content to discover which one performs better. To do so, you’ll need to make two different copies of your material and track the results. You can test the headline, the call-to-action, and the images, among other things. You can figure out what works best for your company and patients by experimenting with different elements.

There are a variety of resources accessible online if you’re not sure where to begin with A/B testing. For further details, check out HubSpot’s guide.


  1. Make Your Face Visible

Patients want to know that the practice is run by actual people. Video is one of the most effective ways to demonstrate to patients that you are a real person. However, if you haven’t started using video yet, you may be falling behind. In reality, 86 percent of companies now use films to sell themselves.

Video is an excellent approach to engage your audience and establish a human connection. You can utilize video to present your practice and its employees, give tours of your facilities, or just respond to patient questions.

If you’re not comfortable speaking in front of a camera, video can be used to demonstrate your services. This is a terrific approach to show patients what goes on behind the scenes at your company.

You may utilize video to sell your company in a variety of ways. You can, for example, share videos on social media, your website, or YouTube.


  1. Make Use of Patient Testimonials

Patient testimonials are an extremely powerful marketing tool. When potential patients discover that others have had success with your service, they are more likely to give it a try. This is known as social evidence, and there is no such thing as too much of it.

Now is the time to start gathering patient testimonials if you don’t currently have any. Testimonials can be used on your website, in email marketing campaigns, and on social media.

When requesting testimonials, make sure you ask specific questions that will provide you with the information you require. You might, for example, inquire about how your service has benefited them, their favorite features, or what they would tell their friends about your practice.


  1. Personalize it

Patients will expect more customization in their content in 2022. They don’t want to be treated like a number; they want to know that you care about them and their needs.

Segmenting your audience and creating unique pieces of content for different groups of individuals is one approach to tailoring your content. You might, for example, write one piece of content for new users to your website and another for returning patients.

Personalization can also be used to tailor the user experience on your website. This may involve showing different material depending on the user’s location or making recommendations based on their previous experiences with your website.

You can engage with your patients and build loyalty by personalizing your content.


  1. Produce engaging content

Your audience will be more engaged and involved if you use interactive content. Quizzes, surveys, polls, and calculators are examples of interactive material.

People will talk about your brand if you use interactive material. It’s also a fantastic approach to gathering information about your patients.

Consider your target audience if you’re not sure where to start with interactive content. What kind of material might pique your patients’ interest? What factors would influence their decision to buy your service?

Create interactive content to improve engagement and get people talking about your practice.


  1. Make Visual Aids

Visuals will be more important than ever in 2022. Everyday, people are overwhelmed with content, and they’re continually looking for ways to absorb it faster.

Infographics are one approach to make your content more appealing. Infographics are a terrific method to display information in a visually appealing fashion. They can also be shared, which can help you reach a wider audience. On social media, using images is also a terrific approach to stand out. People are more likely to pause their scrolling and pay attention to an image or video than to read a block of text.

Canva is a fantastic tool for producing visuals. You may utilize their library of free templates to make infographics, social media posts, and more.


  1. Concentrate on local SEO.

For practices, SEO is more important than ever. To be visible online in 2022, practices will need to rely on SEO.

Here are some suggestions for improving your SEO:

  • Find keywords that are relevant to your area and generate content around them.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly as well as voice-search friendly.
  • Participate in local events and activities and write about them.
  • Create backlinks to your website from reputable sources such as your local chamber of commerce and local directories.

If you’re new to SEO, watch this video from SEM Rush for more information.



Content marketing is a strong technique for increasing your practice’s internet visibility. You may start using content marketing techniques that will help you reach new patients and expand your brand by following the content marketing recommendations above.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call