A Coach is a Sage to the Success of your practice

A Coach Is A Sage To Your Success

Summer is upon us and as such, you may be in one of these (2) situations….
>> It’s vacation time, census for the practice is slower, so you just tune out & enjoy a break…OR
>> It’s busy, the practice’s census has never been higher as it bounces back from covid & life is too crazy to do anything else right now but just.keep.up

>>Regardless of which bucket you may fall into, your practice goals need to stay in focus & summer often is a time where these priorities gets blurry

>> For Healthcare Business Owners – what can be done to stay in focus…..
>>> So happy you asked!

A solution many have realized is A Coach! A coach is a crucial part of achieving your practice’s goals! Because an accountability partner, someone who’s been on the journey before you and can guide you, keep you on the right path, help you veer off when you should, to avoid danger, is an integral part of seeking the success you desire for your practice.

So this is why this week’s video is a great resource regarding how a coach is ‘A Sage to Success’.

We also spoke about the need for their to be a mindset shift from going from a clinician to a CEO

Why a Coach…
1. Accountability…just like scheduling an appointment to see us versus thinking you can get better on your own
2. A Partner who’s only focus is Your Practice’s Goals
3. A Sage who can help keep you Focused as they provide guidance

Give this video a watch and let us know what you think!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice, a COACH even, to assist you on STAYING FOCUSED as a way to Achieve Your Practice’s GOALs or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you! You can do one of two things:
(1) Drop a comment below with the word: SAGE and we will get back in touch with you
(2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

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