5 Ways To Transform Your Website into a New Patient Conversion Machine

5 Ways To Transform Your Website into a New Patient Conversion Machine


In today’s video, we are going to talk about converting website visitors into new patients. Well, the truth is they first have to become prospects and I hope you are doing some form of marketing to drive people to your content and specifically in this case to your website.

Now, we have heard that an image is worth 1,000 words, well what about a video welcome message inside of a chatbot on your website speaking directly to that visitor? This should be worth 10,000 words and then maybe even – $10,000.

As a practice owner, you should be looking for a game-changing way to skyrocket your website conversions. Well, you’re in luck because in this video I’m going to introduce you to an incredible tool that can seriously upgrade your online game: our Video Lead Capture tool.

Once you’ve discovered its power, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Please let me know in the comments what you think.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for ways to get more engagement from your website visitors or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you! You can do one of two things:
(1) Drop a comment below with the words: video chat and we will get back in touch with you
(2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

67 Social Media Poll Questions To Increase Engagement for Your Local Practice

Polls are an amazing method of generating content for your practice on social media. The mere functionality of a poll encourages engagement and perpetuates participation. And the participation often spurs on community participation which is great for anyone or any practice that publishes polls on Social.

Clearly a poll can be leveraged to gather real data and insights but don’t discount the engagement factor and what that could mean to your practice.

Need some ideas for poll questions? We have your back!

1. What sport would be the funniest to watch if the players were drunk?

2. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Why?

3. How focused are you?

4. Would you rather have a _____ or ______?

5. Would you rather see:
A) Your future B) Someone else’s

6. Would you rather speak _________ or _________?

7. What is your favorite travel destination?

8. What is your favorite Holiday?

9. What is your favorite Ice Cream Flavor?

10. What do you love more ________ or ________?

11. Where would you love to live?

12. Are you a _________?

13. What do you prefer to watch _________or ________?

14. What’s your must have summer item?

15. What will you do this weekend?

16. If you could have one, who would you choose? _______ or ________

17. How do you like your coffee?

18. How do you sleep? (Chest, Left or Right Side or Back))

19. What do you feel like doing most?

20. Which season do you love most? Why?

21. Which color do you like most?

22. What type of music do you usually listen to?

23. Which food is your least favorite?

24. What is your ‘relax’ drink?

25. What are you more scared of? ______ or ______?

26. What’s your favorite type of book? ______ or ______?

27. What’s your favorite movie?

28. Do you want to learn how to launch a profitable eBook?

29. Do you want to have your own practice?

30. Do you want to be famous?

31. Theme: Pets: Are you a ________ or a _______ person?

32. Do you love engaging on Poll Questions?

33. Which course would help you more? ______ or ______?

34. Which deal would you most be interested in getting? ______ or ______?

35. Would you rather have a:
A) Golden voice B) Silver tongue

36. Would you rather get:
A) $1M right now B) $10,000/month

37. Would you rather:
A) Be free B) Be safe

38. Would you rather:
A) Read minds B) Fly C) Be invisible

39. Would you rather speak:
A) 5 languages B) To animals

40. What’s your favorite travel destination?

A) Tropical place B) Mountains C) Lake

41. What’s your favorite holiday?
A) 4th of July B) Thanksgiving C) Christmas

42. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
A) Vanilla B) Chocolate C) Lemon D) Strawberry

43. What’s your favorite Social Media platform?
A) Facebook B) Instagram C) Twitter d) TikTok

44. What deal would you prefer to get?

A) 15% OFF B) Free shipping

45. Who would you rather do practice with:
A) GaryVee B) Jeff Bezos

46. Do you usually LIKE or LOVE the posts?

A) Like B) Love

47. Do you enjoy taking poll questions?

A) Love them! B) Sometimes

48. What’s the max amount of posts you should post on Facebook per day? I’ll share the right answer tomorrow.

A) 1 B) 3 C) 10+

49. Which platform is NOT a Social Media platform?

A) Facebook B) Twitter C) Pinterest

50. Which gender uses Pinterest more?

A) Men B) Women

51. Is it necessary to brand yourself with specific colors? Why or why not?

A) Yes, it’s necessary B) No, it’s not

52. Is it necessary to post on Social Media every day?

A) YES! B) No

53. Is Email Marketing essential for online practices?

A) It sure is! B) No, waste of time

54. Do people need to trust you before they buy from you?

A) Oh, for sure! B) Nop!

55. Can memes help you boost Social Media engagement?

A) YES!!! B) No

56. Do you have your own practice?

A) YES! B) No

57. What are you most afraid of in practice?

A) Failure B) Not being able to make ends meet

58. What is your favorite word?

A) patient B) Customer

59. What is the best way to motivate your audience?

A) Motivational posts B) Story posts

60. What’s the most important thing to consider when starting a practice?

A) Niche B) Logo

61. What’s your favorite birthday cake flavor?

A) Chocolate B) Strawberry C) Vanilla

62. If you could invite one person to celebrate your birthday with you, who would it be?

63. What’s the best present you can receive for your birthday?
A) A puppy B) Cake C) Book

64. Will you leave a legacy?

A) Yes B) No

65. What is your favorite family activity?

A) Family game night B) Going to the beach

66. What are the best ways for entrepreneurs to spend quality time with their family?

A) Vacations B) Hiking

67. What’s the best way to get your email open rates up?
A) Use a catchy subject line B) Write an intriguing first sentence


The cool thing about polling types of questions is that most of these questions are repurposable and interchangeable.

Feel free to substitute the answers or change them out completely. We’ve provided these for inspiration so you can take massive action and create engagement for your brand and local practice!

If you need help with this stuff, please reach out! I’d love to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

Social Media Marketing 101 for Healthcare Practices

Social media is a great marketing tool, and with the right approach, your practice can gain a lot of great exposure. But it will be hard to get all of the advantages when you first start off because you probably won’t have the following that those bigger practices already do. That’s why social media marketing (SMM) is so important for practices because there are still ways to get more market share. 


This article will teach you social media marketing 101 and explain how healthcare business owners can succeed with social media marketing in 2022 and beyond.


What Is Social Media Marketing?

