4 Tips To Creating Local Content For Your Health Care Business

So it’s always a good time to focus on creating localized content. That means more than simply putting your local keywords into general content. You’ll need to show casual visitors to your site that you are a part of your local community!   Here are some points to get you started…   Blog about Local […]

7 Quick and Easy Ways To Generate Leads For Your Practice

Getting enough leads (new prospects) is a problem many small health care business owners face. It seems like there’s a billion different marketing strategies nowadays. But how do you know which ones will actually be effective? Here’s 7 of our favorite quick and easy ways to generate more leads – FAST! Tweet! Twitter is a […]

6 Ways You Can Win With Direct Mail For Your Practice

Direct Mail is not dead!   There are so many ways to leverage direct mail to get real results for your practice. There’s no question you might need to allocate a budget for this sort of advertising and marketing.    However, there are ways that you can improve the results and ensure you win with […]

5 Insanely Useful Hacks For Building A Local Email List For Your Practice

99% of consumers check their email every day!…   80% of retail professionals indicate that email marketing is their greatest driver of customer retention…   87% of marketers use email campaigns to nurture their audiences…   It’s no surprise that list-building gets a lot of attention – and it probably sounds like a lot of […]

Is Your Practices Reputation Costing You New Patients?

Is Your Practices Reputation Costing You New Patients

Is Your Practices Reputation Costing You New Patients? The question you must ask yourself to win in your community is: Does your practice have a 5 Star Reputation? If your answer is not sure…. then you are going to want to watch this video. We will also be covering: How to get a handle on […]

[Interview] Parker Success Academy with President Dr. William E. Morgan

[Interview] Parker Success Academy with President Dr. William E. Morgan

Parker Success Academy interview with Dr. William E. Morgan This week is a little bit of a changeup in our typical video series. I am on the “hot mic” if you wish as I am being interviewed by Dr. William E. Morgan, the President of Parker University in Dallas TX for their Parker Success Academy. […]

How to Handle Patient Complaints About Your Practice

Patient complaints are a reality of running any health care business. While receiving negative feedback can be unpleasant, it is essential for making noticeable improvements to your company and holding onto patients and…. bringing in more new patients too.    One way you can mitigate the sting when people take time out of their day […]

Competition vs Outcomes – what is best for your business and patients?

Competition vs Outcomes - what is best for your business and patients?

Competition vs Outcomes – what is best for your business and patients? What is your (your practices) ultimate goal vs what is your goal for your patients or clients? How do you view your competition and how are you viewing them from the perspective of helping yourself vs helping your patients. When you started your practice – […]

How To Add Your Health Care Business To Apple Maps

Apple Maps is the third most popular map service on the market today. With 23 million monthly unique visitors, they are right behind Google’s 154 million and Nokia HERE’s 27.7 million Is Apple Maps worth the time for a health care business and your practice?  As you’ll soon discover, it’s a worthwhile investment and a […]

The Practice Leverage Method – How Can It Help You and Your Practice?

Practice Leverage Method - Is It For You?

The Practice Leverage Method – How Can It Help You and Your Practice? So, we’ve chatted the last few weeks about coaching and how we work with our clients.  We then had a few questions dropped in asking about our Practice Leverage Method and how it can help you and your practice. We spoke about […]

Here’s How to Use Google My Business for FREE to Get More Patients

Google! It’s a massive search engine and it’s become synonymous with searching for information online. It’s even become part of our everyday lexicon. Just ‘Google It’!  If you are trying to give your health care business the advantage and leverage of being found when someone does a search for your type of health care business, […]

The Benefits Of A Practice Coach

The Benefits of a having a Practice Coach

The Benefits of having a Practice Coach I’m sure you are aware of the fact the following people had coaches, right? Michael Jordan Serena Williams Larry Bird Danica Patrick Why don’t you have a coach to help you go to the next level like these athletes do?  A coach can help you decrease the learning […]

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