7 Quick and Easy Ways To Generate Leads For Your Practice

Getting enough leads (new prospects) is a problem many small health care business owners face. It seems like there’s a billion different marketing strategies nowadays. But how do you know which ones will actually be effective? Here’s 7 of our favorite quick and easy ways to generate more leads – FAST! Tweet! Twitter is a […]

How to Handle Patient Complaints About Your Practice

Patient complaints are a reality of running any health care business. While receiving negative feedback can be unpleasant, it is essential for making noticeable improvements to your company and holding onto patients and…. bringing in more new patients too.    One way you can mitigate the sting when people take time out of their day […]

How To Add Your Health Care Business To Apple Maps

Apple Maps is the third most popular map service on the market today. With 23 million monthly unique visitors, they are right behind Google’s 154 million and Nokia HERE’s 27.7 million Is Apple Maps worth the time for a health care business and your practice?  As you’ll soon discover, it’s a worthwhile investment and a […]

Here’s How to Use Google My Business for FREE to Get More Patients

Google! It’s a massive search engine and it’s become synonymous with searching for information online. It’s even become part of our everyday lexicon. Just ‘Google It’!  If you are trying to give your health care business the advantage and leverage of being found when someone does a search for your type of health care business, […]

6 Local Lead Generation Tips For Your Healthcare Business

For healthcare business owners, lead generation (attracting new prospective patients) can be the difference between success and failure. You need repeat patients to stay afloat but you also have to look for new leads online if you want your practice to scale. In the age of technology, it seems that everyone has a computer in […]

Fresh Social Media Marketing Ideas For Your Practice in 2021

Social media marketing is no longer the new kid on the block. As a healthcare business owner, leveraging social media can be an effective marketing resource. Keeping up with what is working  and taking advantage of the latest trends on social platforms can deliver results for your practice!   There are still plenty of things […]

8 Social Media Forget Worthy Myths in 2021

There’s no question that social media marketing is, and will continue to be, important for practice. If we hold this to be true, there are also a lot of social media myths that are annoyingly persistent and believing them can hurt your practice. There are a number of myths that you need to debunk if […]

6 Proven Resources To Grow Your Email List

There’s no denying that email marketing is effective, but it only works if you have a list of qualified and engaged subscribers (prospects) who are eager to read your content. Sounds easy, right? Most practices have email lists that are not attracting new prospects. They are not doing anything to improve their email marketing efforts. […]

6 Affordable Marketing Methods for Your Practice

When a practice is pinching pennies, the marketing budget is often the first thing to go. For many healthcare business owners, it’s more important to continue paying employees and to pay utilities than it is to try to attract new patients. However, eliminating your marketing altogether is a mistake that can cost you in the […]

How to Spy on Your Competitors’ Facebook Ads

What if I told you that you could be the James Bond of local marketing? How would you like to get the ‘other team’s playbook’? And by ‘other team’ I mean ‘your competitors’! Would you be interested? The truth is, you can really spy and do so legally!  What we’re discussing in this post has […]

How to Get the Most Out of your Practice’s Facebook Page

You might already have a Facebook Practice Page. If you don’t, you should – in fact, setting one up should be the very next thing you do after reading this article. Why? Facebook has more than 2 billion active monthly users.  Regardless of where your practice is located or what you sell, the chances are […]

Facebook Ad Objectives…Explained

Most practices should advertise on Facebook. That’s what I believe, and the evidence backs me up. It’s cost-effective and, if you do it right, it can help your practice to grow. But that is easier said than done. While Facebook ads are effective, many health care business owners don’t know which objectives to choose for […]

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