7 Content Marketing Tactics Every Practitioner Should Steal

Ad campaigns are still effective, but the truth is they’re not as effective as content marketing. Bill Gates proclaimed “Content is king” back in 1996 and his words have proven to be remarkably prescient. Web users expect top-notch content from the companies they follow.

Easier said than done, right? Well… maybe. There are lots of great tactics you can use to create the kind of content that your followers want. If you handle it properly, the content you post on your website and social media can turn casual visitors into leads and leads into patients.

Here are 7 content marketing tactics that you should steal.

#1: Content Diversification

What kind of content are you creating? If you’re only creating blog posts or Instagram stories, then you may be missing out on marketing opportunities by not diversifying your content.

The bottom line is that there are three types of content: written, audio, and video. Using all three will help you reach the widest possible audience.

A good example is Daniel Moyer Photography in Philadelphia. In addition to a compelling website with tons of photographs of happy couples, Daniel also posts videos on Facebook, has a blog on his website, and co-hosts a wedding planning podcast called Put a Ring on It.

#2: Specialized Topics

Blogging is a marketing basic for many practitioners. However, if you’re posting only broad topic content that’s available elsewhere, you might be losing visitors who are in search of something unique and compelling.

Keep in mind that a highly specialized topic may be more universal than you think. Likewise, a focused post can help bring people to your website who are in search of a solution for a problem they’re experiencing.

SimpleCoat is a company that makes a cleaning and sealing product that can be used on stone countertops, stainless steel, and more. Their recent blog topics include a post about the difference between permeability and porosity in stone countertops and one about how to remove rust stains from stainless steel appliances. By going beyond the obvious uses of their product or generalized cleaning advice, they’ve made it easy for the people who might need their product to find their website.

#3: Authorship 

Writing books can help you to build authority. Some practitioners write short books and guides that they use as lead magnets. Others sell their books on their websites or list them on Amazon. Either way, a well-written book can help you connect with a new audience or deepen your connection with your existing patients.

Neil Patel is a marketing guru who has built multiple successful websites including NeilPatel.com and CrazyEgg.com. He’s also the author of several marketing books that have helped to establish him as someone whose marketing advice can be trusted.

Keep in mind that the book you write does not need to be long, nor do you need to write it yourself. You have the option of hiring a freelancer if writing isn’t your strong suit.

#4: Podcasting 

You may have noticed that podcasting is everywhere. As of October 2020, there are over 1.5 million active podcasts and more than 34 million episodes. It seems like everybody is doing it – so why aren’t you?

You don’t need to be a famous practitioner with millions of followers to have a successful podcast.

Addition Financial is a Florida-based credit union. Their financial podcast, Making It Count, is entering its second season. They cover a wide range of financial topics from college tuition to retirement planning.

The benefit of having a podcast is that listening to people talk feels more personal than reading what they have to say. People can listen to podcasts while they drive or work out and they provide an opportunity to go in-depth about topics that matter to your audience.

#5: Humanizing Your Content

The days of impersonal content are gone. The rise of social media has allowed patients to have direct content with the brands they follow. Every practitioner should be getting on board with content humanization.

A big company that has done a superb job of personalizing content is Dove Beauty. While content humanization can mean introducing people to your employees, Dove has taken it in a different direction by putting its customers front and center.

By asking followers for their stories and turning them into compelling content, they’ve made their brand highly memorable and relatable. Whether you decide to emulate them or try something different, personalizing your brand can help you connect with your patients.

#6: Voice Optimization 

Voice optimization is one area where a lot of practitioners are falling behind. Despite the fact that half of all searches are now voice searches, only a few practitioners are fully on board with the idea of embracing voice technology.

Let’s look at a big company for an example of what’s possible with voice search. Nestle has partnered with Amazon to create a tool that allows users to ask Alexa for recipes using Nestle products. Alexa will then walk users through the recipe step by step by linking to Nestle’s website.

#7: Storytelling 

People love stories. Storytelling is one of the best ways to connect people to your service, helping them to understand it on an emotional level.

The great thing about stories is that they lend themselves to any format. You can write a story, of course, but you can also tell a story in pictures. Footwear brand Minnetonka has dedicated an entire page on its website to their customers’ photographs. Each picture tells a story.

User-generated content can be a great way to make your social media followers feel important and included. While big brands such as Dove do it all the time, you don’t need to have millions of followers to make this strategy work for you.

You can use the 7 content marketing tactics here to take your marketing to the next level. It’s not enough to create content. You need compelling content that serves a purpose and drive engagement with your followers if you want your practice to thrive.


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call 

Do You Have A Perfect Patient Avatar

Do You Have A Perfect Patient Avatar | Practice Insiders Edge

What is your Perfect Patient Avatar?

Let us ask you a very important question…

Do you have a Perfect Patient you LOVE to see in your practice?

In other words, if you could see just one “condition” in the practice all the time, which would it be?

Do you like to treat athletes?
Do you like to treat headaches?
Do you like to treat SLAP lesions?
Do you like to treat Moms and Kiddos?

