Amazing Email Marketing Subject Lines That Will Boost Your Open Rate

Have you ever wondered how to write email marketing subject lines that will get your emails open and make you more income? The first thing you have to focus on are your subject lines.

If your subject lines aren’t compelling and they don’t increase your audience’s curiosity, your emails won’t get opened.

I don’t want to scare you, because coming up with great subject lines is not that hard. In this article I will help you get started using the best email marketing subject lines that will help you with your marketing.

If you are new to email marketing or you are thinking about starting with it but you don’t know how, I invite you to reach out to us. We’ll help you get started on the right foot!

Let’s dig in!

1.) What are email marketing subject lines:

I’m 100% sure you already saw them. If you open up your email, you will see who sent you the emails, and the titles of the emails. Those are subject lines.

Now you probably know why they are so important. Your audience will see them before they click through. And because we get so many emails every single day, we have to make sure our subject lines POP!

2.) Why doesnt your audience open your emails:

There are 4 reasons:

  • Your subject line is not good enough and doesn’t make them curious
  • Your email is about a topic they are not interested in
  • They didn’t check their email that day
  • Your email went to spam (we will talk about how to avoid this)

I mentioned this earlier, if your email marketing subject line isn’t good or doesn’t build curiosity, your subscribers won’t even notice your email.

Another really important thing is to know your audience. 

If you are attracting all sorts of people, they are likely interested in different things. So if you’re talking about something specific but they are not interested in that topic, they won’t check your emails.

That’s why it’s so important that you know who your targeted audience is. Not only will you stop wasting time with people who will never buy from you, but also you will increase your income and email open rate.

3.) How to avoid emails going to spam:

This is an important topic you need to learn more about. If you don’t consider this, you will be wasting time with email marketing.

Here are some really important things to consider:

  1. You emailed someone without their permission
  2. Your IP address was used for spam before
  3. Email engagement rate is low
  4. Your subscribers forgot who you are (yes it can happen)
  5. You have a low mailbox usage
  6. Your email marketing subject lines are misleading
  7. Your “From” info is not accurate
  8. Forgot to include your physical address
  9. You don’t have an “unsubscribe” link
  10. You used spam words
  11. Your HTML emails don’t follow best practices

I know, those seem pretty simple but you would be surprised how many people and businesses don’t consider some of these basic things within what is likely one of your most important marketing system assets!

Hey, you came to this post for the subject lines. So without further delay, let’s jump in!

Now we are going to talk about the best subject lines that won’t get your emails into spam, but rather it will get them open.

4.) Here are some of the best email marketing subject lines that will get your emails open:

For the sake of brevity, the following list was geared towards email marketers in general. Simply replace the content within the brackets for your industry

  1. The ultimate guide to [email marketing subject lines]
  2. When you’re struggling with [email marketing] do this…
  3. How to fix your [email marketing] fiasco…
  4. Here’s to fixing your [email marketing] “game”
  5. How to fix [email marketing strategy] like a boss
  6. How to permanently stop failing at [email marketing]
  7. Sick of [email marketing] fiasco?
  8. [email marketing] – here’s how to fix it fast
  9. The uncomfortable truth about [email marketing]
  10. The Arnold Schwarzenegger of [email marketing]
  11. Give me 10 minutes and I’ll give you [email marketing] revamp
  12. The lazy person’s way to [email marketing]
  13. 15 things you didn’t know about [email marketing subject lines]
  14. What you should know about [email marketing]
  15. 20 [email marketing] lessons from Gary Vaynerchuk (or your industry GURU)
  16. See how easily you can start [email marketing]
  17. I’m doing at least 10 of these [email marketing] tips
  18. Take 10 minutes to start with [email marketing]…you’ll be happy you did!
  19. How to take the headache out of [email marketing]
  20. This is the best way to fix your [email marketing]

You can copy these and change the subject (instead of email marketing, include your keywords for your industry). Test them out and tweak them if it’s going to be necessary.

5.) Email Marketing Subject Line Hack to get even more open rates:

Have you ever noticed emojis being used in some emails you receive? You probably have but also you see email subject lines without emojis.

In your opinion, which pops out more? Go check your email account and make a quick analysis 🙂

I get higher email open rates if I use emojis. There are a couple of other things that will help you:

  • Start your email subject line with an emoji (don’t put it at the end)
  • Build curiosity (don’t tell them everything in the subject line)
  • Use emojis with bright colors (red, orange, green)

The most important thing about using email to market is providing value! I typically open emails from those that I trust and look forward to receiving, even if they don’t use emojis!

Keep in mind, people scan their emails and the first thing they see is who the email came from and the subject headlines. You only have a moment to capture their attention and curiosity! So make it count!

It can take a long time to build a personal or business brand!. To get higher email open rates, you have to use different tactics and hacks that will help you along the way.

Try these tips and test these subject headlines. Mix them up and use your creativity to see what works. Don’t forget to be authentically you! Share your story and give your subscribers a lot of value! Do that, and it’s difficult for your list to get to Know, Like and Trust you! 

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

22 Effective Ways To Get Email Subscribers Every Day!

One of the most important assets any practice can have is an email list.

Why is it so important?

Front of mind awareness and communication.

People, your patients, and prospective patients are busy. Staying in front of them in their email inboxes is one of the best ways and opportunities to communicate, inform, educate, entertain and delight them!

Gone are the days of hope marketing that relies solely upon potential online and offline-foot traffic.

If you have an email list, great! You should be communicating with your list regularly! And if you don’t have an email list, it’s time to get started building it!

How do you tackle the overwhelming task of getting email subscribers?

Today, I’m sharing 22 effective ways to turbocharge your email list!

First things first, if you want to begin a relationship with a new audience you need to give a ton of value.  

One of the best ways to do this is to create an incredibly valuable opt-in freebie that helps your audience experience a transformation or achieve a specific outcome. 

This ‘opt-in freebie’ is called a ‘lead magnet’.