SMM is the process of using social media platforms to promote and offer your services, and brand as a whole. It’s a form of digital marketing that uses social media channels for advertising your practice in order to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, generate leads for your sales team, and build patient loyalty.

In the simplest terms, it’s all about connecting with people by sharing valuable content that helps them feel like they know you better. With so many dynamic ways to reach out and engage with patients on social media today, it’s essential for practices, both new and old, to have an active presence on these platforms if they want to stay competitive and grow their following with each passing year.


Start with a Plan

A clear SMM plan will help you achieve your practice goals and act as a guide on how to execute your strategy. Having a documented strategy is essential because you can refer to it at all times to ensure that everything is going smoothly.

To start with your social media marketing plan, think about why you are doing it and what your goals are. You should think about the real reason why you are using social media and how these platforms can help you achieve your practice goals. 

The next step would be defining your target audience, researching your competitors, defining your USP (unique selling point), setting objectives, thinking about which platforms will be best for your practice, creating a content calendar, and creating a budget.


Take Advantage of Social Media Insights

So, you’ve started a social media account for your practice, and now it’s time to get the word out. But what if you don’t know who to target? Not to worry! Social media insights are there to help. This is data generated by social media sites that provides information on how users interact with content posted on their sites. You can use this data to optimize your content and make sure it’s reaching the right audience.

To get started analyzing your social media insights, first take a look at where most of your followers are located and find out which age group they fall under. Next, look at what kind of content they respond best to, if they like videos or photos more, and if they prefer long-form content over short posts. 

Once you have an idea of the kind of audience you’re targeting, figure out when the best time for you to post new content is (is it during work hours? On weekends?) so that you have maximum engagement with your audience when you post something new.


Build a Community Around Your Brand

Your social media accounts are powerful tools for building a community around your brand. As you start out, it’s important to be strategic in how you approach this community. Remember that the goal is not just to secure followers. Those followers will quickly “unfollow” your brand if they feel like they are being treated as a means of generating profit instead of being valued as individuals with unique needs and desires. 

It’s important to build up trust, so think about how you can create a connection between your brand and the people who follow you. Ideally, your audience should feel like they’re engaging with a person rather than an impersonal entity that only cares about making money.


Communicate with your audience

Be sure to make yourself available through direct messages or other means of contacting you privately (like an email address or phone number). Encourage patients to interact with each other by holding discussions on Facebook or Twitter, where different members of the community can easily contribute their thoughts and opinions or ask questions about the services provided by your practice. 

If a member has a problem, respond promptly, and let them know that their voice matters; offer them solutions if necessary. You can also use polls or surveys to directly ask what followers would be interested in seeing from your company moving forward: New services? Special offers? Perhaps some sort of subscription service?


Build Relationships with Brand Influencers

As a healthcare business owner, you should be building relationships with brand influencers. Influencers have immense power to make or break a practice’s reputation on social media. For example, if you are running a clinic and an influencer who is known to avail your service, your potential patients will see it as an endorsement of your service.

The first step is to find influencers that are relevant to your brand and follow them on social media. Then engage with them, comment on their posts, and share their content. Next, create branded content that will appeal to the influencer and include them in your social media strategies by tagging or mentioning them in posts. Lastly, reach out directly and develop relationships with relevant influencers so they will want to work with you in the future.


Create Unique Content for Each Platform

As the saying goes, content is king. To create content that engages your audience, you’ll need to make sure it’s relevant, shareable, and consistent. You’ll also want to ensure that your content is optimized for each platform. 

This means that each post should be tailored to the audience and voice of each platform individually. For instance, a tweet with a link to one of your blog posts will not perform as well as a Facebook post with a link because Twitter users are more likely to skim through posts than Facebook users.


Publish Regularly and Consistently

When it comes to social media marketing, there’s one thing that everyone should know: post regularly and consistently. The best social media marketers are the ones who follow this mantra. Posting regularly simply means that you post a certain number of times per week or per day. In addition to posting regularly, you also want to make sure that you’re publishing your posts at a consistent time every day or every week. 

For example, if you have a company blog that you post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon, then readers will be able to count on seeing new content from you on those days and at that time. On the other hand, if some weeks your blog posts go live at 11 a.m., other weeks it’s 1 p.m., and other weeks it’s 3 p.m., then your readers won’t know what to expect from you and they might start looking elsewhere for their information needs!

Regularity is important in part because it helps establish yourself as an authority within your industry; people will come to trust that they can rely on you as a source of information because they can count on seeing new content from you when they expect to see it. However, regularity is not the only thing that matters when it comes to posting frequency, quality matters just as much (if not more). 

Sure, posting 10 fluff pieces in one week might seem like a good idea in the short term, but chances are those articles won’t be very helpful or informative; they probably won’t help increase traffic either! 

Your goal should always be quality over quantity when creating content for your practice blog or social media pages since quality pieces are much more likely than fluff pieces to attract patients who will bring value for years down the road rather than just bringing traffic once. 


Create Shareable Content

One of the best ways to get people to share your content is to make it shareable. This might seem obvious, but many brands forget that people have very little interest in sharing content that is uninteresting or irrelevant.

By creating content your audience will want to share, you increase the likelihood that they’ll spread your message for you. Your audience might not always be in the mood for a blatant advertisement, but if you create something interesting or entertaining, they may still be inclined to share it with their friends and followers.

Remember: your company page isn’t the only place where people can find and interact with your marketing messages. You can also capture fans and patients by publishing content on Facebook and Twitter that users want to share with their networks.


Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to boost your SMM. UGC is content created by your fans and followers. It can showcase the features of your service in a relatable, authentic way that elicits trust from potential patients. 


Make Your Posts Interactive

Social media is a great way to interact with your audience and get new followers, but it’s important to make sure you engage people. Some ways you can increase engagement on social media are:

  • Share polls, ask questions, and create call-to-action buttons. 
  • Host contests and giveaways.
  • Use Instagram Stories and the Live feature on Facebook and Instagram. 
  • Use hashtags, titles, emojis, gifs, videos, images, quotes, etc.


Analyze and Review Your Results

The final step of your social media marketing strategy is to analyze and review your results. Now that you’ve launched your campaign on social media, it’s important to measure its results and understand how the campaign performed. 

