Picking a Niche and How It Will Grow Your Practice

In today’s video, we are going to talk about the importance of picking a niche market to grow your practice.

This is the 2nd Part in a 4 Part Series to help you excel in 2023:
1. Weekly Staff Meetings https://youtu.be/FS7tHKYVqq0

2. Picking a Niche https://youtu.be/De5KhWyzxLE

3. Asking for Reviews and Getting More Referrals (Written and Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYhTWHpzQOY

4. Shoot More Videos – Get More Patients https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOpjkjtaQWo

Many providers, especially on the chiropractic side of healthcare go into practice with the overall goal of treating every single person in their community from Grandparents down to their grandchildren. On the physical therapy side, it is similar however, unless they are in private practice or have done a great job of vetting their referral sources GET what is referred.

As a private practice healthcare professional looking to grow your practice you truly need to find a niche that can do two things for you:
1. Make you happy
2. Pay your bills

If they don’t make you happy – what fun is practice and if this niche can’t pay your bills – how is that going to build your practice? This is not a statement about “it’s ALL about the money.” It’s more of the fact of you can make money from people who need your help and you provide a good service and why not add the cherry on top that they are a person you want to spend 15-60 minutes with?

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking for ways to grow your practice by picking a niche or you are looking to grow and scale your practice – we are here for you! You can do one of two things:
(1) Drop a comment below with the word: NICHE and we will get back in touch with you
(2) Set yourself up with a Triage Call here: https://chat.practiceinsidersedge.com/PIE-Triage-Call

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