To get people on your email list, you offer this lead magnet to entice them to ‘get’ the thing you’re offering in exchange for their email address! Make sense?

It doesn’t stop there, I just wanted to help you understand the mechanism for building your email list asset. You should likely then continue to develop the relationship with those who get on your list by providing continued value in the form of providing information, education, entertainment, and offers that will enhance their lives!

  1. Schedule daily posts on social media to promote your freebie!

You’d think that this is a no-brainer, yet a lot of us fail to do this consistently. As a rule of thumb, you want to spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% of your time promoting it. 

This is because when you promote something one time, not everyone is going to see it. Often, we assume that everyone has already seen our post, so we don’t want to bother people by promoting something multiple times. In reality, the ‘feeds’ are a continuous stream of information. There’s a ton of it and frequency/recency play a big role in the discovery

However, the truth is that only a small group of people are going to see the things you post based on whether they’re checking their social media accounts. That’s why you want to promote your freebies and blogs multiple times a week, so you’re growing your audience as much as possible.

Once you’ve got your opt-in freebie (lead magnet), you want to add it to a landing page or attach it as a content upgrade in a blog post. A landing page is a ‘distraction-free’ page where you promote your lead magnet in exchange for an email address!

  1. Create a Bunch of Pinterest Graphics for every blog post,  article, or lead magnet you publish

Did you know that Pinterest loves fresh content? That’s why I recommend that you create some templates for each blog post, article, or landing page that promotes your lead magnet so that you’re posting fresh content to Pinterest. 

To do this, create your Pinterest templates in Canva. Then, create one description for all of the 3 templates. Every time you publish a new blog post, article, or landing page that promotes your lead magnet, you’ll have a source to help you get new email subscribers from a platform that has a ton of daily active users!

  1. Add an incentivizing call to action on your Pinterest Posts!

It’s one thing to publish regularly to Pinterest it’s another to be methodical with those posts! Adding an incentive call to action to your graphics will likely encourage more clicks through to your published articles, blog posts, or landing pages that promote your lead magnets!

  1. Add promotion of your freebie or lead magnet into your social profile

It makes sense to add a way for your connections and would-be followers to get access to your freebie or lead magnet through your social bios on all of the major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest! Using a great Call To Action might just do the trick to get more opt-ins!

  1. Link your freebie in your Pinterest Boards

When organizing your content on Pinterest, you’ll want to create up to 10-15 boards so that your dream patient discovers your content. Once you’ve created a board and named it “client attraction” or “branding” you’ll need to create a description. You can also include a link to your article, blog post, or landing page that promotes your opt-in lead magnet

  1. YouTube

If you use YouTube to grow your audience, you can create a ‘how-to’ tutorial and create a call to action for people to sign up to your email list.  People love videos. A simple and easy way to endear an audience to you and your practice is with video. Simply state how to get access to your lead magnet in your videos and how to access the link to get it in your descriptions!

  1. Facebook Live

One of the easiest things you can do is leverage Facebook Live. You may not have an audience at first, but start Going Live on Facebook. Inform, Educate and Entertain! Teach your would-be audience something of value, how to do something, or a peek behind the scenes at your practice.

Let them get to know you!

And of course, make sure you have a call to action that leads to an article, blog post, or landing page that promotes your lead magnet

  1. Start A Podcast

This one is a little more of a long game and somewhat technical but could deliver a ton of new email subscribers to you!

People love and consume Podcasts. And it is super easy to be somewhat promotional in your audio or video podcasts.

Studies have shown that podcast listeners are also affluent. That is a good thing to know and if you can bring a new flavor and deliver value with your podcast, the opportunity to get email subscribers is quite good!

  1. Be a Guest On A Podcast

Naturally, hosting your podcast takes a little work. But the dividends from running one are quite attractive.

If we hold this to be true, the opportunity to expand your reach with other audiences makes sense.

Here’s the thing, Podcasters are often looking for guests for their shows. Reaching out to Podcast Hosts is pretty simple, and more often than not, you can probably get scheduled if it’s a right fit!

  1. Giveaways

Giveaways are a great way to grow your email subscribers. It’s probably one of the strategies that I suggest to my clients the most because it can bring thousands of subscribers quickly!

There are many ways to execute a giveaway, but whatever way you decide to do it, make certain to leverage an email opt-in for obvious reasons!

If you need help with this idea, we would be elated to help you execute one for your practice!

  1. Host a webinar 

Webinars are a great way to grow your email list.

A webinar is typically an online workshop or an opportunity to deliver an educational, informative, or entertaining presentation. Attendees and your audience also have a chance to ask questions on your topic. 

So, create a webinar on a topic that your audience would like to learn more about and promote it to start collecting email addresses. 

  1. Facebook Ads

One of the fastest ways to get more email subscribers is leveraging Facebook Ads.

With Facebook ads, you can target your dream patient and if your message is right, you’ll see results quickly with gathering email subscribers. But make sure you know what you’re doing before you get started or test to make sure you get the optimal results from your campaign’s objectives!

  1. Get Email Subscribers with Your Website!

People spend a tremendous amount of time, effort, energy, and money to get people to come to their websites. If a visitor comes to your website and leaves without becoming a new lead or transactional patient, it’s a wasted opportunity!

You might never get another chance to get that visitor to come back to your website.

How tragic would that be?

The job of your website is to get an email address or get them to buy something from you!

Fortunately, the next few ideas are ways to help you do just that!

  1. Create Pop-Ups On Your Website!

I know that you might think pop-ups are annoying but they work!

Experiment with different pop-ups on your site and see which ones create the most conversions. 

  1. The Rule of 7

Have you heard of the rule of seven? What that means is people need to see something seven times before they take action. That means your website visitors

That’s why it makes sense to include and promote your opt-in opportunity at least SEVEN times on your site if you want to explode your email subscribers.

