Facebook Ad Objectives…Explained

Most practices should advertise on Facebook. That’s what I believe, and the evidence backs me up. It’s cost-effective and, if you do it right, it can help your practice to grow. But that is easier said than done. While Facebook ads are effective, many health care business owners don’t know which objectives to choose for […]

6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked

6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked

6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked Have you ever been hacked, your website that is? If you have not that it is critical that you watch THIS VIDEO on the 6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked! We talked last week about the importance of doing a Practice Marketing Audit, […]

5 Ways to Engage Patients on Instagram to Get Results

Instagram can be an amazing source of traffic and leads. But is it working for you or have you noticed less than favorable results for your marketing efforts? If you’ve noticed this, it’s time to get serious about patient engagement on Instagram. Instagram, like all social media platforms, is constantly changing its algorithms. The latest […]

How To Run a Practice Marketing Audit

Practice Marketing Audit | Practice Insiders Edge

How To Run a Practice Marketing Audit Marketing…. Shmarketing – I do enough of it! Really….. Are you sure?! Have you ever done a marketing audit on your practice? So if you want to see how you can take a walkthrough of your current marketing and where you may stack up make sure to watch […]

Getting Back to Basics: Facebook Marketing 101

You’re probably already marketing your practice on Facebook. If you’re not, you should be – but it’s not just a question of having a Facebook page and using it. You’ve got to use it wisely if you want to get great results. It’s not uncommon for healthcare business owners to dive into Facebook marketing without […]

Why Every Practice Should Leverage Digital Marketing

Digital marketing isn’t optional.  The fact remains, though, that only 84% of practices have a content marketing strategy as of early 2021.  16% don’t. If you’re one of the people who has put off digital marketing or done it haphazardly, it’s time to get serious about it.  You may have claimed your Google My Business […]

How to Identify Your Audience and Find YOUR future patients Online

We’ve all had the experience of looking for something and not being able to find it. It’s frustrating and time consuming and can feel like a pointless exercise if we’re forced to keep at it for long. For a healthcare business owner, there’s nothing more frustrating than knowing there’s an audience for your service and […]

The 3 D’s To Success For Your Practice

The 3 Ds To Success In Your Practice

The 3 D’s To Success For Your Practice This week I’m sharing a video that I shot on Saturday April 10th, 2021 after taking a morning walk. In Illinois we had a bad few days of weather but I’ve got to get my walk in regardless. Movement is critical for me to have a good […]

8 Social Media Myths and Misconceptions to Forget in 2021

There’s no question that social media marketing is, and will continue to be, important for practices. If we hold this to be true, we should also acknowledge there to be some myths around social media that could contribute to being harmful to your practice. Ready to bust some myths? Here are 8 of the most […]

3 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes Using Facebook Ads To Market Your Practice

Did you know that the average Facebook user clicks on 12 ads per month? It’s true – and it illustrates why Facebook ads are still one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your target audience and promote your practice. If only you weren’t messing them up… Look, we can’t say whether your Facebook […]

How to Create Content for Your Practice That’s Worth Sharing 101

We all know that content marketing is the name of the game for healthcare business. Content is king and all that. But how does a practice create enough good content to reach their marketing goals? That’s the question.   The answer, as it turns out, is easy. All you need is a primer with ideas […]

7 Hacks to Help Your Practice Grow

Wouldn’t it be great to find some simple tricks that would help you leap ahead of your competitors and see your practice soar to new heights? Well, I’ve got good news for you. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about growth hacks – little tricks you can use to fast-track your growth and increase your […]

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