If you do, then today’s video will help you understand the importance and growth potential for your practice if you truly do “niche down” and start creating your Perfect Patient Avatar.

We also want to crush the #1 reason why most people do NOT want to target a specific niche.  And if you want to learn what that is, watch this video.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice on creating and designing your Perfect Patient Avatar and would like our Framework or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you!  You can do one of two things: 

(1) Drop a comment below with the word: PATIENT AVATAR and we will get back in touch with you

(2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call

===== Patient Challenge ====

In case you did not see last weeks invitation to our Patient’s Challenge you can go to this post: CLICK HERE

You will learn about the 9 week program we fun to help you generate more new patients into your practice by making sure both your Practice and Patient Foundation are set up correctly and then we work on making you a Local Social Media Influencer in your community.

Want access to the Patient Challenge Pilot Program?

Practice Insiders Edge Pilot Program called Patients Challenge

Want access to the Patient Challenge Pilot Program?

Question for you….

Are you interested in more New Patients For Your Practice?

In today’s video we discuss our Brand New Pilot Program called The Patients Challenge.  In this challenge we are going to take Private Practice Healthcare Business Owners (just like you) through a 9-Week Done With You Program to generate more new patients into your practice which could bring in an additional $5K – $10K or even $15K during this time frame.

We are going to cover 3 main issues most private practice healthcare business owners have and how to overcome them:

  1. Having a Poor Online Presence and Reputation
  2. Having Poor Quality leads that don’t covert
  3. Have a Poor Social Media Presence

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to gain access to our Patient Challenge Pilot Program just post the word: PATIENTS below in the comments section. 

We will get back in touch with you and get you all the details.Have a FAN-tastic day!

Does Your Practice Have A Strong Social Media Presence

Does Your Practice Have A Strong Social Media Presence

Does Your Practice Have A Strong Social Media Presence

How is your practice’s social media game… 
Is it Weak?

Is it Good?

Is it Strong?

Well, regardless of the “strength” of your social media game, this week’s video will show you the importance of being relevant, consistent, and why you need to be in front of the soon to be 4 (plus) Billion Social Media users.

This is the final video in our Practice Foundation of the Practice Leverage Method. We covered Google My Business, Having a Five Star Practice Reputation, Having an Optimized Website and today we dig deeper into social media and your practice.

The truth is…. your prospective patients are on Social Media and you need to be there as well.

NO EXCUSES if you’re not we will give a few pointers away in today’s video on how you can pick up your Social Media Game!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice on the importance of Social Media for your practice or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you!  You can do one of two things: 

(1) Drop a comment below with the word: Social Media and we will get back in touch with you

(2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call

Is Your Website Generating New Patients?

Is Your Practice Website Optimized | Practice Leverage Method | Practice Insiders Edge

If you don’t have a website…. (#1 you’re crazy) because people are searching for a healthcare provider in your area and if they don’t find you – YEP they are heading to your competition.

We’ve been talking about our Practice Foundational Components from your Google My Business Page to making sure you have a 5 Star Practice Reputation.  

Now today we want to talk about the importance of a well Optimized Website for your practice.

If you do have a website, today video will go over two important reasons to work on the optimization of the site:

  1. Mobile Optimization – why it’s important to be optimized for mobile devices.
  2. Optimized for generating leads and your list.

This video will talk about the importance of having a Chat Bubble and if you want to see it in action just look at the bottom right of the page.  It gives people the ability to connect with you right away and with our GRRO Platform people can message you and it’s done throughout the texting platform.

We also talk about the importance of having a Welcome Video on your site to generate interest and leads for your practice – something we ALL need MORE of.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice on making sure your website is properly optimized or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you!  You can do one of two things: 

(1) Reply with the word: WEBSITE CHEAT SHEET and we will get back in touch with you

(2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call 

We’d love to chat and help you reach your next level goals in your practice.

Does your practice have a 5 Star Reputaiton

5 Star Practice Reputation | Practice Insiders Edge

Think about this…

When’s the last time you went to a 2 Star Restaurant?

When’s the last time you let your kids stay at a 3 Star Day Care Center?

When is the last time someone went to see a healthcare professional with a 1 or 2 or 3 star rating?

The answer is NEVER and today’s video will explain why!

So, two more questions for you

  1. Do you think it is important to have a 5 Star Reputation for a practice to be successful?
  2. Do you think having more reviews than your competition is a good thing?

The answer to these questions is YES!

Well, in today’s video we go over the importance of a 5 Star Reputation for your practice and what 84% of prospective patients are doing about reviews and… why it’s important to respond to BOTH positive and negative reviews.

Also, if you remember last week we spoke about The Importance of Google My Business to the success of your practice.  Well, your reputation goes hand in hand with Google My Business.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice on the importance of a 5 Star Reputation for your practice or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you!  You can do one of two things: 

(1) Drop a comment below with the word: 5 STAR  and we will get back in touch with you

(2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call

The Importance of Google My Business For Your Practice

The Importance of Google My Business For Your Practice | Practice Insiders Edge

In this week’s video we want to cover the importance of WHY YOU MUST have your practice listed in Google My Business (it used to be called Google Maps) which is the #1 Practice Foundational Piece we cover inside of the Practice Leverage Method.