Include your opt-in on:

  • Your About Page!
  • Welcome Mat
  • Carousel Slides (if you have that feature)
  • Free resources pages
  • Above the fold
  • Below the fold
  • Start of a Blog Post
  • Middle of your Blog Posts
  • End of your Blog Posts
  • Sidebar (if you have one)
  • Exit Pops
  1. Create a Landing Page

If you want to pump up your email list, you’ll need a landing page to promote your opt-in for your lead magnet. A landing page is a distraction-free website page that invites people to fill in their name and email address to receive your opt-in freebie (lead magnet)

There are some software tools available to help create these or you can create one within your existing website CMS.

  1. Don’t forget Share Buttons!

Once you’ve created your lead magnet (it could be a Free report, a Discount Code / Coupon, White Paper, Newsletter…) it’s a great idea to include ’Share Buttons’ on your ’thank you’ page. Adding a share button to the ‘thank-you’ page that one lands on after they opt-in for your lead magnet, is a great way to leverage your newfound audience to share your offer with their friends, families, and others on social!

  1. Creating Quizzes

People love taking quizzes! Invite people to take a quiz and only share the results with them when they give you your email address. The quiz should be content that is related to your industry. With a little creativity, almost any local practice can build an email list with content that revolves around your locale or industry!

  1. Guest Blogging or Content Publishing

Find popular or related blogs that your ideal patients follow and create an author byline with a call to action in it. Your offer might enhance others’ websites and allow you to tap into their traffic or audiences by adding value to their community first!

  1. Host a Challenge!

Challenges are great ways to get more email subscribers on your email list because of the value that you’re giving upfront. People love challenges because they’re entertaining and could be rewarding! You can create a challenge for a specific number of days, and ask participants to give you their name and email address to enter. 

  1. Answer questions on Quora

Quora is an excellent way to get to know your audience on a deeper level by answering their most common questions. If you are an industry expert, you can add a lot of value to an audience seeking answers to common or not-so-common questions!

Simply go to the search bar and find your niche by using keywords or categories. Answer a question in your niche and instead of linking to your website, link to a landing page.

  1. Create a Free Mini-Course

Creating a free course related to practice is one of the best ways to get more email subscribers consistently. The reason why they’re so effective is that they have high-perceived (and actual) value. 

The key to a free course is to create something that helps your dream patient have a transformational experience or help them achieve an actual and specific outcome.

So, think about what problem people are struggling with the most and break it down into 7 mini-lessons. Send them one lesson a day for 7 days and if you’ve got a low-risk offer you can pitch it at the end. (See what I did there with the 7?)…Rule of 7


That was a lot!

Yes, what I just shared can be overwhelming but every single one of these ways is super effective to help you add new email subscribers to your list!

Your list is a real asset and one that could help you generate real practice revenue!

If you need help implementing any or all of these into your practice, we would be delighted to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

5 Tips to Get the Most from Your Practice Blog

5 Tips to Get the Most from Your Practice Blog

Blоggіng іѕ оnе оf thе bеѕt wауѕ tо drive traffic tо уоur wеbѕіtе аnd attract new patients.

Here are 5 Tips tо Imрrоvе Yоur Practice’s Blog:

#1: Crеаtе (аnd Stісk tо) a Blоggіng Schedule

Thе fіrѕt tір іѕ tо blоg rеgulаrlу аnd ѕtісk tо a schedule.

Thеrе’ѕ some еvіdеnсе tо ѕuggеѕt that blоggіng 1-4 times per month іѕ орtіmаl.

Yоu mау fіnd that creating a blоggіng ѕсhеdulе wіll hеlр уоu be more dіѕсірlіnеd аbоut соmіng uр wіth blog іdеаѕ аnd gеttіng thоѕе posts wrіttеn.

And rеmеmbеr, уоu саn аlwауѕ hіrе a wrіtеr tо сrеаtе blоg роѕtѕ for уоu іf уоu dоn’t hаvе the time оr desire tо dо thаt much writing. SIDE NOTE: we can help with that!

#2: Give Your Posts Compelling Titles

It turnѕ оut titles mаkе a big dіffеrеnсе whеn іt соmеѕ tо gеnеrаtіng trаffіс, ѕосіаl shares, аnd backlinks.

Here are ѕоmе роіntеrѕ:

– List posts tеnd tо perform better than оthеr tуреѕ оf content on ѕосіаl media. That’s раrt of the rеаѕоn sites lіkе Buzzfееd hаvе ѕо mаnу lists. People lіkе thеm аnd you can uѕе thаt knowledge to grab more traffic fоr уоur ѕіtе.

– Give уоur posts lоngіѕh tіtlеѕ. Onе ѕtudу fоund blog роѕtѕ wіth tіtlеѕ which hаd bеtwееn 6 аnd 13 wоrdѕ реrfоrmеd thе bеѕt.

– Ask a question. Another blоggіng ѕtudу fоund blоg titles which аѕkеd quеѕtіоnѕ got 23.3% mоrе social ѕhаrеѕ thаn роѕtѕ wіthоut a question. 

– Be provocative. Sауіng something ѕurрrіѕіng оr соntrоvеrѕіаl саn get people tо click even іf thеу’rе nоt іnсlіnеd to read blоg роѕtѕ. There’s a reason they say сurіоѕіtу killed thе саt!

Nееd іdеаѕ? Chесk оut HubSроt’ѕ blоg topic gеnеrаtоr 

#3: Chесk Yоur Word Cоunt

Eаrlіеr, wе mentioned thе “ѕwееt spot” fоr blog lеngth is bеtwееn 1,000 аnd 2,000 words, wіth longer роѕtѕ gеttіng more engagement, bасklіnkѕ, and sharing thаn shorter роѕtѕ.

Dоеѕ that mean еvеrу роѕt muѕt to be lоng?

Of соurѕе not!

But, іf you’re іn the habit of сrаnkіng out 300-500 word blog posts, іt саn hеlр уоu to wrіtе a lоng post оссаѕіоnаllу.

It mіght turn іntо one of thоѕе ѕо-саllеd роwеr роѕtѕ which generates trаffіс оn social mеdіа аnd Gооglе.

