7 Quick and Easy Ways To Generate Leads For Your Practice

Getting enough leads (new prospects) is a problem many small health care business owners face. It seems like there’s a billion different marketing strategies nowadays.

But how do you know which ones will actually be effective?

Here’s 7 of our favorite quick and easy ways to generate more leads – FAST!

  1. Tweet!

    Twitter is a goldmine when used properly. Reach out to local influencers in your market or industry and get involved in conversations with them. A lot of their followers are potential patients will likely see your interactions and click through to your website
  2. Infographics

    Infographics have become a content marketing staple for a lot of practices over the past few years.


    Because people love to read and share and comment on them. A good infographic will help position you as an expert – so get started on yours today!

  3. Create a Great Video

    There’s no better way to showcase your product or services than by video.

    Don’t worry about being promotional, rather come up with a great idea that engages your audience!

    How To.. and Q&A??

    Videos are topics that resonate and will result in a much better click through rate to your website!

  4. Ebooks

    Ebooks aren’t just for Best-Selling Authors and Dog Trainers anymore!

    You can write an ebook about any industry (and people love them!)

    So show off your expertise and get to writing! Your ebook doesn’t have to be long, but you’ll want to write from a neutral perspective and give actionable tips and insights.

    Build your status as an authority by providing value to the reader. Then – share it socially and ask your network to spread the word!

  5. Newsletter

    If you don’t have a newsletter yet, it should be your first priority after reading this blog post!

    You’re missing out one of the simplest ways to generate more leads! Email newsletters are a great way to stay in touch and avoid getting lost in all the internet noise.

    Keep in mind, it’s NOT just about you…

    Share industry news, recent wins for your patients and other insights your audience will appreciate.

  6. Networking Events

    This strategy is so effective yet these days (as a result of the shut-downs and pandemic) everyone seems to forget how beneficial offline marketing can be – even a networking event (yes be safe with Covid)!

    You’ll meet people, expand your network, gain valuable referrals and build your brand at the same time.

    Then…after the event, you get back online and find all your new contacts on LinkedIn and Facebook!

  7. Local Media

    Tap into local media outlets!

    A great way to go about that is to plan a charitable event – a food drive, clothing donation, the sky’s the limit. Just make sure you’re helping out the local community in some way!

    The local charity should be something that you have a personal interest in!

    Get in touch with your local news and media stations directly and invite them to come out!

    You would be surprised how easy, and how effective it is!

There you have it!

7 Quick and Easy Ways To Generate Leads For Your Practice 

Take Action today and see the results happen for your business.

If you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

7 Content Marketing Tactics Every Practitioner Should Steal

Ad campaigns are still effective, but the truth is they’re not as effective as content marketing. Bill Gates proclaimed “Content is king” back in 1996 and his words have proven to be remarkably prescient. Web users expect top-notch content from the companies they follow.

Easier said than done, right? Well… maybe. There are lots of great tactics you can use to create the kind of content that your followers want. If you handle it properly, the content you post on your website and social media can turn casual visitors into leads and leads into patients.

Here are 7 content marketing tactics that you should steal.

#1: Content Diversification

What kind of content are you creating? If you’re only creating blog posts or Instagram stories, then you may be missing out on marketing opportunities by not diversifying your content.

The bottom line is that there are three types of content: written, audio, and video. Using all three will help you reach the widest possible audience.

A good example is Daniel Moyer Photography in Philadelphia. In addition to a compelling website with tons of photographs of happy couples, Daniel also posts videos on Facebook, has a blog on his website, and co-hosts a wedding planning podcast called Put a Ring on It.

#2: Specialized Topics

Blogging is a marketing basic for many practitioners. However, if you’re posting only broad topic content that’s available elsewhere, you might be losing visitors who are in search of something unique and compelling.

Keep in mind that a highly specialized topic may be more universal than you think. Likewise, a focused post can help bring people to your website who are in search of a solution for a problem they’re experiencing.

SimpleCoat is a company that makes a cleaning and sealing product that can be used on stone countertops, stainless steel, and more. Their recent blog topics include a post about the difference between permeability and porosity in stone countertops and one about how to remove rust stains from stainless steel appliances. By going beyond the obvious uses of their product or generalized cleaning advice, they’ve made it easy for the people who might need their product to find their website.

#3: Authorship 

Writing books can help you to build authority. Some practitioners write short books and guides that they use as lead magnets. Others sell their books on their websites or list them on Amazon. Either way, a well-written book can help you connect with a new audience or deepen your connection with your existing patients.

Neil Patel is a marketing guru who has built multiple successful websites including NeilPatel.com and CrazyEgg.com. He’s also the author of several marketing books that have helped to establish him as someone whose marketing advice can be trusted.

Keep in mind that the book you write does not need to be long, nor do you need to write it yourself. You have the option of hiring a freelancer if writing isn’t your strong suit.

#4: Podcasting 

You may have noticed that podcasting is everywhere. As of October 2020, there are over 1.5 million active podcasts and more than 34 million episodes. It seems like everybody is doing it – so why aren’t you?

You don’t need to be a famous practitioner with millions of followers to have a successful podcast.

Addition Financial is a Florida-based credit union. Their financial podcast, Making It Count, is entering its second season. They cover a wide range of financial topics from college tuition to retirement planning.

The benefit of having a podcast is that listening to people talk feels more personal than reading what they have to say. People can listen to podcasts while they drive or work out and they provide an opportunity to go in-depth about topics that matter to your audience.

#5: Humanizing Your Content

The days of impersonal content are gone. The rise of social media has allowed patients to have direct content with the brands they follow. Every practitioner should be getting on board with content humanization.

A big company that has done a superb job of personalizing content is Dove Beauty. While content humanization can mean introducing people to your employees, Dove has taken it in a different direction by putting its customers front and center.

By asking followers for their stories and turning them into compelling content, they’ve made their brand highly memorable and relatable. Whether you decide to emulate them or try something different, personalizing your brand can help you connect with your patients.

#6: Voice Optimization 

Voice optimization is one area where a lot of practitioners are falling behind. Despite the fact that half of all searches are now voice searches, only a few practitioners are fully on board with the idea of embracing voice technology.

Let’s look at a big company for an example of what’s possible with voice search. Nestle has partnered with Amazon to create a tool that allows users to ask Alexa for recipes using Nestle products. Alexa will then walk users through the recipe step by step by linking to Nestle’s website.

#7: Storytelling 

People love stories. Storytelling is one of the best ways to connect people to your service, helping them to understand it on an emotional level.

The great thing about stories is that they lend themselves to any format. You can write a story, of course, but you can also tell a story in pictures. Footwear brand Minnetonka has dedicated an entire page on its website to their customers’ photographs. Each picture tells a story.

User-generated content can be a great way to make your social media followers feel important and included. While big brands such as Dove do it all the time, you don’t need to have millions of followers to make this strategy work for you.

You can use the 7 content marketing tactics here to take your marketing to the next level. It’s not enough to create content. You need compelling content that serves a purpose and drive engagement with your followers if you want your practice to thrive.


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: https://bit.ly/PIE-FB-Triage-Call