Content will continue to reign supreme in 2022. What does this mean for you and your practice, though? It suggests you haven’t yet included content marketing in your marketing mix; to stay competitive, you’ll need to start applying effective content marketing methods.

One of the most successful ways to reach new prospects and patients and develop your practice is through content marketing. In this post, we’ll go over seven strategies to use content marketing to grow your practice in the coming year, as well as practical advice on how to get started right away!


  1. Start putting your website’s content to the test.

You should start A/B testing your website content to ensure that it converts as well as possible. This method will assist you in determining which content is effective and which needs to be tweaked.

A/B testing compares two different versions of the same piece of content to discover which one performs better. To do so, you’ll need to make two different copies of your material and track the results. You can test the headline, the call-to-action, and the images, among other things. You can figure out what works best for your company and patients by experimenting with different elements.

There are a variety of resources accessible online if you’re not sure where to begin with A/B testing. For further details, check out HubSpot’s guide.


  1. Make Your Face Visible

Patients want to know that the practice is run by actual people. Video is one of the most effective ways to demonstrate to patients that you are a real person. However, if you haven’t started using video yet, you may be falling behind. In reality, 86 percent of companies now use films to sell themselves.

Video is an excellent approach to engage your audience and establish a human connection. You can utilize video to present your practice and its employees, give tours of your facilities, or just respond to patient questions.

If you’re not comfortable speaking in front of a camera, video can be used to demonstrate your services. This is a terrific approach to show patients what goes on behind the scenes at your company.

You may utilize video to sell your company in a variety of ways. You can, for example, share videos on social media, your website, or YouTube.


  1. Make Use of Patient Testimonials

Patient testimonials are an extremely powerful marketing tool. When potential patients discover that others have had success with your service, they are more likely to give it a try. This is known as social evidence, and there is no such thing as too much of it.

Now is the time to start gathering patient testimonials if you don’t currently have any. Testimonials can be used on your website, in email marketing campaigns, and on social media.

When requesting testimonials, make sure you ask specific questions that will provide you with the information you require. You might, for example, inquire about how your service has benefited them, their favorite features, or what they would tell their friends about your practice.


  1. Personalize it

Patients will expect more customization in their content in 2022. They don’t want to be treated like a number; they want to know that you care about them and their needs.

Segmenting your audience and creating unique pieces of content for different groups of individuals is one approach to tailoring your content. You might, for example, write one piece of content for new users to your website and another for returning patients.

Personalization can also be used to tailor the user experience on your website. This may involve showing different material depending on the user’s location or making recommendations based on their previous experiences with your website.

You can engage with your patients and build loyalty by personalizing your content.


  1. Produce engaging content

Your audience will be more engaged and involved if you use interactive content. Quizzes, surveys, polls, and calculators are examples of interactive material.

People will talk about your brand if you use interactive material. It’s also a fantastic approach to gathering information about your patients.

Consider your target audience if you’re not sure where to start with interactive content. What kind of material might pique your patients’ interest? What factors would influence their decision to buy your service?

Create interactive content to improve engagement and get people talking about your practice.


  1. Make Visual Aids

Visuals will be more important than ever in 2022. Everyday, people are overwhelmed with content, and they’re continually looking for ways to absorb it faster.

Infographics are one approach to make your content more appealing. Infographics are a terrific method to display information in a visually appealing fashion. They can also be shared, which can help you reach a wider audience. On social media, using images is also a terrific approach to stand out. People are more likely to pause their scrolling and pay attention to an image or video than to read a block of text.

Canva is a fantastic tool for producing visuals. You may utilize their library of free templates to make infographics, social media posts, and more.


  1. Concentrate on local SEO.

For practices, SEO is more important than ever. To be visible online in 2022, practices will need to rely on SEO.

Here are some suggestions for improving your SEO:

  • Find keywords that are relevant to your area and generate content around them.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly as well as voice-search friendly.
  • Participate in local events and activities and write about them.
  • Create backlinks to your website from reputable sources such as your local chamber of commerce and local directories.

If you’re new to SEO, watch this video from SEM Rush for more information.



Content marketing is a strong technique for increasing your practice’s internet visibility. You may start using content marketing techniques that will help you reach new patients and expand your brand by following the content marketing recommendations above.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

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