#4: Add Compelling Images

Thіѕ mіght ѕееm lіkе a nо-brаіnеr, but it’s ѕurрrіѕіng hоw mаnу practicеѕ dоn’t bother аddіng іmаgеѕ to thеіr blog роѕtѕ.

Thеrе’ѕ some rеѕеаrсh ѕhоwing people retain fаr more іnfоrmаtіоn whеn it’s presented with a vіѕuаl aid thаn thеу do wіthоut visuals.

PRO TIP: аnd Pеxеlѕ.соm аrе bоth grеаt nо cost options

#5: Add Sосіаl Sharing Buttоnѕ and Widgets

People аrе fаr mоrе likely tо ѕhаrе уоur blоg роѕtѕ іf уоu mаkе it easy for them tо dо іt.

Thаt’ѕ why іt’ѕ a gооd іdеа to аdd ѕосіаl ѕhаrіng buttоnѕ tо your роѕtѕ.

Bе smart about іt, thоugh.

If you оffеr a full mеnu оf social ѕhаrіng buttоnѕ, уоu mау fіnd thаt іt hаѕ thе opposite еffесt to the оnе уоu wаnt.

Where’s your social mеdіа аudіеnсе?

If thеу’rе mostly оn Twіttеr, put a Twіttеr buttоn аnd use the “Tweet this” wіdgеt tо аllоw people tо ѕhаrе kеу quotes frоm your blоg.

If уоu’rе marketing practice-tо-practice, рut a LіnkеdIn buttоn оn уоur blog.

The good nеwѕ is іt’ѕ not hard to іmрrоvе уоur business blog.

It’s mostly аbоut being аwаrе of whаt thе numbers ѕау and figuring оut a blоggіng schedule аnd ѕtrаtеgу that’ll wоrk fоr уоu.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

9 Ways To Increase Your Practice’s Home Page Conversions

9 Ways To Increase Your Practice’s Home Page Conversions

Are your website’s home page conversions lagging behind your expectations?

There is an art to designing a high-converting home page, and a lot of health care businesses simply don’t give the content and appearance of their website enough attention.

The good news is there are some very simple things you can do to increase your conversions without having to spend a ton of time and money.

  1. Get Your Website Visitor’s Attention!

The first thing that has to happen is to get your visitor’s (prospective patient) attention! 

So many websites are templated and very easy to be perceived as boring, cold, and unwelcoming. 

Having the ability to grab your visitor’s attention, welcome them and lead them to take action is the very thing you as a website owner are interested in the first place! 

A conversion!

We would argue that the very job of your website is to get a conversion. Whether that conversion is a new lead or patient (depending on what your practice is).

  1. Make Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Clear

Why should your website visitors be interested in what you are offering?

It’s not enough to have a well-written copy. You need a strong headline that will immediately put visitors to your site in the proper frame of mind.

  1. Use Quality Images on Your Home Page

A strategy mixing text with effective images is far more likely to convert.

  1. Use Strong Copy Focusing on Solutions for Your Patients

Focus and empathize with a user’s problem and then offer a concrete solution.

  1. Collect Leads Using an Easy Opt-In Form

Most visitors need between seven and ten exposures to a brand or service before they set an appointment. So by following up with them, you increase your engagement and brand recondition.

Awesome sauce!

  1. Make Good Use of Testimonials and Social Proof

80% of users say they read reviews before booking an appointment.  If you aren’t including testimonials and social proof in the form of trust symbols, you could very well be missing out on conversions as a result.

  1. Consider Adding a Video to Your Home Page

Videos are very popular – in fact, they are the most popular kind of online content.

When you add an interesting and relevant video to your home page, you encourage people to spend time there listening and watching. Soaking in your brand.

  1. Add Social Following Buttons to Your Home Page

New users to your site may not book an appointment on their first visit, and they might not even give you their email address.

However, following you on social media is a risk-free way for them to learn more about your practice and services. Why not make it as easy as possible for them to do so.

  1. Test Everything on Your Homepage to Optimize it Fully

If you truly want to maximize your conversions, then A-B testing, also known as split testing, is the best way to do it.

There is software that can help you do this effectively. In short, the software splits your traffic, sending half to your original page and half to the page with the new elements you are testing, such as a headline or call to action, and determines a performance score.

Optionally, you could use a heat map and video recording software to give you an exact ‘picture’ of what is working and what is not working when visitors come to your site.

Increasing conversions on your homepage don’t have to be complex. However, it is a good idea to get started if you don’t know what is and, more importantly, what is NOT working.

BONUS STEP: Consider adding a chat widget or better yet a video chat widget.  It is amazing for getting great engagement with prospective patients.  You can learn more about our GRRO Bubble here: 

Next Steps

As practice and website owners, we spend a lot of time, energy, effort, and money to get [people to come to our websites.

If those visitors come to our website and leave, it’s a wasted opportunity. Simply improving our conversion rates marginally would be well worth the effort. 

Need help with this stuff? We would be happy to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

20 Call To Action Prompts For Your Practices Social Media Posts

20 Call To Action Prompts For Your Practices Social Media Posts

Leveraging social media for your practice does not have to be super complicated. The number one thing I hear from most people and practitioners is “I’m not sure where to start” and “I’m not sure what to say” or some variant of those statements.

Here are 20 Call To Action Social Media Prompts for your practice:

  1. Double tap if you…
  2. Save this post…
  3. Tell me how you…
  4. Watch our stories for…
  5. Grab this freebie (coupon)…
  6. Send me a DM if you…
  7. Try this first…
  8. Watch our story for…
  9. Want to know all about…
  10. Click the link in the bio to find…
  11. Tell me if you are the same as me…
  12. Come join us / Find us on…
  13. Head over to our blog to find (blog title / How to…)…
  14. Tell me about your…
  15. I need advice about/on/for…
  16. What do you do when…
  17. Tag a friend who…
  18. Giveaway Time! Enter to win…
  19. Would you rather…
  20. Can I get your opinion on ________…

These social media prompts can help get you started. Switch it up a bit and use these to create your own variation. 

