Today we want to help you with your LinkedIn profile to help you get more prospects from it.  Too often healthcare providers ignore this platform but remember, LinkedIn is the Facebook for professionals.  Even more important is that these prospects are known to have an even higher disposable income than Facebook prospects.


Learn what types of posts create engagement, their purpose, and posting frequency.


  1. The Thought Leadership Post


Provide education and new ideas through short tips, extended commentary and videos.


Goal / Objective: Build your authority on your topic within your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once or Twice Weekly


  1. The Curated Post


Sharing other people’s content allows you to stay top of mind with your target audience without having to create your own consistently.


Goal / Objective: Your goal with this type of post is to stay top of mind with your network while adding value to them.


Recommended Frequency: Two times per week


  1. The Promote Your Content Post


Share blog posts from your website or videos from your YouTube Channel.


Goal / Objective: The goal of this post is to drive traffic to the specific content you have created on your website or YouTube.


Recommended Frequency: Two-Three Times Weekly or more if you have the content.


  1. The Engagement Post


Ask questions or request comments on an idea or thought.


Goal / Objective: Encourage engagement and conversation with your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once a week / less often


  1. The Option Post


Share an opinion on something, either implicitly inviting others to join the conversation or explicitly asking them to share their opinions.


Goal / Objective: Inspire a conversation with your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once or Twice Monthly or Less Often


  1. The Celebration Post


Share your professional wins through insightful storytelling.


Goal / Objective: Humanize yourself or your practice while highlighting what you do professionally, allowing people to connect with you emotionally.


Recommended Frequency: As appropriate


  1. The Current Events Post


Share your thoughts on topics trending in the media. Current events are top of mind for many people and prompt conversations around the subject.


Goal / Objective: Inspire conversation around newsworthy events.


Recommended Frequency: Only when relevant


The caveat to any of these suggestions is to proceed within the scope of your standard operating procedures. Some current events might be sensitive in nature and should be considered accordingly.


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

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