This will help you know if you need to adjust anything or whether your SMM strategy is working successfully. If so, you can use the data from this campaign to inform future strategies as well. It’s also a great way for you to show others in your organization just how effective social media can be for your practice!

Stay current with your social media presence, embrace analytics, and continue to improve 


The work is never really done.

Just remember, once you get into it, social media marketing for practices is an ongoing process. You’re never finished; the most successful practices continue to set goals for themselves and keep growing. So don’t think of this as some project where you finally reach a finish line; think of it as part of your overall practice plan that will take time and effort but will also have countless benefits.

So, now that you understand it takes time to gain traction on social media, how do you know what’s worth your time? How do you know if something isn’t working or if something needs improvement? And when do you know when to stop working on a failing channel?

Fortunately, all these platforms come with analytics. Embrace them! 

Social media marketing is a must for practices that want to grow online. By creating an SMM plan, working with influencers, and taking advantage of the analytics tools available, practices can build an engaged community and reach new heights. 

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

60 Social Media Questions to Increase Engagement

Social Media Engagement can be a big deal as it relates to growth! But it can be tough to increase engagement. Not sure what your engagements entail? 

Engagements are the likes, comments, and shares that we enjoy seeing.

One question that many practitioners have is if all social media posts should be about their clinic.

That is the furthest from the truth. You may discover that your most engaging articles are those that have nothing to do with your healthcare business.

Questions get the most comments and likes out of all the other types of posts I create.

Not only can asking questions help you increase engagement through more likes and comments, but it will also create a conversation with your audience, allowing you to get to know each other better.

So… what are some approaches to getting your audience to respond?

I’ve created some social media post ideas and questions to help start the debate.

Try some out and let us know what you think!


  1. What would you do with a million dollars?!
  2. What are your must-read books? Like, right now!
  3. What is your favorite time of the year?
  4. What’s your favorite holiday?
  5. Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
  6. What is your favorite TV show?
  7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  8. What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
  9. What is your biggest fear?
  10. What was the last thing you got really excited about?
  11. What is your superpower?
  12. What famous person in history would you love to meet?
  13. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
  14. What’s the one movie you could watch over and over again?
  15. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  16. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
  17. What was your first job?
  18. What was your first car?
  19. You just bought a lifetime supply of whatever you just bought, what was it?
  20. What 3 things are always within reach of your bed?
  21. Who inspires you to be better?
  22. Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?
  23. What is one thing you strive to teach/show your kids?
  24. What one thing do you look forward to each day?
  25. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
  26. You just sell a lifetime supply of whatever you just see, what was it?
  27. What is one thing on your bucket list you want to get ticked off this year?
  28. What is a product that you CAN NOT live without?!
  29. What product are you currently obsessing about?
  30. What playlist are you listening to right now?
  31. What one item in your wardrobe can you not live without?
  32. Would you rather have 5 close friends or 10,000 Facebook friends?
  33. Would you rather have $100,000 in real money or $1,000,000 in Amazon gift cards?
  34. Would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone famous?
  35. Would you rather have free Starbucks for a year or free iTunes music forever?
  36. Would you rather have 100K Facebook followers or 100K Twitter followers?
  37. Would you rather hike a mountain or lay on the beach?
  38. What five things could you not live without?
  39. What three things about the future excite you?
  40. If you had 1 day by yourself what would you do?
  41. What three words best describe you?
  42. Quiet night at home with a book or out on the town with friends?
  43. Snapchat or Instagram stories?
  44. City or country?
  45. Mountains or the beach?
  46. Are you a saver or a spender?
  47. Margaritas frozen or on the rocks?
  48. Wine or beer?
  49. Pepsi or Coke?
  50. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
  51. If you could travel anywhere for free, where would it be and why?
  52. If you could interview one person in your field, who would it be?
  53. If you won the Powerball lottery, how would you spend your winnings?
  54. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  55. What one thing do you hope to accomplish this week?
  56. Work-life balance…is it an entrepreneur’s unicorn or not?
  57. How did you create your “work-life balance”?
  58. Are you an introvert or an extrovert, & how do you use it to your advantage?
  59. Who is an entrepreneur that you look up to?
  60. Who do you admire the most, and why?


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

120 Amazing Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love

If you’re a healthcare business owner, you know just how crucial it is to build a strong presence online.

And the most vital part is to find unique Social Media content ideas that will attract your ideal audience.

So the smartest thing you can do is focus on creating posts that your patients and prospects will love.

But, what actually holds you back?

The time it takes to find great content ideas that you can share on Social Media.

That’s why I want to provide you with 120 amazing social media content ideas that will direct attention to your posts and engage your audience with your brand.


Ask Questions: 

  1. Ask for recommendations (books, courses, or something related to healthcare)
  2. Ask questions related to your practice or industry
  3. Ask which topic should you cover in a live video
  4. Ask your audience what should you post next
  5. Ask your audience what their biggest struggle in their health is


Days of the Week Post Ideas

  1. Motivational Monday (motivate your audience) – #MotivationMonday
  2. Tip Tuesday (related to your niche or your practice) – #TipTuesday
  3. Create a Wisdom Wednesday post – #WisdomWednesday
  4. Throwback Thursday (photos of a trip or your previous results) – #ThrowbackThursday 
  5. Freebie Friday (give a Freebie) – #FreebieFriday
  6. Saturday Special (talk about something special) –      #SaturdaySpecial
  7. Sunday Funday (share what you did that day) – #SundayFunday


Healthcare Business Content for Social Media

  1. Give away Coupon Codes
  2. Talk about a service that’s available
  3. Offer your services
  4. Promote a new service
  5. Talk about the benefits of the service and how it helped you
  6. Promote ‘One Day ONLY’ Flash Discount


Share Quotes

  1. Share a funny quote about your niche or practice
  2. Share an Inspirational Quote and tell your audience what you think about that specific quote or how it helped you think about that specific quote or how it helped you through a situation
  3. Share a quote (graphics) – ask your audience what they think about it
  4. Share your favorite quote (graphics or text) and ask your audience to share their favorite quote