Need some more help or inspiration? Reach out to us, we would be happy to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

5 SEO Tips For Your Practice

5 SEO Tips For Your Practice

You could have a massive search engine optimization strategy but if you’re not targeting your local audience, you’re missing out. 

We have 5 SEO Tips that can help your healthcare business.

Locking down a killer search engine optimization strategy can be the key to reaching patients. More than 90% of online experiences start with a search engine.

Ignoring local SEO can be a big mistake. It can cause a practice to lose patients to competitors and miss out on an essential group.

If you want to have an advantage when prospects are looking for your services in the search engines, read on.

How Local SEO Tips Can Make a Difference

By leveraging Local SEO strategies, you can make sure your practice ranks well in local searches. And this can have a big impact on your appointments.

Studies have indicated as much as 50% of patients who use a local search on a phone will visit a clinic on the same day. That is enough for any practice to consider improving their local SEO.

That means a health care practice with strong local SEO can connect with patients who already have intent.

How can practicees take advantage of local SEO?

Here are some top local SEO tips to boost local searches.

  1. Use Google My Business (now called: Google Business Profile)

Local searches tend to be after a location and address. Google My Business (now called Google Business Profile) is a prime spot to connect searchers with company information.

Getting listed on Google My Business / Google Business Profile usually means the healthcare business needs to get verified. The process uses traditional mail to verify practitioners are who they say they are and their clinic location.

Keep in mind, Google wants to provide a good user experience for their patients too and this is the reason they use this verification process.

  1. Boost Online Reviews

Positive online reviews help patients get a feel for the practice. These reviews can create a digital profile that connects people to specific needs or priorities.

A good way to build an online reputation is to ask patients to rate or review your services when they have a good experience. This can have a compounding effect and help build a sense of trust from others’ experiences with your healthcare business.

  1. Get Local Coverage

A good way to jump to the top of local search results is to get local coverage. This means connecting with practice journalists. (Tip: A phenomenal way to get more exposure is to reach out to local FB Pages and Groups! There is a lot of attention on these social platforms, and we would submit that these sources are more accessible!)

Make sure they understand what the practice is all about and the company mission. It’s also smart to outline the things that make the services unique or story-worthy.

  1. Add Backlinks from Other Practices

Health care businesses can boost search local SEO by getting backlinks from other sites. And most companies work with other non-competitors on a regular basis.

It’s a great idea to connect with other practices and ask them to add backlinks to a site. In short, make friends! This could work nicely as a mutual offer where both practices agree to work together and feature one another.

Savvy healthcare business owners will also boost exposure in local searches by getting listed on practice directories.

  1. Use a Solid Title and Description

It’s all about the headlines!

Searches give practices a very small window to get a message across. You might agree, attention spans are super short. 

That means smart healthcare business owners will pick a title and description that promotes the brand.

Make sure to take advantage of the ‘real estate’ you have to give the searches exactly what they need to know. It’s a better idea to skip generic page titles like ‘HOME’ or ‘ABOUT’ that don’t give prospective patients a glimpse at what your practice is about!

In short, make your titles and descriptions count!

What’s next?

Take massive action and put these tips into motion. Just knowing about these tips isn’t enough.

If you need help with this stuff, please reach out to us, we would be elated to help!

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

70 Killer Content Ideas to Post on Social Media

70 Killer Content Ideas to Post on Social Media

What Do I Post On Social Media?

…This is the number one question people ask when it comes to social media marketing.

The interesting thing here is that there’s really an endless amount of ideas for you to use when it comes to posting on social media.

Before you skip this and jump down to the list, here are a few tips to get the most impact out of these ideas:

  1. Make it RELEVANT for your audience.

For Example:

If you choose to share something from your bucket list…

Can you relate it back to your practice?

Can you add an open-ended question so it sparks people to engage?

  1. Talk TO your audience, dont talk AT them. This is social media. People are looking for stories and posts that they connect with. If you’re not wording posts socially, you close the door for engagement.

For Example:

DONT DO THIS: I read a quote this morning, liked it, and wanted to share it with you.

DO THIS: Have you ever read a quote and thought, “Wow, I really needed to hear that?” Well, I found one this morning that was so perfect, I had to pass it on to you. It’s a difference in the way you talk with people. I promise you’ll see a difference in how people respond when you word things just a little differently.

  1. EVERYTHING you post should ALWAYS support your weekly, monthly, annual marketing, and practice goals.

Post to connect.

– Post to learn more about your audience.

– Post to start a conversation.

– Post to get leads.

– Post to drive traffic.

– Post to build your practice.

The more you do this, the faster you reach your goals.

Ok…so you’re ready for this list! 

