5 Types of Content Marketing for your practice | Practice Insiders Edge | Practice Leverage Method

5 Types of Content Marketing for Your Practice

This is to build off of last weeks video on the 4 tips for creating local content to help build your patient base and spread community support.

Today, we wanted to share with you 5 different types of content marketing you can employ for your practice:

1. Blog and Vlog posts
2. Infographics
3. Patient Testimonials
4. Patient Case Studies
5. Educational or Fun Videos

Give it a watch and feel free to share your content with us, we’d love to see how you are making it work for your practice.


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice on Creating Content or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you! You can do one of two things: (1) Drop a comment below with the word: CONTENT and we will get back in touch with you (2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call


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