Social Media Content Ideas for Stories

  1. Share testimonials from your patients
  2. Share someone else’s inspiring stories
  3. Talk about your services and how they help people
  4. Highlight a local business
  5. Make videos about practice events
  6. Share a behind-the-scenes photos or videos
  7. Tell a funny story about something connected to your practice
  8. Tell about your struggles in your practice and how you overcame them (your failures and wins)
  9. Share your story (who you are and what your mission is / passions are)



  1. Challenge your audience to post every day for 30 days and give them a FREE Social Media Calendar 
  2. Create a challenge about your niche (example: weight loss challenge)
  3. Challenge your audience to write down 3 goals and they have to achieve at least one in a week
  4. If you don’t have any ideas, ask your audience what challenges they want to do next…


‘How-To’ Content Ideas

  1. Share a step-by-step how-to tutorial (Example: how to count macros or do bird dogs)
  2. Share a how-to create something specific in your niche
  3. Share a how-to create & write down your health and wellness goals


Video Ideas for Social Media

  1. Host an ‘ask-me-anything’ live video
  2. Upload a short video showing behind the scenes & your lifestyle
  3. Interview one of your staff members
  4. Create a video with a couple of tips (from your blog or your Facebook Page), then tell your audience where they can find more tips (share the link)
  5. Host a Giveaway (on Live Video)
  6. Make a Live Video (on your profile, page, group, or stories)
  7. Host a webinar (teach something to help your audience get a win or result)


Create Give-Aways and Freebies

  1. Giveaway services to your super-fans
  2. Create Freebies related to a specific topic that your audience struggles with…
  3. Host a BIG Giveaway (create rules: they have to like, comment, and share your post or video)
  4. Giveaway a 15 Minute Nutrition Coaching Call
  5. Make and Give Away. FREE E-Book (lead magnet) in exchange for their email address


Mini-Course Ideas for Social Media

  1. Create a 5-Day Mini-Course about a specific topic in your niche or practice
  2. Make an email 7-day mini-course (send one lesson per day over 7 days)
  3. Create a 7-Day Mini-Course in your Facebook Group
  4. Collaborate with another practice who has an ideal audience you could share (this will help grow both of your lists/audiences)
  5. Create a Mini-Course with an ideal patient that shows your audience getting a result (case study)


Share Top Tools & Resources

  1. Talk about tools that help you save time and improve your health
  2. Share the best resources that helped you get in better physical condition
  3. Share your favorite apps that you use to get specific results
  4. Talk about the tools that help you create content


Life Tips

  1. Talk about your morning routine
  2. Share your top three personal development books
  3. Talk about leaders you look up to
  4. Share a quick time-saving group
  5. Explain how to prepare for the day of the week
  6. Share all the things you do daily
  7. Share your top apps to help keep you organized



  1. Create a Facebook Poll in your Live Video (ask a specific question)
  2. Create a Facebook Poll on your Profile or Page
  3. Create a Poll in your Facebook Stories (Group, Page, Profile)
  4. Create a Poll in Instagram Stories


Cross Promotions

  1. Share your Social Media Content to your email list (some will engage on your posts)
  2. Share your Instagram Post on your Facebook Page
  3. Create a similar post and share it on all of the Social Media platforms you’re on (spread them throughout the week)
  4. Use the same photos/graphics on other Social Platforms
  5. Share a Link to your Instagram on your Facebook Page, ask people to follow you, and then follow them back!


Mention Your Followers and Fans

  1. Welcome New Followers and Thank them for joining your Group or Page
  2. Shoutout to your Top fan (or top 5 Fans)
  3. Celebrate 1,000 Followers and Thank Them!!
  4. Share a Testimonial from a patient who always comments on your posts and Thank Them
  5. Give Your Followers a Special Gift!
  6. Create a VIP list and each week choose 1 winner and send them a link to your VIP list where they can get at least 1 Freebie 


Blog Posts

  1. Share one of your Blog Posts on Social Media
  2. Re-share your older blog posts
  3. Share someone else’s blog post and explain what you learned
  4. Share a guest blog post and explain what you learned


Service Posts

  1. Create a video on service demonstration
  2. Answer the most asked questions about your services
  3. Share a sneak peek of your upcoming services


Brag A Little…

  1. Create an ‘Ask Me Anything’ post and answer questions…
  2. Share what’s on your bucket list…
  3. Share your vision board…
  4. Share which trip you’re planning next
  5. Talk about what you stand for, your morals
  6. Talk about your favorite destinations
  7. Share why you started working in healthcare business or practice, what attracted you the most, and what you don’t like about it
  8. Talk about who your favorite motivational speaker is and why
  9. Create your ‘Letter to my younger self’ (include a picture of you when you were a baby)


Grow Your Email List

  1. Tell people to sign up for your email list
  2. Create a special email list and promote it
  3. The easiest way to grow your email list is to create Freebies and promote the opt-in on Social


Engagement Style Posts

  1. Re-Share your old content (Photos, Quotes, and Graphics)
  2. Share some interesting news about your niche or practice
  3. Talk about your favorite things to do(alone or with your family)
  4. Share 5 things about yourself that most people don’t know
  5. Create Fill-In-The-Blanks Posts
  6. Create a ‘Guess The Right Answer’ (something about your practice-create a poll or give them multiple choice answers)
  7. Talk about the events you’ll be hosting
  8. Shoutout to your top patients or followers and thank them!
  9. Share your Favorite Podcasts
  10. Talk about healthcare mistakes and how to fix them…
  11. Share some stats in your industry or niche…
  12. Create Case Studies…
  13. Ask your followers how they found or discovered you…
  14. Share Infographics…
  15. Share fun facts about you! / Talk about your WHY!
  16. Recommend someone else or others your audience should follow
  17. Wish Everyone Happy Holidays
  18. Create a day in the life posts
  19. Post a photo and ask your followers to caption it!
  20. Share a Pet Post (Post Pictures or Videos)


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

3 Fresh Social Media Marketing Ideas for 2022

Social media marketing isn’t the new kid on the block anymore. Things that felt fresh and exciting just a few years ago are now old hat and that means we’ve all got to find ways to take our Facebook and Instagram marketing to the next level.

Fortunately, there are still lots of things you can do to “level up” your social media marketing. Here are some suggestions to help you stay ahead of the pack in 2022.