  1. Remind People Who You Are, How You Got Started
  2. Go Behind The Scenes
  3. Share a Personal Story
  4. Tell People What You Sell
  5. Share a Joke (Graphics or Text)
  6. Share a Quote (Graphics or Text)
  7. Host an #AMA (Ask Me Anything)
  8. Â Post a How-To or Tutorial
  9. Ask a Question
  10. Host a Poll
  11. Share Your Favorite Book
  12. Ask for Recommendations (Book, TV, Apps, Music, Something related to your biz)
  13. Host a Giveaway
  14. Tell People to Sign Up On Your Email List
  15. Give away a coupon
  16. Host a Sale
  17. Remind Potential Audience To Book for An Appointment
  18. Share a Quick Tip
  19. Share Industry News (Add Your Thoughts To It)
  20. Go LIVE (Live Videos Perform AMAZINGLY WELL)
  21. Post a Sneak Peek of something coming soon
  22. Share a Blog Post You Wrote
  23. Share Any Press or PR Features You Have
  24. Post a Testimonial From a Patient
  25. Give Your Audience A Gift
  26. Re-Share Some Older Content (Graphics, Quotes, Blog Posts)
  27. Host a 1 Day Only Flash Sale
  28. Share Content From Someone Else
  29. Let Someone Guest Post or Takeover Your Profile
  30. Post a Case Study
  31. Answer FAQ’s
  32. Share Some Personal Wins or Results
  33. Host an Interview with a Guest
  34. Post Something Seasonal or Highlight a Holiday
  35. Thank Your Audience!
  36. Post Motivational Monday
  37. Post a Tuesday Tip
  38. Post a Wednesday Wisdom
  39. Post a Throwback Thursday
  40. Post a Flashback Friday
  41. Share a Short Video Clip (Yours or one you like)
  42. Share a podcast episode you love
  43. Share a YouTube video you love
  44. Post some interesting stats or data about your industry
  45. Share your favorite resources (Apps, Websites, Blogs)
  46. Share a WIN or SUCCESS
  47. Share a LOSS or a FAILURE
  48. Share Your Morning Routine
  49. Post about events you’re hosting or going to
  50. Post where you’ll be speaking or where you’re making appearances
  51. Share an Unknown Feature About Your Practice
  52. Let Your Employee Take Over For a Day
  53. Show someone using your service
  54. Post a discount or a special offer
  55. Tell People How You Got Started
  56. Share What Inspired You To Create Your Service
  57. Shoutout or Mention Other Brands
  58. Shoutout or Mention Your Patients
  59. Share a Success Story
  60. Share a Few Of Your Favorite Things
  61. Post a Fill In The Blank
  62. Talk about Mistakes Patients Are Making
  63. Share a Tweet You Like
  64. Share a Pinterest Pin You Like
  65. Share Your Other Social Profiles to Connect On
  66. Share Your Contact Info
  67. Post About A Trip You’ve Taken
  68. Share a Charity You’ve Partnered With
  69. Post About Something On Your Bucket List
  70. Ask Your Audience How They Found You

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

25 Free website traffic ideas to promote your blog, website, and practice

25 Free website traffic ideas to promote your blog, website, and practice

Are you struggling to drive explosive amounts of traffic to your site? 

Here are 25 Free website traffic ideas to promote your blog, website, and practice! 

  1. Join Facebook Groups and/or create one of your own
  2. Do Facebook Lives
  3. Join Pinterest groups boards and/or create one of your own
  4. Start a YouTube Channel
  5. Comment on other’s Social Media Posts
  6. Submit your blog posts to Reddit and/or Medium
  7. Comment on other blogs
  8. Become a case study
  9. Answer questions on Quora and/or Yahoo Answers
  10. Create a Freebie / Lead Magnet / Opt-in incentive
  11. Grow your email list and send regular emails to your subscribers
  12. Promote a flash or limited-time offer
  13. Write a guest post
  14. Interview others and/or offer to be interviewed
  15. Create a round-up post
  16. Start a podcast
  17. Publish a free eBook or guide on Amazon
  18. Host a (free) training or webinar
  19. Do a Joint Venture
  20. Host a giveaway
  21. Ask for referrals
  22. Ask for Testimonials
  23. Attend a networking event
  24. Speak at an event
  25. Host your own event

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

9 Local Marketing Ideas for Your Practice

9 Local Marketing Ideas for Your Practice

If you own a practice, whether it’s a bricks-and-mortar or an online company, you rely on the local market for their support. In fact, the majority of your practice comes from the community in which you live and work. That means your audience is somewhat limited so you have to make the most of your marketing efforts or local marketing ideas in order to maximize the chance of attracting new patients. Some practices often don’t have the financial and technical resources to embark on a high-tech, far-reaching marketing campaign, but that’s not really necessary.

  1. Create a Website for Your Practice

Even if you don’t intend to sell anything online, a website is a great way to attract local patients. Ideally, you’ll purchase your own domain name, generally the name of your practice, or something that explains what you do. You don’t have to have a huge site with all the bells and whistles, in fact, it can be very simple. A home page that explains what you do and how your services benefit them, a contact page, and a page about your company is all you really need.

  1. Get Your Practice Listed on Google

The majority of people do a quick Google search whenever they need information or recommendations for practices. In fact, about half of 18 to 35-year-old people search for practices on a daily basis, and more than 80% search weekly. A Google Profile Account listing is a fast, easy way to get the word out online about your practice. You don’t just get a practice listing though, it also allows patients to find your company location and hours through a Google search and your company shows up on Google maps as well.

  1. Verify and Update Your Yelp Information

Online review sites are an incredibly popular and useful tool for patients. According to a Nielson study commissioned by Yelp, 74% of people searching for practice online turn to online reviews before making a purchase. The study also showed that 92% of patients chose to make a purchase after they read reviews of a company’s services. Make sure that your practice address, telephone number, and hours are accurate so that patients can find you without hassle.

  1. Work On Your Local SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the primary way that practice websites achieve a high ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). This allows people to find the practice’s listing when they’re actively searching. Crafting blogs and other content that use the locality, services offered, photos, and other pertinent information are key activities. Links from local newspapers and other authority sites along with patient reviews also improve the local SEO for a practice.

  1. Use Social Media to Reach Patients

It’s no secret that social media networks are popular, in fact, more than 2.7 billion people worldwide use social media. What many health care business owners don’t realize is that social media is also a great place to market themselves. Relevant, topical, timely posts, photos, and videos to networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are effective ways to do this. Patients and fans of your practice will happily share your posts and spread the word for you. You can also pay for advertisements that target specific groups of people on social media, often for an extremely low cost.

  1. Join and Participate in Practice Groups

The Chamber of Commerce and other local professional groups and organizations are a great way to get attention for your practice. Participating in events and networking with other health care business owners will help you gain credibility and patients. In many cases, member practices are more inclined to do practice with fellow members than non-members. Keep in mind that you may have to pay a membership to join, but the cost is easily recovered by the new practice that it creates.

