A Coach is a Sage to Success In Your Practice

A Coach is a Sage to the Success of your practice

A Coach Is A Sage To Your Success Summer is upon us and as such, you may be in one of these (2) situations…. >> It’s vacation time, census for the practice is slower, so you just tune out & enjoy a break…OR >> It’s busy, the practice’s census has never been higher as it […]

Fresh Social Media Marketing Ideas For Your Practice in 2021

Social media marketing is no longer the new kid on the block. As a healthcare business owner, leveraging social media can be an effective marketing resource. Keeping up with what is working  and taking advantage of the latest trends on social platforms can deliver results for your practice!   There are still plenty of things […]

[Video Part 2] 15 ideas to promote your content for New Patients

15 ideas to promote your content for New Patients

Like we asked in Part 1 of this short video series: Are you creating some great content for your current patients and prospects? This week we wrap up the series and we will cover…. How to use Trigger Based Call To Actions Quick and Easy Social Sharing Videos… Videos… and Yes… Videos Email Signature Links […]

[Video Part 1] 15 ideas to promote your content for New Patients

[Video Part 1] 15 ideas to promote your content for New Patients

15 ideas to promote your content for New Patients Are you creating some great content for your current patients and prospects? We hope your answer was YES!  If your answer was NO – we need to talk! OK, let’s just pretend for the purpose of this message you said yes! Now what we want to […]

8 Social Media Forget Worthy Myths in 2021

There’s no question that social media marketing is, and will continue to be, important for practice. If we hold this to be true, there are also a lot of social media myths that are annoyingly persistent and believing them can hurt your practice. There are a number of myths that you need to debunk if […]

7 Tips To Attract More New Patients With Social Media Into Your Practice

7 Tips To Attract More New Patients With Social Media Into Your Practice

7 Tips To Attract More New Patients With Social Media Into Your Practice As summer starts there are a few things on peoples minds…. >> Schools Out >> Vacations >> How will I look in my swimsuit >> Next years vacation >> For Healthcare Business Owners – it should be….. >>> Where is my next […]

6 Proven Resources To Grow Your Email List

There’s no denying that email marketing is effective, but it only works if you have a list of qualified and engaged subscribers (prospects) who are eager to read your content. Sounds easy, right? Most practices have email lists that are not attracting new prospects. They are not doing anything to improve their email marketing efforts. […]

How to close (or educate) prospects into patients

how to close or education prospects into patients

How to Close or Educate Prospects into Patients Sales & Closing can feel cheesy, scary and is not supposed to be healthcare, right? It seems like you’re a used car sales person. Education and teaching is what a healthcare provider does. That’s what we love to do! Guess what…it’s the same thing! Yes, you need […]

6 Affordable Marketing Methods for Your Practice

When a practice is pinching pennies, the marketing budget is often the first thing to go. For many healthcare business owners, it’s more important to continue paying employees and to pay utilities than it is to try to attract new patients. However, eliminating your marketing altogether is a mistake that can cost you in the […]

Do you have high expectations for your practice

Setting high expectations for your practice | Practice Insiders Edge

Do you have high expectations for your practice? This week I’ve got a little car ride video (beep beep) and it’s going to be about expectations. I have expectations in myself, our business, of my son in lacrosse (I talk about it in the video) and of the practitioners we work with and those that […]

How to Spy on Your Competitors’ Facebook Ads

What if I told you that you could be the James Bond of local marketing? How would you like to get the ‘other team’s playbook’? And by ‘other team’ I mean ‘your competitors’! Would you be interested? The truth is, you can really spy and do so legally!  What we’re discussing in this post has […]

Big Word – Simple Meaning Take a Look 👀

Metacognition and how it affects your practices bottom line

METACOGNITION…big word, simple meaning! Here is the definition via online dictionary: awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes. Thinking about what you’re thinking about. A simple concept right? Last week we spoke about The Power Of Your Future.  Well, the truth is your future is dependent upon how you think about yourself and how […]

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