Use Custom Retargeting to Increase Conversions

When you are marketing your products or services to a “cold” audience, it can be nearly impossible to make any money from your Facebook ads. That said, there’s a way you can increase your ROI without spending a lot more money: retargeting.

You may also want to check out lInk retargeting, which allows you to add a Facebook pixel to any content you share, even if it’s curated from a third-party site.


Find Micro-Influencers to Share Your Content

The correct response to the rise of influencer marketing is to focus on micro-influencers: people who have authority with a (relatively) small audience of people who are in the market for services like yours.

Micro-influencers may be industry superstars or popular local figures. Focusing on them means spending far less money than you would on a celebrity influencer for a higher rate of return. You can find influencers by searching for relevant hashtags and looking for people who are sharing content with your target audience.


Optimize for Mobile

Our final tip cuts across all formats and social media sites. At this point in our digital history, you should assume that everyone trying to access your content is doing so via a mobile device. There’s no excuse for not optimizing your social media content for mobile users. 

Social media marketing has come a long way and it’s time to get caught up and try some new things. As we head into the second quarter of 2021, take advantage of the updates to increase your ROI and profits

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

20 Call To Action Prompts For Your Practices Social Media Posts

20 Call To Action Prompts For Your Practices Social Media Posts

Leveraging social media for your practice does not have to be super complicated. The number one thing I hear from most people and practitioners is “I’m not sure where to start” and “I’m not sure what to say” or some variant of those statements.

Here are 20 Call To Action Social Media Prompts for your practice:

  1. Double tap if you…
  2. Save this post…
  3. Tell me how you…
  4. Watch our stories for…
  5. Grab this freebie (coupon)…
  6. Send me a DM if you…
  7. Try this first…
  8. Watch our story for…
  9. Want to know all about…
  10. Click the link in the bio to find…
  11. Tell me if you are the same as me…
  12. Come join us / Find us on…
  13. Head over to our blog to find (blog title / How to…)…
  14. Tell me about your…
  15. I need advice about/on/for…
  16. What do you do when…
  17. Tag a friend who…
  18. Giveaway Time! Enter to win…
  19. Would you rather…
  20. Can I get your opinion on ________…

These social media prompts can help get you started. Switch it up a bit and use these to create your own variation. 

Need some more help or inspiration? Reach out to us, we would be happy to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

70 Killer Content Ideas to Post on Social Media

70 Killer Content Ideas to Post on Social Media

What Do I Post On Social Media?

…This is the number one question people ask when it comes to social media marketing.

The interesting thing here is that there’s really an endless amount of ideas for you to use when it comes to posting on social media.

Before you skip this and jump down to the list, here are a few tips to get the most impact out of these ideas:

  1. Make it RELEVANT for your audience.

For Example:

If you choose to share something from your bucket list…

Can you relate it back to your practice?

Can you add an open-ended question so it sparks people to engage?

  1. Talk TO your audience, dont talk AT them. This is social media. People are looking for stories and posts that they connect with. If you’re not wording posts socially, you close the door for engagement.

For Example:

DONT DO THIS: I read a quote this morning, liked it, and wanted to share it with you.

DO THIS: Have you ever read a quote and thought, “Wow, I really needed to hear that?” Well, I found one this morning that was so perfect, I had to pass it on to you. It’s a difference in the way you talk with people. I promise you’ll see a difference in how people respond when you word things just a little differently.

  1. EVERYTHING you post should ALWAYS support your weekly, monthly, annual marketing, and practice goals.

Post to connect.

– Post to learn more about your audience.

– Post to start a conversation.

– Post to get leads.

– Post to drive traffic.

– Post to build your practice.

The more you do this, the faster you reach your goals.

Ok…so you’re ready for this list! 

  1. Remind People Who You Are, How You Got Started
  2. Go Behind The Scenes
  3. Share a Personal Story
  4. Tell People What You Sell
  5. Share a Joke (Graphics or Text)
  6. Share a Quote (Graphics or Text)
  7. Host an #AMA (Ask Me Anything)
  8. Â Post a How-To or Tutorial
  9. Ask a Question
  10. Host a Poll
  11. Share Your Favorite Book
  12. Ask for Recommendations (Book, TV, Apps, Music, Something related to your biz)
  13. Host a Giveaway
  14. Tell People to Sign Up On Your Email List
  15. Give away a coupon
  16. Host a Sale
  17. Remind Potential Audience To Book for An Appointment
  18. Share a Quick Tip
  19. Share Industry News (Add Your Thoughts To It)
  20. Go LIVE (Live Videos Perform AMAZINGLY WELL)
  21. Post a Sneak Peek of something coming soon
  22. Share a Blog Post You Wrote
  23. Share Any Press or PR Features You Have
  24. Post a Testimonial From a Patient
  25. Give Your Audience A Gift
  26. Re-Share Some Older Content (Graphics, Quotes, Blog Posts)
  27. Host a 1 Day Only Flash Sale
  28. Share Content From Someone Else
  29. Let Someone Guest Post or Takeover Your Profile
  30. Post a Case Study
  31. Answer FAQ’s
  32. Share Some Personal Wins or Results
  33. Host an Interview with a Guest
  34. Post Something Seasonal or Highlight a Holiday
  35. Thank Your Audience!
  36. Post Motivational Monday
  37. Post a Tuesday Tip
  38. Post a Wednesday Wisdom
  39. Post a Throwback Thursday
  40. Post a Flashback Friday
  41. Share a Short Video Clip (Yours or one you like)
  42. Share a podcast episode you love
  43. Share a YouTube video you love
  44. Post some interesting stats or data about your industry
  45. Share your favorite resources (Apps, Websites, Blogs)
  46. Share a WIN or SUCCESS
  47. Share a LOSS or a FAILURE
  48. Share Your Morning Routine
  49. Post about events you’re hosting or going to
  50. Post where you’ll be speaking or where you’re making appearances
  51. Share an Unknown Feature About Your Practice
  52. Let Your Employee Take Over For a Day
  53. Show someone using your service
  54. Post a discount or a special offer
  55. Tell People How You Got Started
  56. Share What Inspired You To Create Your Service
  57. Shoutout or Mention Other Brands
  58. Shoutout or Mention Your Patients
  59. Share a Success Story
  60. Share a Few Of Your Favorite Things
  61. Post a Fill In The Blank
  62. Talk about Mistakes Patients Are Making
  63. Share a Tweet You Like
  64. Share a Pinterest Pin You Like
  65. Share Your Other Social Profiles to Connect On
  66. Share Your Contact Info
  67. Post About A Trip You’ve Taken
  68. Share a Charity You’ve Partnered With
  69. Post About Something On Your Bucket List
  70. Ask Your Audience How They Found You

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

10 Social Media Marketing Ideas You Can Do in 15 Minutes

10 Social Media Marketing Ideas You Can Do in 15 Minutes

Have you ever had those brief moments in your day where you have an extra 15 minutes and you’re not sure what to do to help you grow your practice?