  1. Offer Rewards and Incentives to Patients

Everyone loves to get something for free or to get a discount for the things that they buy. Loyalty programs help increase the amount patients spend and encourage them to come back time and again. Rewards like discounts on your services, either through an online discount code or coupon are also great ways to encourage repeat practice, especially for price-sensitive patients. Also, consider offering a reward to current patients who refer others to your practice such as a free gift or big discount on their next availability.

  1. Traditional Marketing Techniques Still Work

Even though there’s a huge emphasis on digital marketing these days, it’s not the only way to reach your local target market. Cards, flyers, postcards, coupons, and other printed materials are a very effective way to let people know about your company. Get the highest quality materials you can and make sure you include information about your services, hours, and your contact information. Hand out your paper materials to anyone who’s interested and update them whenever you make changes or additions.

  1. Become a Sponsor for Local Events

Sponsoring and supporting local festivals, sporting events, and other community activities is an excellent way to show your community spirit. You may choose to contribute money to help facilitate the event, provide some service for the event, or help a local school fundraiser by donating your profits for a specific day. When people see your company’s name associated with a positive event, they’ll be more likely to visit your practice and support you in return. No events in your area? Create one and become the main sponsor and driving force behind it.


Even if your practice is located in a very small community, you can’t expect people to just know that you’re there. You have to put effort into marketing activities that promote your services or you’ll miss out. The nine suggestions mentioned in this article are powerful individually but when combined, they’re hard to beat. Remember, you don’t need a huge marketing budget or a lot of experience to make a major impact on current and potential patients.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

10 Social Media Marketing Ideas You Can Do in 15 Minutes

10 Social Media Marketing Ideas You Can Do in 15 Minutes

Have you ever had those brief moments in your day where you have an extra 15 minutes and you’re not sure what to do to help you grow your practice?

You know those moments where you have just enough time to do one more small task before you leave for the day, pick up your kids, handle a patient emergency issue, perhaps pick up your kids or get on that call with your patient…

You sit there thinking about what to do and then you hop on your phone and onto your favorite social site.

And then you say to yourself, “Hey, it’s just 15 minutes. I can take a few minutes to enjoy a little social break.”

Or maybe you spend your day moving from one project to the next and just feeling stressed. And you’re thinking, “Did you just say take a social break? I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to get more patients from Facebook or how I’m going to increase my followers on Instagram.”

So whether you need ideas to grow your social presence or need a list of suggestions to use in those brief moments of time, I pulled together a list of things that you can do during those quick moments of the day to help you to keep growing your practice.

  1. Make a list of what social sites are bringing you the most traffic:

To make this list, log into your Google Analytics and click on the links to follow this sequence: Acquisitions > All Traffic > Referrals

You’ll see a list showing which social site is generating the most referral traffic to your website. Each site is linked to a breakdown of the actual posts people clicked on to reach your site.

Let’s just say for an example, my top referral source is Pinterest. When I’m in this section, I click on the Pinterest link and it takes me to a breakout of the top pins/images that brought people to my site. To help me better understand what people are interested in, I write out my top 10 pins and the number of traffic clicks from those images to my list of my top social sites.

I can also track my traffic from LinkedIn, my newsletter, and all the places where I do guest blog posts but not Facebook. Right now, Facebook is the only program that won’t give me more information other than the number of people who came to my site.

  1. Read and comment on one of your favorite blogs:

Take the whole 15 minutes to really read the article (not just scan it) and think about your comment. What could you say in your comment to really add to the conversation?

If you can’t add to the conversation, move on to the next blog post or another blogger’s site. It’s OK if it was something that was posted a couple of weeks or a month ago. The point is to spend some time crafting your comment so that you can contribute to the conversation and maybe even start a connection with your favorite blogger.

  1. Do a mini-brainstorm social session:

Is there one social site that you’ve been meaning to give a little attention to help you grow your followers? Try doing a little brainstorm session.

Start by looking at the top content on that site and make notes about what’s connecting with your fans. Now list 5 ideas that you could do to help you create or find more of the type of content your fans want to see more of.

And since you’re keeping this to 15 minutes, there’s no time to judge your ideas, just keep writing down everything that comes to your mind.

  1. Check whats going on with your Twitter account:

To see what’s happening with your Twitter account, click on Twitter and click the link to take you to your Notifications section. This is the place where you’ll be able to view your recent activity.

When I log into my Notifications, I usually do these steps:

  • Did someone new follow you? Click over to their profile and decide if you want to follow them back. Look through their tweets and retweet a post of theirs or comment on one of their tweets.
  • Did someone share your blog post or promote your services? Hit the reply button under their post and thank them for sharing your stuff. I usually add in a personal note to show that I’m not automating these thank you messages.
  1. Update your LinkedIn profile:

Sometimes we get so busy that we forget to add what we’re working on to our LinkedIn profile. I know this one well – it happens to me all the time!

Your LinkedIn profile is super important because if someone runs a Google search of your name, your LinkedIn profile will come up as an option. 

This may be one of the first places where a potential patient or partner will first learn about you so you want to make sure that your information is up to date.

To update your information, log into your LinkedIn profile, go to the Edit Profile section you’ll see the edit pencil next to all the sections } and ask yourself these questions:

  • Did you recently add in a new service? You can add that to your profile under the Project section.
  • Did you write a guest post on another blog? Add in the link in the Publications section.
  • Have your services changed? Make sure you update that in your Summary section as well as in the Experience section.
  1. Find new people in Instagram to follow:

Doing a search for people who do the same work as you do is a great way to see how others in your industry are using Instagram. Run a search for your company’s keywords in the search feature. The search looks like a magnifying glass and sees who comes up.

When I first started using Instagram for my practice, I ran a search and found a ton of people to follow when I searched for practices and subscription boxes. I also found that when I followed people who were like me, several of them followed me back.

Also, make some notes about what hashtags they’re using! I found several of my strongest hashtags from checking out what others who were doing the same type of work as me were using.

  1. Check your numbers in your social sites and set goals for each one for the month:

I usually do this at the end of every month so I can track what’s growing and what site needs a little help. And then I add in a goal number for the next month.