There are so many reasons why you need to have your practice listed but here are just a few we will cover in today’s video:

1. 70% of searches for local business are on mobile devices so if your practice is not found via a mobile search…. you’re losing prospective new patient calls.

2. Google My Business is many prospective patients 1st point of contact with you – how are you representing yourself and your practice?

3. How do you rate in comparison with reviews to your competitors.

4. Finally, we give a great TIP on how to see exactly how you appear to potential patients and all you have to do is ASK.


So if you are a Private Practice Healthcare Business Owner and you found this video helpful, we’d love to hear what your thoughts are on it. Also, if you have some questions about your practice and how you “appear” in the suggested searches, just comment below the word GMB – and we will reach out to you.


Remember we’re here to help you grow & scale your practice Practice Insiders Edge is here to help you & your practice achieve Success. On So Many Levels.

Oh… and let’s not forget, if you want to set up a call with us to discuss Google My Business (Google Maps) or any other practice issues you may be having, feel free to set up a “complementary” Triage Call with us – we’d love to help! https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

5 Core Business Functions For Your Practice

5 Core Business Functions For Your Practice | Practice Insiders Edge | Dr. Derek Baron | Terri Baron, PT, ATC

There are many facets to having a strong practice and making sure it grows and eventually scale for more future growth. A great way to assess your practices current and potential growth is to use the framework to assess the 5 Care Business Functions For Your Practice.

Watch this video to do an assessment on your practice and the 5 Core Business Functions you MUST be keeping track of for the practice. WHY…

1. Are you inconsistent with your new patient generation?
2. Do you have a process to nurture prospects to patients?
3. How good are you at converting your prospects to patients?
4. Are you a RockStar provider?
5. Do you add upsells in your practice?

We go over how important it is to review and update the systems in your practice, are you?

Have a great week and always if you have questions, hit the REPLY button and ask or if you want to set up a Triage Call and chat with us CLICK HERE.

Do you have a Practice Success Roadmap?

Practice Success Roadmap | Practice Insiders Edge | Dr. Derek Baron | Terri Baron, PT, ATC

We’ve got something very special for you this week and it’s about a much needed Roadmap.


During our Strategy Sessions that we have we almost always hear this statement, “I just wish we had a roadmap for how to market our practice!”


Do you have that same thought?


If you do…. this week’s video covers what we call the Practice Success Roadmap!



So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice or help on setting business/practice goals or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you!  CLICK HERE and set up a Triage Call with us where we can find out where you are at and where you’d like to go and if we can help you get there quicker?

Grow and Scale Your Practice in 2021

Grow and Scale Your Practice | Practice Insiders Edge

OK, we are a few days into 2021 so it’s official 🍾 🥳️  HAPPY NEW YEAR 🍾 🥳️ 


We want to see your practice grow with the Unlimited Opportunities that are out there for you to take advantage of.  But wait… which opportunities and options are the best?


Have you ever wondered if there was a Method to go from A to Z in your practice to position you as the Go To Practice in your community AND attract the exact patients you LOVE to see and treat?

Well, if this week’s video we are going to show you exactly how you can achieve the success you desire in 2021 and the Method to achieve it.


FYI… we also talk about a CHALLENGE that will be starting up here in the next 30 days and we’d love for you to join us!


As always we’d love to hear what you think about our video and if YOU are UP TO THE CHALLENGE in 2021 drop the word PATIENTS in the comments section below!?

Have a great week!


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice or help on setting business/practice goals or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you!  CLICK HERE and set up a Triage Call with us where we can find out where you are at and where you’d like to go and if we can help you get there quicker?




4 Pillars to Achieving Greatness In Your Practice

Achieving Greatness in your practice in 2021 | Practice Insiders Edge | Dr. Derek Baron | Terri Baron, PT, ATC

Well…. 2020 is JUST ABOUT DONE!

So let’s look at how we can make 2021 a Bigger and Better Year and one that will let you forget about 2020….. if you want to?

Today in this video we want to talk about the 4 Pillars To Achieving Success in Life and Practice in 2021.

Pillar 1: Having a Vision for your practice

Pillar 2: Having a Plan for your practice

Pillar 3: Having a Mentor 

Pillar 4: Having Allies

Let us know what you think and if you have ALL 4 Pillars in place as you move forward into 2021?!

As always if we can help in anyway to help you grow and scale your practice feel free to reach out via a DM or set up a call with us to talk: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-DiscoveryCall 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Baron Family

Practice Insiders Edge | Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas | Dr. Derek Baron | Terri Baron, PT, ATC

🎅 ☃ 🎄 As Christmas Eve approaches here in the states and across the world for those that celebrate, we just wanted to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and share with you a quick Holiday message.
We also want to let you know that we appreciate you and hope you, your family and staff have an amazing Holiday Season and the best year yet in practice as we head into 2021.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for some advice or help on setting business/practice goals or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you!  CLICK HERE and set up a Triage Call with us where we can find out where you are at and where you’d like to go and if we can help you get there quicker?