You know those moments where you have just enough time to do one more small task before you leave for the day, pick up your kids, handle a patient emergency issue, perhaps pick up your kids or get on that call with your patient…

You sit there thinking about what to do and then you hop on your phone and onto your favorite social site.

And then you say to yourself, “Hey, it’s just 15 minutes. I can take a few minutes to enjoy a little social break.”

Or maybe you spend your day moving from one project to the next and just feeling stressed. And you’re thinking, “Did you just say take a social break? I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to get more patients from Facebook or how I’m going to increase my followers on Instagram.”

So whether you need ideas to grow your social presence or need a list of suggestions to use in those brief moments of time, I pulled together a list of things that you can do during those quick moments of the day to help you to keep growing your practice.

  1. Make a list of what social sites are bringing you the most traffic:

To make this list, log into your Google Analytics and click on the links to follow this sequence: Acquisitions > All Traffic > Referrals

You’ll see a list showing which social site is generating the most referral traffic to your website. Each site is linked to a breakdown of the actual posts people clicked on to reach your site.

Let’s just say for an example, my top referral source is Pinterest. When I’m in this section, I click on the Pinterest link and it takes me to a breakout of the top pins/images that brought people to my site. To help me better understand what people are interested in, I write out my top 10 pins and the number of traffic clicks from those images to my list of my top social sites.

I can also track my traffic from LinkedIn, my newsletter, and all the places where I do guest blog posts but not Facebook. Right now, Facebook is the only program that won’t give me more information other than the number of people who came to my site.

  1. Read and comment on one of your favorite blogs:

Take the whole 15 minutes to really read the article (not just scan it) and think about your comment. What could you say in your comment to really add to the conversation?

If you can’t add to the conversation, move on to the next blog post or another blogger’s site. It’s OK if it was something that was posted a couple of weeks or a month ago. The point is to spend some time crafting your comment so that you can contribute to the conversation and maybe even start a connection with your favorite blogger.

  1. Do a mini-brainstorm social session:

Is there one social site that you’ve been meaning to give a little attention to help you grow your followers? Try doing a little brainstorm session.

Start by looking at the top content on that site and make notes about what’s connecting with your fans. Now list 5 ideas that you could do to help you create or find more of the type of content your fans want to see more of.

And since you’re keeping this to 15 minutes, there’s no time to judge your ideas, just keep writing down everything that comes to your mind.

  1. Check whats going on with your Twitter account:

To see what’s happening with your Twitter account, click on Twitter and click the link to take you to your Notifications section. This is the place where you’ll be able to view your recent activity.

When I log into my Notifications, I usually do these steps:

  • Did someone new follow you? Click over to their profile and decide if you want to follow them back. Look through their tweets and retweet a post of theirs or comment on one of their tweets.
  • Did someone share your blog post or promote your services? Hit the reply button under their post and thank them for sharing your stuff. I usually add in a personal note to show that I’m not automating these thank you messages.
  1. Update your LinkedIn profile:

Sometimes we get so busy that we forget to add what we’re working on to our LinkedIn profile. I know this one well – it happens to me all the time!

Your LinkedIn profile is super important because if someone runs a Google search of your name, your LinkedIn profile will come up as an option. 

This may be one of the first places where a potential patient or partner will first learn about you so you want to make sure that your information is up to date.

To update your information, log into your LinkedIn profile, go to the Edit Profile section you’ll see the edit pencil next to all the sections } and ask yourself these questions:

  • Did you recently add in a new service? You can add that to your profile under the Project section.
  • Did you write a guest post on another blog? Add in the link in the Publications section.
  • Have your services changed? Make sure you update that in your Summary section as well as in the Experience section.
  1. Find new people in Instagram to follow:

Doing a search for people who do the same work as you do is a great way to see how others in your industry are using Instagram. Run a search for your company’s keywords in the search feature. The search looks like a magnifying glass and sees who comes up.

When I first started using Instagram for my practice, I ran a search and found a ton of people to follow when I searched for practices and subscription boxes. I also found that when I followed people who were like me, several of them followed me back.

Also, make some notes about what hashtags they’re using! I found several of my strongest hashtags from checking out what others who were doing the same type of work as me were using.

  1. Check your numbers in your social sites and set goals for each one for the month:

I usually do this at the end of every month so I can track what’s growing and what site needs a little help. And then I add in a goal number for the next month.

If you don’t know where to start, go into all the social media sites you’re currently using and write down all the analytics numbers like your followers, details about your posts like what day of the week you posted it, and other programs like your email list that you’re tracking.

As you continue to monitor these numbers, you’ll learn which ones create traction for your practice and help you make more sales. And these are the ones you’ll want to focus on each month.

  1. Find new boards to follow in Pinterest:

One of the best ways to help you grow your Pinterest account is to find new boards that are posting new content for you to re-pin on Pinterest. Run a search for new boards at least once a week.

  • Pinterest’s search feature is so easy to use and it’ll help you look for new people, boards, and pins. Just type in the words you’d use to run a search on Google.
  • This search is a huge help to look for more content to add to a board that you just started or want to grow. You’ll be able to find people who have already done the search work and just re-pin several of their pins. And depending on their content, go ahead and follow them or just their board.
  • Pinning and Re-Pinning can be a phenomenal source of traffic to your website
  1. Check your top posts on your Facebook Page:

For many practices, this may be the first thing one decides to do and work on. We kind of kept this to the end of this article so you can work on the outer things that may also benefit your practice as other sources of marketing. 

Now let’s get into it…

To access this information, go to your Facebook Page. Look for the tab on the top of your fan page that says Insights and click on that button.

Then start tracking the activity from your Facebook posts. I used a word document but you can set up a spreadsheet or just write it out on a piece of paper.

After you’ve logged into your Facebook Page Insights, review your posts and answer the following questions:

  • What were your top 5 posts for the week?
  • What time of day were they posted?
  • What day of the week were they posted?
  • What was the topic or message of these posts?
  • Did you add a video, photo or ask a question?

The more you check your Insights, the more you’ll start to see patterns emerge. You’ll start to see what type of content speaks more to your fans and what posts create more engagement with your potential clients.

Having an idea of what your Facebook Page Insights tell you gives you a better sense of direction for your Facebook Marketing.

  1. Remember how Awesome you are!

Take a moment to think about how far you’ve come, all the cool things you’ve done, and make a quick to-do list of what you want to work on next.

If you’re ready to approach your marketing differently in 2022, we would be elated to help!

If you’re tired of aimlessly posting wherever and everywhere and getting nowhere. If you’re done with the weekly struggle of what to post or what sites to use, it’s time to do something different to develop your custom marketing messages.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

7 Types of LinkedIn Posts That Inspire Action

Today we want to help you with your LinkedIn profile to help you get more prospects from it.  Too often healthcare providers ignore this platform but remember, LinkedIn is the Facebook for professionals.  Even more important is that these prospects are known to have an even higher disposable income than Facebook prospects.


Learn what types of posts create engagement, their purpose, and posting frequency.


  1. The Thought Leadership Post


Provide education and new ideas through short tips, extended commentary and videos.


Goal / Objective: Build your authority on your topic within your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once or Twice Weekly


  1. The Curated Post


Sharing other people’s content allows you to stay top of mind with your target audience without having to create your own consistently.


Goal / Objective: Your goal with this type of post is to stay top of mind with your network while adding value to them.


Recommended Frequency: Two times per week


  1. The Promote Your Content Post


Share blog posts from your website or videos from your YouTube Channel.


Goal / Objective: The goal of this post is to drive traffic to the specific content you have created on your website or YouTube.


Recommended Frequency: Two-Three Times Weekly or more if you have the content.


  1. The Engagement Post


Ask questions or request comments on an idea or thought.


Goal / Objective: Encourage engagement and conversation with your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once a week / less often


  1. The Option Post


Share an opinion on something, either implicitly inviting others to join the conversation or explicitly asking them to share their opinions.


Goal / Objective: Inspire a conversation with your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once or Twice Monthly or Less Often


  1. The Celebration Post


Share your professional wins through insightful storytelling.


Goal / Objective: Humanize yourself or your practice while highlighting what you do professionally, allowing people to connect with you emotionally.


Recommended Frequency: As appropriate


  1. The Current Events Post


Share your thoughts on topics trending in the media. Current events are top of mind for many people and prompt conversations around the subject.


Goal / Objective: Inspire conversation around newsworthy events.


Recommended Frequency: Only when relevant


The caveat to any of these suggestions is to proceed within the scope of your standard operating procedures. Some current events might be sensitive in nature and should be considered accordingly.


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

Fresh Social Media Marketing Ideas For Your Practice in 2021

Social media marketing is no longer the new kid on the block. As a healthcare business owner, leveraging social media can be an effective marketing resource. Keeping up with what is working  and taking advantage of the latest trends on social platforms can deliver results for your practice!


There are still plenty of things you can do to improve your social media marketing this year! Here are a few things you can do to level up your social media efforts!


Poll Your Followers


Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all allow users to create polls for the followers to respond to. In most cases, we’re talking about simple polls with just two or three potential responses.


A poll is a great way to collect feedback from your followers while simultaneously creating ‘engagement’ for your account. 


Polls can also be used to measure the effectiveness of your campaign. Because polls are interactive, they encourage engagement. In many cases, respondents won’t even need to leave their feed and they can respond by clicking their choice right within your poll!


You can also try using polls to split tests and leverage your audience to get invaluable insight. This method works by asking people to vote on which version of your website they prefer or eliciting feedback on variations of your creatives.


Engage in Social Listening


Social Listening can help your practice tap into trending conversations and get the gist of what your audience is talking about and the general consensus around the topic. 

You probably saw a brand respond to a news story in a tone-deaf way. That’s not a good look for your brand.


Does that mean you should never respond to anything topical? No – but it does mean you need to be careful.


The best way to avoid missteps is to engage in social listening. 


Before you post, scroll through relevant hashtags, and get a feeling for what people are saying and how it might relate to your brand or services. Then, you’ll be able to craft a response that is equal to the moment and will speak to the concerns and needs of the people who follow you.


Fine-Tune Your Twitter Voice  


Having a consistent brand voice is also very important on Twitter, where you only have 288 characters to get your point across. You can expand a thought over two or more Tweets (sometimes known as a Tweetstorm) but you still need to fine-tune your voice.


Your voice might be authoritative, funny, snarky, or highbrow. Whatever it is, you should learn how to get it across in a single Tweet. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of experimentation and trying a couple of different options will help you to get it right.


Deploying social listening and engaging on Twitter can be huge for your practice. 


Vary Your Instagram Content  


Because Instagram got its start as an app where people could share mobile photography, it’s common for healthcare business owners to get stuck in a rut, posting only high-quality photographs and never taking any chances.


Instagram’s options have expanded and it’s time for you to get on board with the changes. You can try any of the following to diversify your content.

  • Create short videos to share with your followers
  • Do an Instagram Live video
  • Create one or more GIFs from your videos or other sources
  • Get creative and make some memes that are relevant to your brand
  • Take advantage of micro-blogging and share your thoughts


There’s a lot you can do with Instagram and as users become increasingly sophisticated, they expect more from the brands they follow.


Start an IGTV Show 


Speaking of expanded content on Instagram, did you know you can create long-form television shows using IGTV? Content creators use IGTV to do Q & A sessions, live stream events, interview experts, share reviews and testimonials and much more. 


You don’t have to be an expert in video production or sound technology to start creating your own IGTV show.


The key is to get started. 