If you don’t know where to start, go into all the social media sites you’re currently using and write down all the analytics numbers like your followers, details about your posts like what day of the week you posted it, and other programs like your email list that you’re tracking.

As you continue to monitor these numbers, you’ll learn which ones create traction for your practice and help you make more sales. And these are the ones you’ll want to focus on each month.

  1. Find new boards to follow in Pinterest:

One of the best ways to help you grow your Pinterest account is to find new boards that are posting new content for you to re-pin on Pinterest. Run a search for new boards at least once a week.

  • Pinterest’s search feature is so easy to use and it’ll help you look for new people, boards, and pins. Just type in the words you’d use to run a search on Google.
  • This search is a huge help to look for more content to add to a board that you just started or want to grow. You’ll be able to find people who have already done the search work and just re-pin several of their pins. And depending on their content, go ahead and follow them or just their board.
  • Pinning and Re-Pinning can be a phenomenal source of traffic to your website
  1. Check your top posts on your Facebook Page:

For many practices, this may be the first thing one decides to do and work on. We kind of kept this to the end of this article so you can work on the outer things that may also benefit your practice as other sources of marketing. 

Now let’s get into it…

To access this information, go to your Facebook Page. Look for the tab on the top of your fan page that says Insights and click on that button.

Then start tracking the activity from your Facebook posts. I used a word document but you can set up a spreadsheet or just write it out on a piece of paper.

After you’ve logged into your Facebook Page Insights, review your posts and answer the following questions:

  • What were your top 5 posts for the week?
  • What time of day were they posted?
  • What day of the week were they posted?
  • What was the topic or message of these posts?
  • Did you add a video, photo or ask a question?

The more you check your Insights, the more you’ll start to see patterns emerge. You’ll start to see what type of content speaks more to your fans and what posts create more engagement with your potential clients.

Having an idea of what your Facebook Page Insights tell you gives you a better sense of direction for your Facebook Marketing.

  1. Remember how Awesome you are!

Take a moment to think about how far you’ve come, all the cool things you’ve done, and make a quick to-do list of what you want to work on next.

If you’re ready to approach your marketing differently in 2022, we would be elated to help!

If you’re tired of aimlessly posting wherever and everywhere and getting nowhere. If you’re done with the weekly struggle of what to post or what sites to use, it’s time to do something different to develop your custom marketing messages.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

A Quick Guide To Online Local Marketing For Practices

There are many factors that go into play to get you and your practice in front of many of the potential prospects in your local community.  The more ways you are able to be seen, heard, and found the more new patients you are going to drive into your practice.


This week we are going to cover 4 simple ways to get you in front of your eventual new patients.  Enjoy and as always we’d love your input if we missed something or drop a comment below so we can get to know you better.


  1. Localize your website


It’s a good idea to include a map and a link for directions. Having a map is helpful to describe your location in relation to landmarks. If you have a website or blog, it’s always a good idea to optimize it for locally relevant terms and colloquialisms.


  1. Create consistent listings


There are a ton of directory listing sites. If you are listing your practice on any number of these directories, it’s best to be consistent in your entries. For national listings and review sites, be sure that your practice is included in searches for the area. Consistency is key – make sure your address format is identical on all of the sites! It really does make a difference!


  1. Stay local on social


Follow and subscribe to other local pages such as Chambers of Commerce and media outlets. Search for local online groups to join as well. Don’t be afraid to share posts from fellow practices in your community to support them.


  1. Bring your online marketing to your practice


Online marketing doesn’t stop online. Use signage to drive visitors to your practice to your website and social media channels. If possible, drive text-to-join or SMS option from those that visit your physical location to sign up for your email and SMS lists. 

Boom…. that was quick!  Short, sweet, and to the point – now as always go take action on what we presented here for you and make a BIG IMPACT in your community.

So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here:

7 Types of LinkedIn Posts That Inspire Action

Today we want to help you with your LinkedIn profile to help you get more prospects from it.  Too often healthcare providers ignore this platform but remember, LinkedIn is the Facebook for professionals.  Even more important is that these prospects are known to have an even higher disposable income than Facebook prospects.


Learn what types of posts create engagement, their purpose, and posting frequency.


  1. The Thought Leadership Post


Provide education and new ideas through short tips, extended commentary and videos.


Goal / Objective: Build your authority on your topic within your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once or Twice Weekly


  1. The Curated Post


Sharing other people’s content allows you to stay top of mind with your target audience without having to create your own consistently.


Goal / Objective: Your goal with this type of post is to stay top of mind with your network while adding value to them.


Recommended Frequency: Two times per week


  1. The Promote Your Content Post


Share blog posts from your website or videos from your YouTube Channel.


Goal / Objective: The goal of this post is to drive traffic to the specific content you have created on your website or YouTube.


Recommended Frequency: Two-Three Times Weekly or more if you have the content.


  1. The Engagement Post


Ask questions or request comments on an idea or thought.


Goal / Objective: Encourage engagement and conversation with your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once a week / less often


  1. The Option Post


Share an opinion on something, either implicitly inviting others to join the conversation or explicitly asking them to share their opinions.


Goal / Objective: Inspire a conversation with your network.


Recommended Frequency: Once or Twice Monthly or Less Often


  1. The Celebration Post


Share your professional wins through insightful storytelling.


Goal / Objective: Humanize yourself or your practice while highlighting what you do professionally, allowing people to connect with you emotionally.


Recommended Frequency: As appropriate


  1. The Current Events Post


Share your thoughts on topics trending in the media. Current events are top of mind for many people and prompt conversations around the subject.


Goal / Objective: Inspire conversation around newsworthy events.


Recommended Frequency: Only when relevant


The caveat to any of these suggestions is to proceed within the scope of your standard operating procedures. Some current events might be sensitive in nature and should be considered accordingly.


So… if you are a private practice healthcare business owner and you are looking to grow and scale your practice or generate more new patients for the practice – we are here for you!  Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a call with us go here: