Why and How To Ask For More Patient Reviews

How and Why To Ask For Patient Reviews

In today’s video, we are going to talk about the importance of Asking for Reviews. I’ll make this bold statement – 9 out of 10 times if you don’t ask for a review – you’re not going to get one. In other words, there are some nice souls out there that will review you and […]

Is Your Practices Reputation Costing You New Patients?

Is Your Practices Reputation Costing You New Patients

Is Your Practices Reputation Costing You New Patients? The question you must ask yourself to win in your community is: Does your practice have a 5 Star Reputation? If your answer is not sure…. then you are going to want to watch this video. We will also be covering: How to get a handle on […]

[Interview] Parker Success Academy with President Dr. William E. Morgan

[Interview] Parker Success Academy with President Dr. William E. Morgan

Parker Success Academy interview with Dr. William E. Morgan This week is a little bit of a changeup in our typical video series. I am on the “hot mic” if you wish as I am being interviewed by Dr. William E. Morgan, the President of Parker University in Dallas TX for their Parker Success Academy. […]

6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked

6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked

6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked Have you ever been hacked, your website that is? If you have not that it is critical that you watch THIS VIDEO on the 6 Steps To Prevent Your Website From Being Hacked! We talked last week about the importance of doing a Practice Marketing Audit, […]

The Patient Challenge Is Ready To Go

The Patient Challenge Founders Special | Practice Insiders Edge | Practice Leverage Method

The Patient Challenge Program Are you as excited as we are for the launch of The Patient Challenge Program? Watch our video overview to see how it can help you overcome these 3 Practice Challenges: 1. Poor Online Presence and Reputation 2. Poor Quality and Consistency of New Patients 3. Poor Social Media Presence You […]

Creating the Perfect Patient Message for your practice

Perfect Patient Message | Practice Insiders Edge

Perfect Patient Message If you watched last week’s video on the why and how to create your Perfect Patient Avatar, well this week’s video shows you how to create the Perfect Patient Message. This is the CORE of your practices marketing message and it will DRIVE ALL of your marketing moving forward and it will […]

Do You Have A Perfect Patient Avatar

Do You Have A Perfect Patient Avatar | Practice Insiders Edge

What is your Perfect Patient Avatar? Let us ask you a very important question… Do you have a Perfect Patient you LOVE to see in your practice? In other words, if you could see just one “condition” in the practice all the time, which would it be? Do you like to treat athletes? Do you […]

Want access to the Patient Challenge Pilot Program?

Practice Insiders Edge Pilot Program called Patients Challenge

Want access to the Patient Challenge Pilot Program? Question for you…. Are you interested in more New Patients For Your Practice? In today’s video we discuss our Brand New Pilot Program called The Patients Challenge.  In this challenge we are going to take Private Practice Healthcare Business Owners (just like you) through a 9-Week Done […]

Does Your Practice Have A Strong Social Media Presence

Does Your Practice Have A Strong Social Media Presence

Does Your Practice Have A Strong Social Media Presence How is your practice’s social media game… Is it Weak? Is it Good? Is it Strong? Well, regardless of the “strength” of your social media game, this week’s video will show you the importance of being relevant, consistent, and why you need to be in front […]

Is Your Website Generating New Patients?

Is Your Practice Website Optimized | Practice Leverage Method | Practice Insiders Edge

If you don’t have a website…. (#1 you’re crazy) because people are searching for a healthcare provider in your area and if they don’t find you – YEP they are heading to your competition. We’ve been talking about our Practice Foundational Components from your Google My Business Page to making sure you have a 5 […]

Does your practice have a 5 Star Reputaiton

5 Star Practice Reputation | Practice Insiders Edge

Think about this… When’s the last time you went to a 2 Star Restaurant? When’s the last time you let your kids stay at a 3 Star Day Care Center? When is the last time someone went to see a healthcare professional with a 1 or 2 or 3 star rating? The answer is NEVER […]

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