By creating long form content that is compelling and an insight into your business, it’s personality and culture, your fans and patients will likely get a better feel and deepen their affinity.


Use Custom Retargeting to Increase Conversions 


When you are marketing your services to a “cold” audience, it can be nearly impossible to make any money from your Facebook ads. That said, there’s a way you can increase your ROI without spending a lot more money: retargeting.


For example, you might run a video ad to people in your area featuring your service. You don’t need to run it for long – just a few days or a week. Then, you can create a custom audience of people who watched at least half of your video and show them a new ad designed to pique their interest and encourage them to buy your service or fill out your lead form.


Retargeting is a good idea to help leverage recency and recognition of your practice’’ brand.


Find Micro-Influencers to Share Your Content


Another great way to leverage social media is through influencer marketing.


Few practices have the money to hire nationally-recognizable influencers. For that reason, unfortunately, some healthcare business owners have written off influencer marketing as something that’s a waste of time.


However, the rise of micro-influencer marketing has delivered substantial results for many practices. 


As a practice, considering influencer marketing is to focus on micro-influencers: people who have authority with the (relatively) small audience of people who are in the market for services like yours.

Micro-influencers may be industry superstars or popular local figures. In other words, they have influence over an audience who might also be interested in your practice. Focusing on them means spending far less money than you would on a celebrity influencer for a higher rate of return. You can find influencers by searching for relevant hashtags and looking for people who are sharing content to your target audience. 

Another great way to discover micro-influencers in your local area is to search under the geo-location tab on Instagram. There you will discover accounts who show up locally. Digging a bit deeper into these accounts might yield who commands the attention and engagement of an ideal local audience!


Optimize for Mobile 


Our final tip cuts across all formats and social media sites. At this point in our digital history, you should assume that everybody accessing your content is doing so via a mobile device. There’s no excuse for not optimizing your social media content for mobile users.


On Pinterest and Instagram, use rectangular pictures with a 2:3 aspect ratio. This method works great on mobile platforms.


Social media marketing has come a long way! It’s time to get caught up and try some new things. As we head into the second rest of the year, take advantage of the updates to increase your ROI and profits.


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call 

8 Social Media Forget Worthy Myths in 2021

There’s no question that social media marketing is, and will continue to be, important for practice. If we hold this to be true, there are also a lot of social media myths that are annoyingly persistent and believing them can hurt your practice.

There are a number of myths that you need to debunk if you want to grow your practice on social media.

#1: You Need a Presence on Every Social Media Site

The notion that you need a presence on every social media site is one of the most harmful myths for healthcare business owners. It takes time, effort, and money to maintain an active presence on ANY social media site and nobody has time for all of them.

What you need is an active and meaningful presence on the sites that offer you the best opportunity to connect with your target audience and engage your patients. Nothing else matters. Most practices should be on Facebook. 

Does this mean you should never try something new? Of course not! Set up a profile and give it a try. But if the site you choose isn’t giving you the results you want, cut it loose.

#2: Fans and Followers are Worthless if They Dont Become Paying Patients 

Social media is a great way to attract new patients. But, it can also be a bit challenging for healthcare business owners to use it properly.

A common misconception we hear about is a lot of healthcare business owners who think that followers who aren’t paying patients aren’t worth having – and that’s not true.

Your fans and followers don’t need to buy from you to be useful. Having a large following can raise your profile and help new patients find you. If you’ve got fans or followers who have a lot of clout, you’ll get some of it by association. 

Most importantly, a follower who doesn’t buy your services could still refer their friends and followers to your practice. You should run ads designed to attract paying patients but don’t ignore the benefits of followers who aren’t your patients. They’re still helpful.

#3: Its Useful to Have Your Friends and Family Like” Your Posts

Another common mistake healthcare business owners make when it comes to social media marketing is asking your friends and family to ‘Like’ your posts. It would be more beneficial to find a way to engage with your posts instead!

It doesn’t mean that you should tell people not to like your posts. Instead, it means that you should always be asking people to engage with your content and share it with them.

#4: You Shouldnt Schedule Posts on the Weekend

It’s a common practice for practices not to share new social media content on the weekend. While it’s true that some of your followers might not spend as much time on social media on the weekends as they do during the week, you shouldn’t assume that weekend content is unnecessary.

Instead, try scheduling a few weekend posts to see how they do. You can use Facebook Insights or whatever analytics tool you prefer to determine which days and times are the best for posting.

#5: You Must Respond to Social Media Comments Immediately

It’s important to respond to a question or leave a comment in a timely manner. But responding in a manner that doesn’t drop everything can be very time-consuming.

If you have a social media presence, then you should be sure that your patient support is done quickly. With the rise of Facebook Messenger, practices can now offer their patients a variety of chatbot solutions to handle their needs.

However, a comment that doesn’t require patient support involvement can wait a little while for a response. As a rule, try to respond within 24 hours.

#6: Social Media Posts Must Always Be Practice-like

Social media is social first and media second, but a lot of healthcare business owners forget that. Their social media posts are as dry as dust and don’t get any engagement. And they wonder why.

Don’t be afraid to inject some personality into your social media posts. Even if you offer a professional service, you can still use appropriate humor or compassion in your posts. This is the place to showcase your brand personality. Make sure that anybody who is empowered to post on your social media accounts understands the persona you want to project.

#7: You Need Endless New Content to Post

It’s good practice to publish new content regularly on your social media sites. However, there’s nothing wrong with repurposing or resharing old content if you don’t have time to write something new.

You can also find relevant content by sourcing it from industry publications and influencers. Curating content and offering feedback on the content you are sharing is a great way to position you and your practice as an expert or thought leader on your industry’s subject matter.

#8: Social Media Marketing is Free

This final myth is one that I hear often. While it is free to set up a social media account for your practice, you’re unlikely to get the results you want without spending some money.

The more you promote your content on social media, the more likely it is that your followers will see it.

The only way you can be sure that your followers will see your most important content is to boost it and or leverage paid advertising. Social media marketing can help you get your content in front of potential patients. The good news is that you don’t need to spend much to get the results you want.

The 8 myths I have listed here are all past their prime. Learn to navigate them and you’ll see your social media marketing results improve – and your business grow.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call